Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1505 The real Mr. Jade

It’s okay if the big anchor Wang Yi comes to talk about it.

Now here comes another top internet celebrity, An Xiaoyi, who is one of the top celebrities on all major live streaming platforms!

These two have tens of millions of fans!

An Xiaoyi looked at everyone with contempt and said: "On the day of the charity performance, major media will push it.

After the charity performance, the film was directed by Niu Xun, the best director at the British Film Festival.

Invite major donating stars and internet celebrities to co-produce a movie.

This is your goal, because as long as you can get online, you can get considerable traffic.

So don’t think of yourself as too noble. Your purpose is just to spend money to buy traffic.

This is actually understandable.

But don't take yourself too seriously, and don't treat others as fools.

No matter whether you have that idea or not, if you want to get it, you have to pay for it.

This is the basic rule of life.

So if you want to be on the list, make a real donation.

If you want to play tricks, your little traffic is really not enough! "

A group of Internet celebrity anchors all had ugly faces and were too embarrassed to raise their heads.

There are already several anchors who cannot afford the money or are reluctant to take the money and have quietly slipped away.

The remaining ones gritted their teeth and actually registered to donate.

"Xiao Jiu has grown up!" Chen Xin'an said with a doting look on her face as she looked at Xiao Jiu, who was dressed in professional attire. Her little face, which originally looked a little immature, had become capable of a mature woman.

Ning Xiruo smiled and nodded and said, "It's time to have a boyfriend! It seems that Ah Quan liked her in the past."

"Pull him down!" Chen Xin'an snorted and said, "That guy Ah Quan loves everyone he meets, and now he's obsessed with Lin Ke'er!

I don’t care whether they succeed or not, but if you dare to flirt with Xiaojiu, I will skin him! "

"Then what do you want Xiaojiu to talk about?" Ning Xiruo shook her head helplessly.

In the past, if Chen Xin'an protected a girl like this, she would have been jealous.

But now, she won't be so stingy at all, because she also dotes on Xiaojiu, and like Chen Xin'an, treats her as her own sister.

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "At least he is worthy of her, and he really cares for her, and she is pleased with it!"

Ning Xiruo chuckled and said, "It's up to chance, but with us here, Xiaojiu won't have a hard life anymore!"

Xiaojiu helped Dean Tu walk over and said goodbye to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an held Dean Tu's hand and said, "I found Shi Jianfeng. His brother left more than two million, and I wanted to give it to him.

According to Shi Jianfeng's wishes, none of the money would be taken and all would be given to the Sunshine Welfare Institute.

At that time, I will ask Xiaojiu to give you the donation together with this money.

Don't worry, Shi Jianfeng is fine now. He will come back to see you when he has time.

He asked me to send you a message: Mom, I miss you! "

"Okay!" Dean Tu nodded and covered his eyes with his hands.

Ning Xiruo asked softly: "Dean Tu, how many people have been recruited by the welfare home?"

Dean Tu sighed and said: "There are many applicants, but not many can stay.

Serving those children requires more than just being diligent.

Patience is the most important thing.

By the way, that kid Jiajia is pretty good. "

When he mentioned Shen Yaojia, Dean Tu became sincerely happy, and his eyes widened with smiles.

"The child can play with the children as soon as he comes and can manage them.

It helped me a lot and now I can’t live without her!

There was a rush to do the cooking and washing, and the little girl might have done it.

Another thing I have to do when I come here this time is to discuss with you about leaving Jiajia in the orphanage.

I'm willing to spend any amount of money! "

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo were a little surprised.

Shen Yaojia was originally asked to go to the orphanage just by the way, but she didn't expect that she would actually like that place.

When Mr. Shen returned to Dongshan, she did not follow him. Instead, she stayed at the welfare home and became a volunteer worker.

I don’t know how Mr. Shen agreed.

But after all, she is the daughter of the president of the Haidong Chamber of Commerce, and she is not short of money at all.

Therefore, it is not realistic for Dean Tu to hire her permanently and keep her in the welfare home.

But the key is what Jiajia and Mr. Shen mean. I have to ask when I have time.

"Dean Tu, I'll go back and ask Mr. Shen and Jiajia what they mean before I can give you an answer.

Xiaojiu, just tell Dean Tu for me when the time comes! "

"Okay!" Xiaojiu nodded.

The couple sent Dean Tu to the elevator. Xiaojiu had arranged for a driver to drive Dean Tu back to the orphanage.

Ning Xiruo said to Chen Xin'an: "There will be a cocktail party on the third floor at noon, and many leaders will attend. You have to meet everyone..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "Daughter-in-law, it's not like you don't know how busy your husband is.

We have an appointment to play chess with Gongsun Bu Sheng later!

Don't let me get involved in this kind of thing, just deal with it! "

Ning Xiruo was speechless. How can you compare playing chess with dealing with guests?

But there is no way, no one knows her man's temperament better than her.

The chairman's office is on the forty-sixth floor.

It's across from Ning Xiruo's office.

According to Chen Xin'an's idea, this is his own building, and he will definitely not want high-level people in the office. He can choose wherever he wants.

But in the end, when it was being renovated, everyone, including my daughter-in-law, objected.

How could anyone put the chairman's office on the first floor?

Is this an office or a facade?

Do you want to open a window to sell steamed buns?

Of course the quieter the place the better.

Finally, at the insistence of my daughter-in-law, it was placed at the top together with the finance office.

I sat behind my desk and turned on my computer.

Gongsun Sheng was already waiting for him online.

The two of them haven't played chess for a long time. After all, everyone is very busy.

"Don't be too busy playing chess now. I want to show you something. I've sent it to your email." Gongsun Sheng typed in the chat box.

Chen Xin'an opened her mailbox, downloaded a pdf file, opened it and read it slowly.

Du Yunyan sent the things that were found from Tianxia Food Headquarters to Long Dun.

This document was made based on those documents and the information collected by Long Dun himself.

Chen Xin'an's eyes are getting bigger and bigger, and her face is full of disbelief!

There are some candid photos, mostly in public places.

There is only one protagonist of the camera, Zhang Jihai’s daughter, Zhang Jiayu.

They are all scenes of her meeting or parting with some people.

There are also some accounting vouchers with a common name on them: Zhang Jiayu!

Zhang Jiayu is not Zhang Jiayu.

Chen Xin'an's face was extremely ugly!

No wonder Zhang Jihai, an old fox, did not choose to save his son, but his daughter when he knew that he was bound to die!

It's not because he saw through that Chen Xin'an didn't have murderous intentions for Zhang Zhe, a playboy.

It's because the daughter is the most important person in the Zhang family.

She is Mr. Yu!

As long as the daughter does not die, the Zhang family will not fall!

And if the daughter is alive, the son will not suffer and can still live a good life!

Chen Xin'an stood up with a huff and wanted to go out and chase someone.

But Gongsun Sheng sent a message: It's too late to chase him now.

I just checked that Zhang Jiayu took a flight to the Star Flag Country and left Kyoto early this morning.

But her brother is still here, so she will come back eventually.

Chen Xin'an's face darkened: Are you installing surveillance in my office again?

Gongsun Sheng seemed to have been greatly insulted: Would I do such a shameless thing?

Who do you think I am?

Chen Xin'an scolded directly: Are you shameless? Have you done this less before? What are you pretending to be here with me?

Gongsun Sheng seemed a little unreasonable and quickly explained: The past was before, and the present is now.

Don't worry, I really didn't install surveillance cameras at your place because there's no need for them!

Gongsun Sheng did not lie. He really no longer monitors Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo.

Of course, one reason is that it is no longer needed, and another is that it cannot be installed.

This kid is a monkey.

Once you suffer a loss, you cannot suffer it a second time.

It would be even harder to install surveillance under his guard than to reach the sky.


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