Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1499 Do you even dare to provoke him?

The surrounding parents all looked ugly, as if they had eaten shit.

My son is a head taller than the others and has a strong build, so it’s better to fight two against one.

He was beaten as hard as a pig's head and even knelt down without saying anything!

This is really embarrassing and humiliating!

But when I saw that miserable face covered with blood, I felt heartbroken!

The buck-toothed woman wailed and rushed forward, pulling her son with her, pointing at the Grasshopper and yelling:

"You little bastard!

I really don’t know how important it is to start!

Look at how he beat my son. Even a mother like me would never be willing to hit him so hard!

At a young age, you are crueler than a wolf. I will teach you a lesson for your mother! "

She raised her arm and swiped at Grasshopper's face, but before she could touch him, someone rushed over and kicked her away!

"Damn it!" A man screamed, clenched his fists and cursed Chen Xin'an: "If you dare to hit my wife and children, I will fight with you!"

He ran up to Chen Xin'an with his fist raised. Before he could make a move, Chen Xin'an kicked him in the stomach.

When he fell to the ground, he happened to be lying next to his wife!

The people next to him looked at Chen Xin'an and subconsciously took a step back.

Good guy, who are these masters and disciples?

No one is easy to mess with!

The buck-toothed woman lay on the ground and cried like a pig: "I killed someone!"

Is there any royal method?

Call the police!

What are you doing, boss? Call the police!

Catch these two bandits! "

Chen Xin'an looked at the woman expressionlessly and said, "If you say another word of nonsense, I will make you unable to even speak!"

The woman had never been so angry before. She showed off her playful skills, pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed:

"Kill me if you dare!

Is there any more heavenly justice?

You have a mother but not a mother..."


Before she could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an strode over and kicked her on the chin!

The buck-toothed woman spurted blood from her mouth, hit her head heavily on the ground, and large mouthfuls of blood foam poured out of her mouth!

Her husband wailed, got up and was about to fight with Chen Xin'an, but Chen Xin'an chopped him off with a kick, crushing his left arm directly with a click!

"Ah!" The man rolled on the ground holding his severed arm.

The people next to him turned pale with fear, and the two teenagers even cried loudly!

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone with a look of disgust and scolded: "The children are not cared for, and they are allowed to do evil since they were young.

You still blindly protect the calf, do not distinguish between right and wrong, and act recklessly. Are you worthy of being a parent?

You don't need to secretly call the police. You can directly call the captain of the criminal investigation team of the city bureau.

I'll tell you the number, or you can call 110 and ask them to call you.

If you think your level is not high enough, I will give you the phone number of Yuan Zhenhai, the leader of the municipal bureau!

Tell them to send the police quickly, I'll wait here!

These two children should have done this kind of thing not once or twice.

You can't control it, I'll let them live in a detention center for two years and let the police help you control it! "

A group of people were too scared to say anything nonsense.

No one wants to be like that couple, it really hurts to look at them!

Originally, this person was just talking, venting his anger and leaving with his apprentice. After all, they didn't suffer any loss.

I didn’t expect this guy to be serious!

When he saw the man in the crowd who called the police put down his cell phone, he grabbed it and pressed 110!

After a while, the police from the nearby police station arrived.

What they didn't expect was that none of the people watching the excitement were helping the two families!

"These two families are such bastards! They don't care about their children's bad deeds, and then they come to settle accounts with others after being punished. How can they have the face!"

"Two and a half-year-old boys can't beat a primary school boy, and the parents go back on their word and interfere indiscriminately. They also want to beat this little kid. He deserves to be beaten!"

"This is not the first time these two boys have done this!

Last week, my granddaughter came with me, and they took away the small toy camera she was holding. Now I don’t dare to bring my granddaughter here to play! "

Faced with the accusations from everyone, everyone in the two families looked panicked.

Chen Xin'an pointed at the two teenagers and said to the police officers: "Send these two boys to the city bureau.

Tell Sungalo to open a room just for them and keep it closed for a week.

Just treat them like ordinary detainees! "

"Okay!" The police officer nodded to Chen Xin'an, and then took out the handcuffs.

The two teenagers were so frightened that their legs weakened, and they cried and hid behind the adults.

A group of adults were also frightened. They didn't expect things to get to this point.

The freckled-faced mother knelt down to Chen Xin'an, kowtowed and said:

"Sorry, we were wrong!

Please don't do this. Once you do this, your child's life will be over! "

"Is there any difference?" Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes and looked at her coldly and asked: "You don't care anyway, let them do evil at a young age.

Isn’t this life over?

Locking them up now will help them harm fewer people! "

The woman quickly kowtowed and said, "We will take care of it! We promise to strictly discipline you in the future. Please give us a chance!"

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to talk nonsense to these people and said to the police: "Remember their names, next time if someone reports the crime, they will be locked up directly!

Ask them how many people's things they have robbed and where they are?

Return what you can, and compensate for the damaged items at double the price.

If you can't find the owner, punish their parents to give away 100 bottles of water to people in the park every day for free!

Until one month is up! "

After explaining, Chen Xinan touched the grasshopper's head and said, "Let's go home!"

Looking at Chen Xinan's back, the freckle-faced father whispered to the police officer, "Find out who that person is?"

The police officer glanced at him and cursed with disdain, "You are so bold that you even dare to provoke him!

He is Chen Xinan!

What, you haven't heard of this name?

Then let me put it another way. He is the richest man in Kyoto now!

You understand, right?

He can make your life miserable with just a flick of his finger!

Do you really think that arresting your children is a joke?

Even the big leaders of our municipal bureau have to be polite when they see Mr. Chen. How dare you provoke him? "

The two families were so scared that their faces turned pale.

The freckle-faced father slapped his son in the face and yelled at him:

"You bastard, what a disaster you have caused me!

Your mother and I just went through the gates of hell, you know?

Do your homework when you go back home, and don't go out during the summer vacation!"

Guagua walked beside Chen Xinan with his head held high, raised his head and called out: "Master?"

Chen Xinan lowered his head and smiled: "What's wrong?"

Guagua shook his head and said with a smile: "Nothing, I just wanted to call you!"

Chen Xinan rubbed his head and said seriously:

"Remember, when dealing with enemies, you must beat them so that they dare not provoke you again!

So you must be ruthless.

But if he has remembered the lesson, try not to kill him.

Unless he is the kind of person who has a mortal feud with you.

So, when dealing with mortal enemies, it's either you die or I die!

When dealing with ordinary opponents, you should be merciful.

But you should teach them a lesson, don't be a good man! "

Guagua nodded vigorously, looked at Chen Xinan and said: "Master, I remember!"

Returned to Four Seasons Flower City, took his apprentice to the 46th floor.

Sure enough, everyone had breakfast here together.

Master Luo stood up, grinned and said to Chen Xinan: "Master An, I will follow you from now on! Are you surprised or not?"

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