Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1486 Who hurt my partner?

Leaving Ning Xiruo at Hongyun Building, Chen Xin'an drove Longye straight to the city's Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

In the lobby of the emergency building, two police officers covered in blood leaned against the wall and shouted to the doctor: "Save the seriously injured person first, we are fine!"

On the two stretchers, one person has been covered with a white sheet, and the other person is covered in blood. Every time he gasps, a mouthful of blood foam will pour out of his mouth.

A doctor in a white coat said to the nurse beside him: "The emergency room is already occupied, push him to the operating room on the fifth floor!"

"Yes!" The nurse pushed up the stretcher trolley and hurried into the elevator, followed closely by the nurse in a white coat.

Two police officers waved and shouted: "Wait a minute, your wounds need to be treated..."

By the time the two police officers finally got rid of them and rushed to the elevator, the doctor and nurse had already gone up.

The two of them quickly ran up the stairs without saying anything.

By the time we reached the fifth floor, the elevator was already moving upward.

Two police officers hurriedly grabbed a nurse and asked her, "Excuse me, where is the operating room on this floor?"

The nurse looked at them strangely and said, "There is no operating room on this floor! The operating room is on the eighth floor!"

The two police officers looked at each other.

Broken, fooled!

"Weigang, you go to the eighth floor! I'll go downstairs!" a police officer shouted to his companion.

The companion nodded, turned around and was about to run upstairs. Suddenly he turned around and came back and shouted: "Da Zhou, be careful! Call me if you need anything!"

"Okay!" The two parted ways at the top of the stairs.

Wei Qiang didn't wait for the elevator and ran straight up the stairs.

When we got to the eighth floor, we immediately went to the operating room.

Sure enough, no wounded were brought in.

Wei Qiang did not dare to delay, and immediately ran down the stairs. As he ran, he said to the intercom: "Da Zhou, there is no one in the operating room on the eighth floor! What's the situation over there?"

After a burst of noise, there was no sound from the intercom.

Wei Qiang frowned and walked downstairs faster.

At the corner of the third floor, Wei Qiang was about to run to the second floor, but suddenly stopped.

He took two steps back and looked at the handrail of the stairs beside him.

There are two blood stains on the yellow artificial wood, ranging from shallow to deep.

Wei Qiang looked at the direction where the blood stains were fading, turned around and opened the isolation door of the stairwell.

There is a door not far away that seems to be ajar.

That's where the cleaning aunt puts the sundries.

Wei Qiang carefully opened the door, and there sat a policeman wearing a blood-stained uniform and furious!

There was a dagger stuck in his chest, and he was holding a handful of hair in his right hand.

That's a wig used to pretend to be a woman!

"Da Zhou!" Wei Qiang shouted, and was about to pick him up, but Da Zhou summoned all his strength to push him away, and one word popped out of his mouth: "Chase!"

Wei Qiang's face was full of hesitation, but looking at Da Zhou's determined eyes, he gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and ran out!

"Come to the utility room to save people!" Wei Qiang shouted loudly in the corridor, then turned and ran downstairs!

There were still many people in the hall, and Wei Qiang could distinguish suspicious figures among the crowd.

Two nurses walked over, and one of them covered his mouth and said with a smile: "The person just now was obviously a man, and he was wearing our nurse uniform. It's really weird!"

The companion laughed and said: "What the hell, he is still wearing stockings..."

"Where are they?" Wei Qiang stopped in front of them and said with wide eyes, "Tell me quickly, how many of them have they gone to?"

The two nurses suddenly saw a bloody man rushing out in front of them and screamed in fear.

But after seeing the uniform on his body, he breathed a sigh of relief and pointed outside.

A nurse with a round face said: "Went to the parking lot. There were three of them, one of them was in a wheelchair and was being pushed..."

Wei Qiang rushed out quickly!

From a distance, I saw a man in a white coat and a nurse's uniform helping a man out of a wheelchair and into the back seat of a Honda.

Then the white coat also followed in.

The man in nurse uniform quickly walked to the driver's seat, opened the door and got in.

By the time Wei Qiang ran over, the Honda had already started, roared, and rushed towards the gate!

Wei Qiang chased after him, shouting loudly: "Stop! I am a policeman, stop!"

People around him tried to avoid it, and the Honda drove faster and faster, and it was already out of the gate!

The driver stretched out a hand, shook Wei Qiang who could no longer run behind, and made a provocative move to stab him!

Just when Wei Qiang felt desperate, a Dragon Flag-like SUV suddenly turned from the side and hit the Honda without any warning!

The left arm that the driver stretched out was pinched off before he could retract it!

The entire car was hit so hard that one of the wheels on one side was tilted up, and then it fell to the ground with a bang!

The windshield of the Honda was shattered. The driver braked, hung his left arm out of the window, slammed the steering wheel with his hand, and screamed loudly in pain!

But the undamaged SUV had no intention of letting them go.

After a half-circle, he came back. This time, the front of the car was facing the door. Two long forks protruded from the front of the bumper. Then he stepped on the accelerator and rushed over!

The white coats and wounded people in the back dared to sit inside, opened the door on the other side, and ran out.

Before they could run three meters, there was a bang and the two cars collided again.

The fork knife pierced the body of the car, pushing the Honda car sideways for several meters, and then hit a lamppost on the side of the road, unable to move!

Chen Xin'an got out of the car and looked at the nurse uniform stuck in the cab because the door was deformed and her arm was injured. She asked expressionlessly: "Who sent you here?"

The nurse pretending to know that Chen Xin'an bumped into him on purpose, gritted her teeth and cursed: "I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill your whole family! Ah!"

Chen Xin'an was not used to his bad habits, so she grabbed his arm hanging outside the car window, pulled it out, and broke it!

The nurse pretended to bang her head against the steering wheel due to the severe pain, and her forehead even pretended to be bleeding but she still didn't stop.

He kept spewing curse words from his mouth and shouted through gritted teeth: "If you have the guts, tell me what your name is!

If I can leave alive, I will definitely kill your whole family! "

"I am Chen Xin'an! Don't worry, I won't kill you! Because you are more useful alive than a corpse!" Chen Xin'an said coldly.

The nurse uniform suddenly closed her mouth and remained silent.

His eyes stared at the man next to him in horror, and the expression on his face gradually changed from fear to despair.

Suddenly, he grabbed a piece of broken glass that fell on the dashboard with his right hand and stabbed it into his throat!

What the hell...

Chen Xin'an was also a little stunned. He didn't expect that the other party would play such a trick!

Does my name all ward off evil spirits in this way?

As soon as I said it, I stabbed myself!

Ten meters away, Wei Qiang stood in front of the white coat and the wounded man.

The wounded man who was still vomiting blood had handcuffs on his hands.

Wei Qiang took out his gun, pointed at his white coat and said, "Put your hands up! Don't move!"

The corners of his white coat curled up, he pulled the wounded man in front of him, and said to Wei Qiang with a sneer:

"This is on the street, do you dare to shoot?

Not as good as this.

I will take this person away regardless of life or death.

Just pretend you didn't see it and let us go, okay? "

Wei Qiang gritted his teeth and cursed: "You are wishful thinking here! Who just hurt my partner Da Zhou?"

The white coat frowned, then understood and asked him:

"Who are you, the policeman?

You see, the knife is still on me, so it's obvious that the knife stuck in his body is not mine.

So there’s no need to ask who hurt your partner, right?

It must be... Damn it!

what happened? "

He wanted to point his finger at the nurse pretending to be the driving companion.

But I saw a strange scene.

The guy actually stabbed himself in the throat with the glass!


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