Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1484 We have been married for more than three years

Ignoring his granddaughter standing aside gritting her teeth and cursing, Elder Li pointed to the chair next to him and motioned Chen Xinan to sit down.

Chen Xinan was not polite either, pulled the chair over, and sat down in front of the bed.

"Do you know about Qingxi Feigaer Lake?" Elder Hua looked at Chen Xinan and asked.

Chen Xinan nodded and said, "I haven't heard of it!"

Elder Hua: "..."

Elder Li: "..."

Li Niandong: "..."

You nodded your head if you haven't heard of it?

Besides, haven't you heard of the first lake in the frontier of China?

Are you Chinese?

Actually, this can't be blamed on Chen Xinan, after all, he grew up in Qingniu Mountain.

Before going down the mountain, the farthest place he had been to was the cliff behind the mountain.

Although they all went abroad after going down the mountain, they had never been to Qingxi after all.

It's not easy to travel, how could he know Feigaer Lake?

Mr. Hua explained to him helplessly: "Lake Fegal is a lake on the western border.

Half of it is in China, and the other half is shared by Inca and Xinlun.

However, the two countries often have conflicts over this lake because of unclear boundaries.

This time, the two countries want to redraw the boundaries and ask China to be a witness.

Because Lake Fegal in China is under military control, we will send Mr. Li and you there."

Chen Xin'an nodded and understood.

This is to be a peacemaker!

He curled his lips and said with disdain: "I don't have a good impression of Inca and Xinlun, it's better to fight!"

"What are you talking about!" Boss Hua scolded: "Fergal Lake has rich mineral resources, it can be said to be a treasure trove.

If we really fight to grab its resources, our China will also be implicated.

Since we want to mediate, we must succeed.

Xin'an, you have a heavy task.

On the one hand, you must always guard against the representatives of Inca and Xinlun from clashing at any time.

On the other hand, you must also be vigilant against some local underground forces that may sabotage the negotiations.

Those people are a group of people who have gained direct benefits from the dispute between the two countries.

They will not let the negotiations end smoothly!"

Old Li patted Chen Xin'an on the shoulder and said: "Xin'an, don't think that you are just pouring wine there, you are going to be at the table!"

"Ah?" Chen Xin'an widened his eyes.

Mr. Li said solemnly: "There are some things that I can't say.

But if you say it, it will have unexpected effects.

So you are not just going to protect me, you have to sit down at the negotiation table directly.

And how to quell the potential dangers in the area depends on you."

Chen Xinan pouted and said: "What Mr. Li said, there are green-clad policemen in the area!"

Mr. Li nodded and said: "Yes! But they are knives. And the one holding the knife is you!"

Chen Xinan stopped talking.

Li Niandong looked at Chen Xinan and said with a curled lip: "What's wrong? Are you scared?"

Chen Xinan ignored her and said to Mr. Hua and Mr. Li: "I will take the team there myself. The leader needs to give me some authority.

For some things, I need to act first and report later.

The most important thing is, without delaying the mission, do not restrict the actions of me and my team members.

We need the full cooperation of local officials!"

Mr. Hua and Mr. Li looked at each other and nodded and said: "Okay!"

Chen Xinan continued: "I also need a guide translator.

Not only must he know the local language, but he must also be proficient in Inca and Xinlun, and it would be best if he can speak Eagle Flag!"

Mr. Hua and Mr. Li laughed.

The two raised their hands at the same time, pointed at Li Niandong and said, "She is!"

Li Niandong curled his lips and said, "Visiting professor of the Language Department of Kyoto University.

Proficient in more than 130 local dialects of China.

And proficient in the languages ​​of more than 20 countries, including Yingqi, Daying, Dachao, Inca, Xinlun, Tailan, etc.

Traveled to more than 20 provinces and more than 300 cities in the country, and stayed in Qingxi for a whole year.

Visited more than 100 countries and..."

Before she finished speaking, Chen Xinan said to Mr. Hua and Mr. Li, "Change one!"

Everyone: "..."

Li Niandong looked at Chen Xinan angrily and cursed, "Are you sick?

You still don't like me, such an excellent tour guide and translator?

Let's not talk about whether I like you or am willing to take you.

I just want to know why you don't like me?

What conditions of mine make you dissatisfied?"

She was born in a noble family and was excellent, so she held her head high and was quite proud in front of anyone.

Never expected that in front of Chen Xinan, she was repeatedly frustrated and defeated.

She was too unwilling to be despised and humiliated by this guy again and again!

So she must seek an explanation for herself!

"Chen Xin'an, tell me a reason.

A reason that I can't refute!

What on earth do you think is unqualified?

Others can replace me!"

Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "I want a man, so you are not suitable!"


Isn't this crazy?

Do you want a guide or do you want to be gay?

Why are you still picking gender?

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "I haven't been to Qingxi, but I know that many places there are endless grasslands.

It's very convenient for men to go to the toilet there. They can just turn around and unzip their pants to pee.

But it is very troublesome for you women. You have to walk a long way and it takes too much time!

The place was so big that it would take half a day to ride a horse.

Time is precious.

It’s not worth spending a long time waiting for you to go to the toilet! "

"You..." Li Niandong's face turned red with embarrassment, but he couldn't argue at all!

Mr. Hua and Mr. Li smiled at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

The only person who can make this girl feel weak is Chen Xin'an!

Mr. Li said to Chen Xin'an: "It's not too late to choose the guide when we get there.

Regarding the candidates for your team, I will ask someone to send you a pass signed by Hua Lao and I.

With this sign, you can go anywhere in Qingxi without any obstruction.

All local government departments will cooperate vigorously! "

Chen Xin'an grinned upon hearing this and said to Mr. Hua and Mr. Li: "This thing is great!

If it's not too much trouble, please ask the two leaders to do more.

It’s best to make it something that can be used across the country.

I need about eight hundred pass cards. That's enough.

If it’s not enough, I’ll ask the two leaders for more! "

Hua Lao and Li Lao's faces darkened immediately.

Mr. Li snorted and said: "There are ten in total. It is only applicable in Qingxi.

It only has this one-time use period.

When you come back, you have to hand it in! "

Chen Xin'an pouted and said, "This is too stingy..."

Seeing the unkind eyes of the second elder, Chen Xin'an nodded quickly and said, "Okay, then I will select the right people as soon as possible to form a team!"

Li Niandong said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, if you want to ensure grandpa's safety, you must use someone you trust.

When you find a local guide, can you guarantee that he is not a bad person?

So you can only choose me! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at her and said expressionlessly: "If you bring a few more boxes of diapers, I can consider it!"

"You bastard!" Li Niandong's face turned red and he pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "A straight man like you is the kind of person who can never find a girlfriend in his life!"

Just then Ning Xiruo and Luo Qianhe walked in supporting Mrs. Wen.

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "Sorry, I don't have a girlfriend!

But as for my wife, I already have one! "

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and held Ning Xiruo in his arms.

Li Niandong glanced at Ning Xiruo and said disdainfully: "Your life is not bad.

Although my wife looks ordinary, she has a pretty good temper and can tolerate you.

Anyone who is even remotely beautiful can't stand your bad temper and will divorce you within three days! "

Ning Xiruo smiled slightly and took off her disguise in front of everyone, revealing her true appearance.

Qiao smiled sweetly and hugged Chen Xin'an's arm and said, "I'm sorry, we have been married for more than three years!"


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