Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1469 I have no choice but to pledge myself to you in return.

The house transfer contract has been sent over, and Li Lingyu also brought a notary.

You only need to sign and take photos on site to complete the transaction.

As a notary, this is the first time for the little girl to work on such an occasion.

Not to mention the sight of the blood here, the smell of it can make people vomit!

The little girl was so frightened that she was crying. It was almost with Li Lingyu's help that she finally completed her work.

Even if Zhong Jingwen and Cen Jiamei have a million unwillingnesses in their hearts, they have to sign this contract now that the situation is compelling!

Because if you don’t sell it, the house will probably be seized soon and you won’t get a penny!

After the contract was signed, Li Lingyu left with the notary.

Chen Xin'an handed the contract to Dao Lei and said to him: "Take it back and show it to Mr. Dao, and we can complete the rest of the work!"

Dao Lei was stunned for a moment and asked strangely: "What's going on next?"

Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "Pay! I've already paid the deposit for you, and you still want me to pay the house payment as well?"

Dao Lei's eyes widened and he glanced at the contract in his hand. It turned out that the name written by the buyer of the house was actually his father Dao Yi's name!

I never expected that the boss had gone to such great lengths to buy this house for his father!

With the current wealth of the Dao family, they can only buy a bathroom in Four Seasons Garden.

But now a large house with three bedrooms and one living room, more than 100 square meters, can be bought for 300,000 yuan. This is a huge bargain!

"Boss..." Dao Lei was moved to tears. He held the contract in both hands and said excitedly to Chen Xin'an:

"I'm a big boss, so I won't say nice things! Anyway, the boss has nothing to repay for his kindness, so he can only give it to him with his own body!"

He held the contract in both hands and made a shy expression.

Chen Xin'an had goosebumps all over her body, kicked him in the leg and cursed:

“Get the hell out of here!

Within three days, transfer 300,000 yuan to the designated account above to complete the transaction.

I'll hire someone to install the floor slab myself tomorrow!

Now ask your brothers to move the car at the door and send our good man Mr. Zhong Jingwen off! "

Zhong Jingwen's face looked as if it was smeared with ashes from the bottom of a pot, and it was scary and gloomy.

He dragged Cen Jiamei onto the truck and said to everyone: "I will let her go at the Lijing Expressway intersection.

Chen Xin'an, remember what you promised just now, you can't chase me within an hour! "

The smiling Chen Xin'an nodded, and Sun Galuo next to him opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he still didn't say it.

The truck stepped on the accelerator and reversed, causing everyone to dodge.

Dirang, who was lying in a pool of blood, was very unlucky. Because he couldn't move away, he was directly hit by the truck's headshot and ran over, splattering a round of blood!

Everyone's livers trembled when they saw it. Dirang, who was lying on the ground, breathed his last in extreme pain and suffocation, and died!

"Damn! You uncle! A murderer!" Chen Xin'an yelled angrily.

Originally, Dirang could still hold on for more than half an hour, but being crushed like this made him burp in the guts. It was so inhumane!

Sungalo and a group of police officers rolled their eyes.

Don’t you know who the murderer is?

But in this case, Chen Xin'an did not kill the person.

Cen Jiamei is still alive, but Zhong Jingwen has already been sued for his life!

Sun Galo's face looked a little ugly and he said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, you cannot decide the whereabouts of criminal suspects on behalf of the police..."

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "Brother Luo, I will explain this matter to Leader Yuan. But I must let this person go!"

After hearing what he said, Sun Galo couldn't say anything.

Chen Xin'an said to Dao Lei, "Dalei, immediately arrange for someone to follow Sun Galuo.

No matter where he goes, he must follow him.

When you arrive at your destination, you must report to me any time you see anyone! "

Dao Lei said with a strange look on his face: "Boss, didn't you say you wouldn't chase him within an hour?"

Chen Xin'an said with a dark face: "Return the contract to me and change the name..."

"Boss, I'll go there in person!" Dao Lei said seriously:

“Such important things cannot be done well by others.

I am both wise and brave, and I will definitely be able to do a good job for my boss. Just wait for the news at home! "

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes and patted a card in his hand: "Remember, you go where he goes.

Don't let him find you, and don't lose him.

Whatever he does, don't pay attention, just follow it! "

Dao Lei's chest was beating loudly all day long, he nodded vigorously and said, "I'm doing the work, boss, don't worry!"

The Inca waiters and chefs were all handcuffed, the seriously injured were sent to the hospital, and the bodies were taken away.

Those thugs of World Food were all taken to the police station for processing.

The joint law enforcement team came to conduct a major inspection of Tianxia Food Headquarters and Lyman Restaurant.

Chen Xin'an did not stay here, but called Yuan Zhenhai to report the situation, and then returned to Hongyun Building.

Lin Guoping and the chef prepared a table of dishes. Ning Xiruo didn't eat a bite because she was waiting for Chen Xin'an, and now it's all cold.

Wang Yi and the others were sitting next to Ning Xiruo, talking to her.

Seeing Chen Xin'an coming, Du Yunyan gave up his position very wisely.

Chen Xin'an sat next to Ning Xiruo, held her hand, and said with a guilty look on her face: "I'm sorry for making you hungry until now!"

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said softly: "It's okay to eat it if it's warmed up. I'm not very hungry, so there's no point in eating alone!"

Du Yunyan held her stomach and said, "You are not hungry, but I am! Xiaodu, arrange for someone to come over and heat up all these dishes..."

Guandu said seriously: "No! It's for the young lady and uncle, no one else can eat it..."

Ning Xiruo said with a smile: "There is no such thing! Besides, how can two people eat so much? Heat it up and let everyone eat together!"

Guandu pouted and said: "Why can't two people eat these? I can do it alone!"

Everyone rolled their eyes together.

Who can compete with you two siblings?

The waiter came and took the dishes away.

A man next to him said to Wang Yi: "Wang Yi, where should we go to chat?"

"Why don't we talk tomorrow? I'm a little hungry now and want to eat something with you!" Wang Yi said to him with an apologetic smile.

The man curled his lips and said, “Then I’ll treat you to it!

How can anyone treat someone to a meal and serve stir-fried vegetables?

Saving this little money is really a bargain! "

Chen Xin'an raised his head and noticed two more people next to him.

In addition to Yang Zimo, Duoduo, and Yu Zetao, there was also a middle-aged man and woman.

But the middle-aged man Chen Xin'an knew him, and he was Fei Dongcheng, the director of Kyoto TV.

The middle-aged woman next to her is very strange and I have never seen her before.

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "Oh, isn't this Director Fei!

Fei, long time no see!

You tripped up the first sister last time, why did you come to see the first sister with such a shameful face today? "

Fei Dongcheng's face turned green. He glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "What nonsense are you talking about! I came to Wang Yi today for official business..."

"Nonsense!" Chen Xin'an scolded with a straight face: "Look at your dirty look, is it possible that the first sister would have a private matter with you if it wasn't for official business?

The toad wants to eat the swan's fart, right?

By the way, the Fei family has been ruined by me and has become a street rat.

It's amazing that you can still hold the position of director of the TV station! I admire you so much! "

When he mentioned this, Fei Dongcheng almost wanted to pounce on Chen Xin'an and bite him to death.

What the hell do you have the nerve to say?

How famous was the Fei family in Kyoto before?

What does it look like now?

It's all because of you, bastard!

He took a deep breath, tried his best to calm down, turned his head and said, "Chen Xin'an, I'm not here to quarrel with you.

I'm not here to find you either.

Today I accompanied Director Yu to find Wang Yi, just to ask Wang Yi to return to the TV station! "

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