Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1498 He is just a child

The two teenagers were frightened by Grasshopper's aura.

The freckled face winked at Big Buck Tooth, and said to Grasshopper: "Forget it, you're a smart guy! You go, we don't want your watch anymore!"

The Grasshopper breathed a sigh of relief, took two steps back, turned around and left.

But at this moment, the freckled face quietly rushed up and slapped the grasshopper on the back of the head!

The Grasshopper fell down on the ground.

The freckled face pressed down on him, pressing his head into the grass so that he could not move. He turned to the big bucktooth and smiled: "Grab his watch!"

Big Bucktooth rushed forward, took Grasshopper's arm and pulled it down hard, and cursed: "Let your kid do it again..."


Before he finished speaking, he was kicked out!

Chen Xin'an stood in front of the freckled face with a gloomy face. The boy was so frightened that he quickly let go of his hand holding the grasshopper's head.

As soon as he stood up, he was slapped away by Chen Xin'an!

"Master!" Grasshopper turned over, his face turned blue from being suffocated, and his mouth and nose were full of dirt.

When he saw Chen Xin'an, he stood up crying and pointed at the two young masters and said: "They took my watch..."

Chen Xin'an nodded, said nothing, and squatted down to check his body.

I breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that nothing was serious.

The two teenagers, one covering his stomach and the other covering his face, got up from the ground. They didn't even dare to say anything, turned around and ran away crying.

Chen Xin'an didn't chase him either.

Two little brats, there is no need for him to be stubborn.

He turned around, helped wipe away Grasshopper's tears and said, "Grasshopper, I'm sorry.

Master has been following you just now and did not come out to help you in time, so you were beaten!

But don't cry, man, you bleed and sweat but don't shed tears! "

"Master, I didn't cry when I fought with them just now!" Grasshopper wiped away his tears and looked up at Chen Xin'an and said.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, touched the grasshopper's head and said: "You just used the wrong strength!

Come, Master will teach you how to hit people now!

Remember, the strength of the upper limbs relies on the waist, and the strength of the lower limbs relies on the hips.

Pay close attention to the master's punching movements and use all your body's strength to punch out your own attacks.

Remember, you must feel the process of your own exertion and learn to truly control it.

This is very critical to whether you can master your inner strength in the future! "

Chen Xin'an was talking, and Grasshopper listened carefully.

A pair of master and apprentice were practicing martial arts in a small park, having fun.

The two teenagers who ran away crying just now came back again, bringing a group of people behind them, both men and women.

From a distance, I saw that Chen Xin'an and Grasshopper were still there. His freckled face pointed to them with a cry: "That's him!"

A group of men and women rushed over, pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed loudly: "You were the one who beat my child just now? Why did you beat him? Do you see how the child's face was beaten?"

"My son was also kicked in the stomach by him! He even peeed blood when he got home!

Let me tell you, if my son has any internal injuries, I won’t be done with you! "

"You said you are such a big man, what is your ability to bully two children?"

Grasshopper became anxious, pointed at the freckled face and the big buck teeth and said, "They wanted to steal my phone and watch, and they beat me! That's why my master taught them a lesson!"

A fat woman, who looked like a mother with freckles, scolded Grasshopper coldly:

"What stole your watch?

My son has it himself, why are you taking it from you?

I just want to tease you. "

A woman with protruding teeth shouted loudly: "He's just a child!

Just likes to have fun.

Just being naughty is not a big mistake.

Do you need to be so cruel?

I can't even lift a finger on my child, why do you beat him? "

Chen Xin'an shouted to everyone impatiently: "Why are you shouting!

Does having a loud voice mean you are right?

These two boys were blocking roads and robbing people at a young age.

Without discipline, what can you do when you grow up?

Have you ever been reluctant to lift a finger since you were a child?

If you don’t educate them now, when they get into trouble, someone will help educate them! "

A group of parents became anxious, pointing at Chen Xin'an and yelling:

“Even if someone educates you, it’s not your turn to educate!

What kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to be like a wolf with my mother here? "

"How come a child's play is related to a robbery?

You are really good at hating me!

Is the court opened in your home? "

"No matter what you do, it's just children's play, why do you, an adult, get involved?

You're such a big man and you're probably tired of beating a child, right? "

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an was annoyed to death.

If it were a group of fierce enemies, whether they were international killers or gunmen, Chen Xin'an would not feel irritated when dealing with them.

It's just life and death, he has confidence.

But now he was dealing with a group of unreasonable ordinary people, so he couldn't just raise his fists and kill everyone!

"It's just a play between children, right?" Chen Xin'an looked at everyone and said, "Okay, let them solve it themselves, okay?"

A group of people looked at each other, looked at the Grasshopper, and then looked at their son who was much taller than the boy, with contemptuous sneers on their faces.

"This is what you said! If something happens, we will not be responsible!"

"Take a cell phone and record it to save him from blackmailing you later!"

"My son has never been bullied like this. I can't help him if he gets severely punished later!"

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, touched the grasshopper's head and said, "Don't be afraid, the master is here!"

Grasshopper took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an: "Master, I'm not afraid!

What you said is worse than evil, and evil will not dare to come near you!

Even the Grasshopper remembers it! "

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded, gently stroked his head and said, "Go!"

Grasshopper walked forward with his head held high, pointed at his freckled face and big buck teeth, and said to them: "Come on, come on together!"

Although he is not tall and his body is a little thin, he is very powerful.

The two teenagers seemed a little frightened. They looked at the Grasshopper and then at Chen Xin'an, hesitating.

The parents behind them felt a little embarrassed and pushed them!

"It's a shame for such a stupid guy like Bai Chang to be frightened by a little kid!"

"You two can teach that kid a lesson with one hand tied, so what are you afraid of!"

"Go up, I hit you just now, hit you twice as hard now!"

"Our family has always been the only one to take advantage of others. When have we ever suffered such a loss? Come over here!"

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes, squatted on the ground, and picked up the pebbles in the grass with her hands intentionally or unintentionally.

The two young men were worried, gritted their teeth and walked towards Grasshopper.

The moment they clenched their fists and rushed towards Grasshopper, Chen Xinan flicked his fingers.

Two stones flew out and silently hit the two young men on their ankles!

"Ouch!" The two teenagers screamed, staggering and grimacing in pain.

But Grasshopper had already rushed forward, clenched his fist and hit them hard on the face.

With Grasshopper's current strength, his agility is okay, but his strength is lacking. After all, he is too young.

But it's still enough to deal with these two bad boys!

I just learned some attack techniques from my master, and now I am using them in actual combat.

Grasshopper waved his little fist, not giving the two teenagers a chance to breathe, and punched them in the face.

In less than a minute, his freckled face and big buck teeth were beaten to pieces, it was so miserable!

The men and women next to me were all anxious!

"Trash! Fight back! What are you two doing! You can't even beat a little brat, how embarrassing is that!"

The freckled face and big buck teeth made me cry!

It's not that they didn't want to fight back, but just as they were about to take action, their bodies were hit by something hard that didn't know where they came from, and they were immediately in pain and lost all their strength.

"Stop fighting, I was wrong! I shouldn't have snatched your watch!" Freckles Face couldn't bear it anymore, and he knelt down on the ground, holding his head and crying loudly and shouted to Grasshopper.

Big Bucktooth followed suit and knelt down beside him facing the Grasshopper!


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