Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1485 No need to trouble you, I have a private jet

Why are these two couples so bullying?

Li Niandong was so angry that he almost cried!

People do cosmetic surgery to make themselves more beautiful.

This one was good, he looked so good that even she was jealous, but he wore an ordinary-looking mask!

Are you afraid that someone will snatch you away from you while you are walking on the street?

But honestly speaking, this is really possible!

After suffering too many blows, Li Niandong was completely sunk.

After Ning Xiruo arrived, she shut her mouth and didn't want to say a word.

Luo Qianhe pulled Chen Xin'an aside and whispered: "The old lady's health is probably worse than Mr. Hua's.

The stomach problem is serious and now it has seriously affected my appetite.

I'm going to contact the doctor and perform gastric surgery on her.

But once the necrotic part is removed, she may not be able to eat anymore.

If you continue like this, you will get anorexia.

It’s very difficult! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to him: "Don't do it if you can't do it!

I've checked the old lady's health, and it's a big problem.

Xiruo's massage can only relieve the pain, but cannot cure it.

Let me think of other ways. "

The key is that time is too tight and I have to leave the day after tomorrow. What else can I think of?

"One more thing!" Luo Qianhe scratched his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "The old lady discussed with Mr. Hua and wanted me to go to the Qingwa Tower..."

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, looked at Luo Qianhe and asked, "What do you mean? Want you to be their godson?"

Move in with them? "

Luo Qianhe glanced at him with disgust and said, "He's a private doctor! What are you thinking about!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and punched him and said, "Then why do you think I called you here?"

Did this silly boy really think that he was brought here just to participate in an operation?

Just build a bridge for him and push him in front of Hua Lao and the others.

So Ge Ge was hired by Hua Lao as his personal doctor, which was originally Chen Xin'an's purpose.

"But if this happens, I won't be able to accompany you to Qingxi!" Luo Qianhe said to Chen Xin'an worriedly.

"Junior brother!" Chen Xin'an patted Luo Qianhe on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, junior brother, I will bring more people over there.

These are the things you need to take care of at home.

To be honest, I had no intention of letting you go from the beginning! "

Luo Qianhe: "..."

Chen Xin'an patted the wrinkles on his clothes and said earnestly: "Junior brother, don't waste your good intentions!"

Luo Qianhe looked at him directly and asked quietly: "Senior brother, are you sure you didn't push me out because you didn't want to enter the Qingwa Building?"

Chen Xin'an's hands trembled and she scolded with a straight face: "Junior Brother, how can you maliciously speculate on Senior Brother's love for you! It really makes me sad!"

Luo Qianhe curled his lips and watched coldly.

Please continue your performance.

Chen Xin'an became angry and kicked him on the butt and cursed: "Just do whatever I ask you to do. Don't think about what you have and what you don't have all day long."

After the examination, the rehabilitation plan was re-arranged for Shi Guangzu and Fan Meiqi. Anyway, with his junior brother watching, Chen Xin'an can rest assured about Mr. Hua.

Saying goodbye to everyone, Chen Xin'an was leaving with his wife.

Li Niandong chased him out and said to Chen Xin'an: "Send me your team list as soon as possible.

Prepare the plane here.

Don't act like you're organizing a group tour at public expense. You can't let us charter a passenger plane for you alone!

Non-essential personnel do not need to go, otherwise I will not approve it. "

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said with disdain: "There is no need to report it to you, and there is no need to trouble you to prepare the plane!

I have one myself, I flew there on my own private jet! "

The last time Mr. Shen came to Kyoto, he actually wanted to discuss something with Chen Xin'an.

That Riptide G3 is becoming more and more useless to Mr. Shen.

It is not used a few times a year, but is loaned out more frequently.

So he wanted to simply sell it to Chen Xin'an.

The two of them hit it off immediately.

Chen Xin'an also felt that it was troublesome to borrow it every time.

I have also become friends with the crew, so naturally it is better to become one of my own.

He is also a man who is not short of money, and he bought it for 13 million.

It's equal to how much Mr. Shen bought it and how much he sold it for.

The annual maintenance and repair fees, plus the airport concession fees, are more than 5 million.

But for Chen Xin'an, this little money is nothing.

This guy actually has a private jet!

Li Niandong, who originally wanted to take advantage of Chen Xin'an, felt even more depressed!

Chen Xin'an hugged Ning Xiruo and left with a proud look on her face.

Li Niandong was so angry that he gritted his teeth and wanted to go up and kick him.

But he could only stamp his feet, turned around and returned to the ward angrily.

As soon as I got on Longye, my phone rang.

Chen Xin'an took it out and answered: "Sister Qing, what's wrong?

What? Is there anything going on at Hongyun Tower?

That's good, okay, Xiruo and I will go there right now. "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "There was a fire in the commercial building opposite Hongyun Building last night.

Tianxia Cuisine and Lyman were all burned down! "

Ning Xiruo frowned and said, "Intentional or a mistake?"

"I don't know!" Chen Xin'an said, "It's still under investigation! Let's go over and take a look!"

Warning tapes have been put up on the streets.

The Lehman Restaurant, which was bustling yesterday, has now been turned into a black ruin.

The whole building is still smoking, and the five floors below have become horrible.

Fortunately, the evacuation was timely and no major casualties were caused.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo walked into Hongyun Building.

Guan Qing came forward and said, "The fire department just released the results of the investigation. There are traces of gasoline burning. It should be arson!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, and he thought so after seeing the scene.

Someone deliberately burned down the Tianxia Food Headquarters and Lehman Restaurant.

But why?

Yesterday, the police found contraband here and took it back to the police station.

If someone wants to destroy these things and cover up the crime, it is useless to burn this place again!

Moreover, the police and the joint law enforcement team made such a big move that there is no possibility of information delay, so that those people don’t know that the things have been taken away.

So this approach can only mean one thing.

There are actually more important things here than those contraband!

They can’t take it away, but they can’t let others find out, so they can only burn it down!

Chen Xinan took out his cell phone and made a call: "Brother Luo, where is he? Is he sick? Has he been sent to the hospital? When did it happen? Contact those two brothers immediately!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xinan's face was gloomy, and he had a vague premonition that something was wrong.

Guan Qing came over and said to Chen Xinan: "Son-in-law, the young lady just told me that she was going to Qingxi.

This time I want Guan Fei and Guan Du to go with you and the young lady, and I will stay to take care of Hongyun Building, okay?"

Chen Xinan thought about it, nodded to Guan Qing and said: "Okay! If you have time, help Zhou Zhi by the way, the company depends on you.

I have already transferred Lingyin and Lingyu to deal with Maoping New District!"

"Okay!" Guan Qing nodded, called Guan Fei and Guan Du over, and gave them many instructions.

Chen Xinan and Ning Xiruo both understood what she meant. This was to officially hand over Ning Xiruo's bodyguard work to the brother and sister!

The phone rang again, and Chen Xinan answered it immediately. Sun Jialuo's anxious voice came from the other end: "Mr. Chen, 20 minutes ago, a serious traffic accident occurred on Guangchang Road. Our car that took the suspect to the hospital collided with a seafood truck that ran a red light. The police officer was injured, and two suspects died and one was injured!"

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