Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1470 Would you like your child to have my last name?

It seems that in this investigation of Lehmann, Wang Yi cooperated with Kyoto TV.

It happened that Chen Xin'an asked her to help check out the world's delicacies, which was like doing things together.

In fact, as friends around him, whether it is Chen Xin'an and his wife, Du Yunyan and Konoha Zhen, they all know that Wang Yi has always had a knot in his heart.

She quit her job as a reporter at Haidong TV Station and came to Kyoto TV Station to work hard as an elite journalist.

But he was forced to resign within half a year.

Of course, she did well after leaving her job, doing well in self-media, and even secretly joined Dragon Shield.

Became a full-time dispatched investigator.

However, she still has a special feeling for Kyoto TV.

Everyone also feels that if there is a suitable opportunity for her to return to the TV station, she will still give up everything now and go back to that place.

Fei Dongcheng said to Wang Yi: "Wang Yi, you have seen the sincerity of our TV station this time. Director Yu came here in person. This is a treatment that no one has ever received!"

Wang Yi quickly stood up and bowed and said: "Thank you, Director Yu, for your appreciation. I will seriously consider this matter!"

"What else are you thinking about?" Fei Dongcheng looked at Wang Yi impatiently and asked:

"Do you think this kind of opportunity can always be waiting for you?

Wang Yi, our TV station has given you enough sincerity.

You can’t be ignorant of praise!

Don’t you still know what kind of treatment you will receive after joining our TV station?

Others can't get in even if they squeeze their heads, so you still have to think about it?

It's not okay to hold it like this! "

Director Yu waved to Fei Dongcheng, smiled and said to Wang Yi: "

Xiao Wang, I know that the TV station was really harsh on you in the past.

But the ultimate goal is to train you.

I also know that you still have feelings for our TV station.

Otherwise you wouldn't have done this for us without hesitation.

Your current business capabilities are also inseparable from the training given to you by the TV station.

So you have to know how to be grateful.

Let what happened in the past be in the past.

Work hard in the future and give back to the TV station.

Whatever you want, the organization will never be stingy and will definitely give it to you! "

Wang Yi lowered his head, his expression seemed hesitant.

Du Yunyan muttered at the side: "Sister Yi is able to achieve her current level of business solely through her own efforts.

What does it have to do with your Kyoto TV station?

I came here for half a year and worked hard to put on a show, but you just deleted it and forced me to leave my job.

Now we talk about cultivating others. Isn’t this a joke? "

Yu Taichang pulled his face and said in a deep voice: "Little girl, don't interrupt if you don't understand.

Saying the wrong thing will do you no good!

Local TV stations rely on Kyoto TV for training and guidance.

How can we say that people transferred from local areas have not received training from us? "

Wang Yi didn't want to see his friend being scolded, so he immediately asked the station director: "Director Yu, what do I have to pay for returning to the station?"

"What are you paying for?" Director Yu looked confused, smiled and shook his head and said, "Of course you have to put in your hard work and efforts to do your job well!"

Wang nodded and said: "Of course I know this, and I will definitely do it. What I want to ask is... forget it, I'll just tell you!

Director Yu, as you know, I also produced a live broadcast program, which is the column "One Says One".

If I could return to the TV station, it would not be easy to do this column today, and I don’t want to stop.

So I wanted to ask if I could..."

Before she could finish speaking, Director Yu waved his hand with a smile and said to her: "You don't have to worry about this!

This column is doing very well. Our TV station also held a meeting to study and decided to strongly support it!

So after returning to the TV station, you can continue to do this column.

Moreover, the news channel of the TV station has specially opened a news broadcast period for you! "

Wang Yi's face was full of surprise, so it was perfect!

She was just about to agree to Director Yu's request when a question suddenly occurred to her and she asked the Director:

“Sorry I have one last question.

That is, after I return to the TV station, I can continue to do this column.

Then I should still be responsible for this column, right? "

"Well..." Director Yu hesitated and looked at Fei Dongcheng beside him.

Wang Yi frowned.

Fei Dongcheng coughed twice and said to Wang Yi: "If you want to be responsible, the station can set up a program team, and you can serve as the deputy leader or something like that.

But there are no additional subsidies in terms of salary. "

"No!" Wang Yi frowned and asked, "Director Fei, I don't understand.

What does it mean that I want to be responsible?

Isn't this my own column? "

Fei Dongcheng said with a straight face: "Wang Yi, why do you think so?

If you return to the TV station, your column will be officially included in the TV station.

The station will increase its efforts and spend money and manpower to create this column.

So it should be a column in the station.

Under the guidance of unified regulation in Taili.

Other hosts will also be arranged to do this show together. "

Wang Yi's face became darker and darker, and now she finally understood why these two people wanted to recruit her back to Taiwan!

Wang Yi smiled self-deprecatingly, shook his head and said: "After working on it for a long time, all the talk about outstanding abilities and cherishing talents is all fake!

You want to drag me back to the TV station, but you still focus on my "One Story, One Story" column!

You value its popularity, so you want to snatch it away!

Sorry, I am no longer interested in returning to the TV station. Please come back! "

Director Yu and Fei Dongcheng's expressions also dropped, and they stared at Wang Yi with ugly expressions.

"Wow!" Fei Dongcheng snorted and said to her, "Don't be disrespectful!

Taili invites you back to give you a chance.

If you don't cherish this opportunity, Kyoto TV and even local TV stations will close their doors to you in the future, and there will be no room for you! "

Director Yu said to Wang Yi with a straight face: "Don't think we are so dirty!

Excellent programs need official support, otherwise you won't be able to do it!

We're not trashing this show, we're going to build it up, what else do you dislike? "

Wang Yi sneered and asked: "Director Yu, let me ask you.

If your child is given to me to raise, she will call me mom and follow my last name from now on.

I promise you that I will treat her well and give her the best food and the best food.

But it has nothing to do with you anymore, are you willing? "

Director Yu's face was gloomy, his lips pursed, and he said nothing.

Fei Dongcheng said to Wang Yi with a cold face: "Wang Yi, you only have this chance. If you don't seize it, you will never have another chance!

And I can guarantee that you will not be accepted by any TV station in the future, including your old club Haidong..."

Chen Xin'an pressed her hands on the table and said with a sneer: "What's wrong? Winning by tricks doesn't work, and you still want to rob?


Then I say you don’t dare, you don’t have the ability, do you want to take a gamble with me? "

Fei Dongcheng glared at Chen Xin'an, but did not dare to say a word.

He knows who Chen Xin'an is.

Director Yu said expressionlessly: "There is nothing you dare to do.

The self-media does not do whatever it wants.

If you don't have a press card, you don't have the authority to do this kind of program.

Cancel your press credentials, all I need is one sentence. "

Wang Yi's face suddenly turned pale.

Director Yu's words were like directly strangling her seven inches!

Chen Xin'an next to her sneered and said to Du Yunyan: "Yunyan, within five minutes, I want all the information about this woman!

Including her financial situation and family situation.

May I? "

Du Yunyan gritted her teeth and smiled: "No problem!"

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