Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1504 Are you worthy of being called a big internet celebrity?

Could it be that the way I fell to the ground was wrong?

Or did I do it too realistically, leaving him too late to react?

Although the little princess Qiongqiong fell very painfully and grinned so much that she almost cried, she still reflected on herself immediately.

Soon he found the cause of the problem!

My wife is right next to me!

Even if he has sympathy for her, who dares to act recklessly while guarding his wife?

No man in this world is so bold.

I am too impatient!

She suppressed her embarrassment, stood up and said, "It was my fault and it has nothing to do with Mr. Chen!

Mr. Chen, can I take a photo with you? "

Several male anchors also stood up and said to Ning Xiruo: "Mrs. Chen, can you please come to our live broadcast room?"

Although she looks very ordinary, she is the wife of the richest man in Kyoto!

Moreover, he is also the vice director of Anhao Group. This status alone is enough to attract a wave of traffic to the live broadcast room!

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone and said: "Let's wait for a while about taking pictures and recording. I want to figure out one thing.

You just signed up and didn't actually donate? "

A group of Internet celebrities looked at each other, their faces a little unnatural.

A male internet celebrity said: “As long as we sign up, we will definitely donate.

We have already said it in the live broadcast room. Is Mr. Chen still afraid that we will regret it?

We are all famous internet celebrities and we would not do such dishonorable things. "

Someone behind him said: "We don't care whether you do it or not, but if there is no actual donation, we will not enter it into the donation list!"

Xiaojiu had already come out, and there was a wrinkled woman standing next to her. She was Director Tu of the Sunshine Welfare Home.

"Mr. Chen, Mrs. Chen!" Dean Tu greeted excitedly, his feet slipped and his body staggered.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an, who was almost two meters away from her, ran over like lightning and held her firmly!

Little Princess Qiongqiong’s eyes twitched.

What the hell... they also fell down, why is the gap so big?

Is it possible that Mr. Chen has a unique taste and is interested in this kind of old woman with a face like orange peel?

Ning Xiruo also came over, held Dean Tu's hand and said, "Dean Tu, are the shoes inappropriate?"

Dean Tu blushed and said, "I still can't get used to wearing these kind of leather shoes. They always slip when walking!"

She stretched out her hands, took one of Chen Xin'an's and Ning Xiruo's hands respectively, then put them together and held them in front of her chest.

"Mr. Chen, madam, for everything you have done, I will do it for those children. Thank you!"

As soon as her legs bent, she wanted to kneel down.

Chen Xin'an supported her, shook his head and said, "Dean Tu, compared with what you have done, we are nothing worth mentioning!"

When a group of Internet celebrity anchors heard Xiaojiu's words, they all became furious.

"Mr. Shi, what do you mean by this? Isn't this too bullying? We are not even on the donation list, so isn't the money donated in vain?"

"What kind of rule is this? Overlord clause? I feel like your Sunshine Welfare Foundation doesn't take us people seriously at all!"

“If you are going to do this, then don’t blame us for exposing you!

Isn't this a scam? "

"If you deliberately neglect us and don't let us be on the list, then what's the point of us participating in this event?"

Seeing that everyone was a little excited, Ning Xiruo was afraid that they would talk nonsense on the live broadcast platform and affect the company's reputation. She was just about to say a few polite words, but Chen Xin'an took her hand.

"Let Xiaojiu handle it. Since we have left it to her, we must believe in her ability!"

Ning Xiruo nodded, took a step back, took Dean Tu's hand, and sat on the chair next to him.

Xiaojiu looked at everyone calmly and said: "First of all, I would like to thank everyone for actively participating in this event..."

Before she could finish speaking, a male internet celebrity sneered at Xiaojiu and said, "Is this your attitude of gratitude?

To entertain an old woman, leaving us alone?

I just want to know, how much money did this old woman donate?

Was it donated on site?

Her identity is more important than ours? "

"She is not a donor!" Xiaojiu looked at the male internet celebrity and said, "But her identity is much more important to our Sunshine Charity than you are!"

"Shi Chunyu, what do you mean by this? You must be responsible for what you said!"

A group of Internet celebrities stood up suddenly, and others also glared at Xiaojiu.

"I am absolutely responsible for my words!" Xiaojiu walked up to Dean Tu and took her hand:

"She is the director of Sunshine Welfare Home in Kyoto, Tu Hongmei.

The establishment of our Sunshine Welfare Foundation was inspired by her.

She alone raised 62 orphans in the orphanage.

Some of those children were abandoned by their parents because of physical disabilities.

Some lost all their relatives due to accidents.

Dean Tu dedicated his whole life to these children!

Some of the children she raised became college students and some became police officers.

Some people even became heroes and martyrs who sacrificed their lives to protect their families and their country!

You can look at her hands. They don't look like a woman under sixty years old.

In front of her, who can claim to be noble? "

A female anchor snorted coldly and said: "Leaving aside the identity, we just have different social divisions of labor.

There is no need to engage in such moral kidnapping, just say that she is more important than us.

We are also donors, why are we not included in the donation list?

This is what we care about most! "

Other anchors also shouted: "Yeah, why?!"

Xiaojiu said seriously: "I can reiterate it again!

For those who actually make donations, whether they are organizations or individuals, we will issue donation certificates and put them on the donation list.

If it is just a verbal donation, we will treat it as if it has not been donated! "

A group of anchors exploded!

"How can there be such a rule for overlord!

Our money will end up in your pockets.

It also takes time for the assistant to pay.

What do you mean by this rule? "

Xiaojiu raised her voice and said, "It means to prevent fraudulent donations!"

Looking at everyone's faces that were about to become furious, Xiao Jiu was fearless and said to everyone:

"I'll break the point!

Because this kind of thing happened more than once or twice!

Many of you have agreed to donate when participating in similar activities.

People have videotaped you, praised you, and promoted you.

But in the end, for one reason or another, the money was never donated, right? "

Some anchors blushed and secretly lowered their heads.

A male anchor snorted coldly and said: "I have never made a fraudulent donation, why should I be treated like this?"

Xiaojiu looked at him and said: "You didn't donate fraudulently because you rarely participated in donations!

I donated twice in total, the most was 5,000.

This time you said you would donate 100,000. Can I be cautious?

Moreover, you concealed tax reports and engaged in multiple tax evasion behaviors.

You can even evade the taxes that an anchor should pay, but now you say that you will spend 100,000 for charity. Do you think I will believe your empty words? "

The male anchor's face turned red, he looked at Xiaojiu angrily and shouted: "You are invading my privacy, I can expose you on the Internet!"

"Then come on!" Wang Yi walked in, looked at him with disdain and said, "Then I will expose your tax evasion and see who will be unlucky in the end!"

Another person walked in and said: "Who among you people doesn't have a dark history?

Are you worthy of playing this trick with our Anhao Group?

A big anchor and a big internet celebrity?

Your pathetic popularity and fans mean nothing! "

Someone looked at the woman who walked in and exclaimed: "An Xiaoyi!"


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