Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1500 He has bullied me for decades

After washing up and changing into casual clothes, Chen Xinan sat at the dining table and had breakfast with everyone.

Looking at Master Luo, Chen Xin'an asked with a puzzled expression: "When did you come back?"

Master Luo shook his long hair coquettishly and said to Chen Xin'an:

"yesterday afternoon!

You also know that after I came back from Dongshan last time, I was raped by that old Biden..."

Next to him, Luo Xiaoman flicked his hand and a fork flew over.

Master Luo caught it easily, put a piece of sausage into his mouth, chewed it and said, "I've made enough fertilizer..."

Chen Xin'an scolded: "Swallow the mouthful before talking! Talk like Xiang with a mouthful, don't you feel tired!"

Everyone looked at Chen Xin'an with resentment, "How can you let people eat like this?"

Master Luo quickly chewed it twice and burst into tears.

Chen Xin'an looked very excited, with tears and runny nose flowing out.

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "That's not true, is it? How wronged are you?"

Master Luo picked up the fork in his hand, looked at it for a long time, and said with tears: "This little bastard is like a mustard king!"

Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes, screwed the cap on the tube of mustard king in front of him, put it in the material box, snorted and said:

"Blame me? You just picked it up and used it without even looking at it!

Luckily I only used it for the mustard.

If it was used to cut off the skin of your feet, you would already be full of athlete's foot..."


Konoha really slapped the table and cursed: "If you don't want to eat, get out!

Is it so disgusting to let people eat breakfast? "

Xiao Zhang said with a look of disgust: "Quality! Civilization!

Why can't you learn more from me and be an elegant person? "

Chen Xin'an, Luo Xiaoman, and Master Luo gestured at Xiao Zhang with their middle fingers at the same time.

Among so many people, you are the only one who doesn't wear shoes all day long and walks around upstairs and downstairs barefoot. How dare you say you are elegant and civilized?

Who gave me the face?

Ignoring these guys, Chen Xin'an said to Master Luo: "What are you doing here?"

Master Luo wiped his mouth and said to Chen Xin'an: "Since I came back from Dongshan, I have been attracted by that old...

Ahem, I was assigned by my brother to go to Qingxi to develop the market.

The Luoning brand has never been selling well there.

It took me two years to build Luoning into twelve specialty stores. How about that? Awesome, right? "

Chen Xin'an looked Master Luo up and down, and said with a shocked face: "Okay, Master Luo, why didn't I see that you were so business-minded before?"

"It's not too late to find out now!" Master Luo said with a reserved smile, nodding:

“I am low-key, humble and unconcerned.

Even if you have great talent, you don't want to show it.

Mr. An, we don’t know each other without fighting. We truly know heroes and value them.

From now on, if the two of us cooperate, the world will be in our hands..."

Luo Xiaoman sighed, patted his face with his hand, and asked Master Luo: "Second uncle, do you know what this thing is called?"

Master Luo widened his eyes and asked, "Butt? Butt? Buttocks?"


Xiao Zhang squirted out a mouthful of milk and was punched by Wu Yan, who took out a tissue to wipe his mouth.

Luo Xiaoman scolded angrily: "It's true that you assigned Qingxi, but Luo Ning's business expansion has nothing to do with you?

That's all thanks to Russell, coupled with Romiou's good publicity.

You, a fake Taoist priest who carries a broken table all day long and plays tricks in the alley, will do a shitty business!

Lao Chen, don't believe him, otherwise he will trick you so hard that you won't even be able to put on your pants! "

Being brought down by his nephew, Master Luo lost his temper and pointed at Luo Xiaoman and cursed:

"Shut up! Shada! You know nothing!"

Where is the gold of an all-rounder like me that doesn't shine?

Only people like Mr. An can let me show my talents..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and asked Master Luo: "You have been in Qingxi for two years? Are you familiar with it?"

Master Luo nodded and said, "Not to mention anything else, I can walk up and down the streets and alleys of Daliang City with my eyes closed!

Mr. An, do you want to start business in Qingxi?

Take my advice and don't go!

Let me tell you, I don’t want to go to that shitty place a second time in my life. "

"Isn't it?" Ning Xiruo asked strangely: "Qingxi is beautiful! Grassland, horses, highland barley wine, grilled lamb chops..."

"Stop talking, my mouth is about to drool!" Konoha took a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth.

Master Luo snorted, curled his lips and said, "You were all deceived by those travel advertisements!

I can’t say it was a lie, I just took pictures of the most beautiful places in Qingxi.

But they don’t know that there are swamps in the depths of the grassland, quicksand on the edges, and mudflats by the river.

If you're not careful, it could kill someone!

In fact, these don't matter, the most terrifying thing is the people there.

He is savage by nature and advocates violence, just like an uncivilized savage.

When I can take action, I will never beep with you, just do it.

And because of a little thing, I dare to risk my life with you!

Because I grew up eating beef and mutton and drinking cow and goat milk.

Therefore, people in Qingxi are generally tall, even if you look at An Ye and Aman, you are not short in stature.

But in front of Qingxi people, he acts like a child!

I stayed in Qingxi for two years, and I can’t even remember how many times I fought with people over this and that! "

He lifted up the sleeves on his hands, revealing the scars on both arms, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"If you look at the injuries on my body, you will know what kind of life I lived there!"

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said, "He's a kung fu master! He's also got a great talent! That's it?"

Master Luo scolded angrily: "You know nothing! No matter how good your skills are, aren't you afraid that others will touch your room in the middle of the night?

Or were you walking on the street and someone suddenly stabbed you?

People from Qingxi are similar to people from Guanbei in terms of their aggressive and aggressive temperament.

But they are more sinister and ruthless than the Guanbei people, and they are also more unscrupulous! "

Closing his eyes, Master Luo shook his head, as if chasing away a nightmare, and said with lingering fear:

"Fortunately, I'm back!

I will never go to that damn place again in my life!

Don’t go there either, it’s not as beautiful as you think! "

Chen Xin'an coughed twice and said to Luo Xiaoman: "That...it's up to you to say it!"

Luo Xiaoman grinned and said to Master Luo: "Second uncle, the reason why the old man asked you to come back is because we have to go out to do things.

I'm traveling by the way and taking wedding photos. I want you to protect Xueer!

What she is carrying now is the flesh and blood of our Luo family, so there can be no mistakes.

When I work with Lao Chen, I might not be able to take care of Xueer, so I have to rely on you! "

Master Luo glanced at Luo Qianxue, nodded and said, "It's a small matter, no problem! Where are you going?"

No matter how he and his brother Luo Lie didn't deal with each other, Master Luo was still very concerned about the affairs of the Luo family!

Luo Qianxue whispered: "Qingxi!"


Master Luo almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, widened his eyes and asked:

"Where? Qingxi?

You mean I finally returned to Kyoto, and they only stayed for two days, and then they sent me back?

Forget it, I won’t care about these.

I just want to ask you a question!

Since you asked me to protect you in Qingxi, why not let me wait there?

Why did you make me take the train for more than thirty hours to return to Kyoto? "

Chen Xin'an quickly said: "Don't worry, we will take a plane this time..."

Master Luo scolded with a look of sorrow and anger: "Is the focus of our chat about transportation?

I just want to know why you are not allowed to wait for me in Qingxi?

That old bastard Luo Lie has been bullying me for decades, so he doesn't treat me as a human being? "

Luo Xiaoman said to him with a dark face: "Because my dad bought you a courtyard house in Shen Qiao Hutong.

You must come back in person to sign the transfer contract! "


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