Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1506 I feel like an elephant is sitting on me

He was right in front of him, yet he just let her run away!

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath, feeling very angry.

The grudge between this Mr. Yu and him is really too deep!

All international assassins who come to assassinate him will be arranged and provided with weapons by Mr. Yu.

This woman was involved in both the Yingtian Stone incident and the Dekra Biological Company incident!

If Chen Xinan had known the truth earlier, he would not have let Zhang Jiayu leave alive last night.

Gongsun Sheng typed: There is no use regretting now, there will be a chance to meet again in the future.

It's still early, why not play the next game?

I'm so upset right now, why don't you play chess with me?

Chen Xin'an wanted to refuse, but Gongsun Sheng said: I just recharged 10 million chess beans!

Chen Xin'an gritted his teeth: Okay, let's have fun!

An hour and a half later, Chen Xin'an ended the chess game, leaned on the chair, and rubbed his eyes with his hands.

He took a deep breath.

I finally feel a little better.

Gongsun Sheng sent a message:

you liar!

Chen Xin'an curled her lips with disdain.

Everyone relies on their strength, and no one can be deceived!

Gongsun Sheng was a little angry:

You said you were not in the mood to play chess and were very upset.

Are you not in the mood?

You've won five games in a row and you still say you're not in the mood to play chess?

Chen Xin'an pouted: I'm not in the mood to play chess, but I am in the mood to win money!

If someone gives me money, even if I am not in the mood, I will still satisfy them!

Chen Xin'an now wanted to see Gongsun Busheng beating his chest and grabbing the ground with his head.

It’s a pity that there is no clairvoyance!

After a long time, Gongsun Busheng sent a message: This time when we go to Qingxi, Feiyang and Yidao will go with Yunyan.

You help take care of them, they are almost at your place now.

Chen Xin'an's face darkened: Just one sentence and it's over? What about care fees? You don’t have to pay to eat, drink or have sex?

By the way, Gongsun Busheng, didn't you save more than five thousand chess beans?

Just give them all to me, it’s useless to keep the little bit, it still makes you sad...

Gongsun Busheng: Get out!

The other party's avatar was darkened, and it was obvious that he had gone offline in a hurry.

Chen Xin'an cursed at his lack of quality and shut down the computer angrily.

After checking the time, I went down to the third floor to eat.

This was originally the Challon Hotel.

The boss's lease with He Huican is three years, and it's actually going to expire next month.

It's just that after Xialong Building became Chen Xin'an's, he didn't talk about renewing the lease, and Chen Xin'an didn't ask.

If he doesn't renew the lease by then, Chen Xin'an can just take it back.

If it continues, Chen Xin'an will not chase people away.

Today is a private event, the unveiling reception of Anhao Group, everything is organized by Xialong Hotel.

The tables and chairs in the entire dining hall have basically been cleared, and nearly 10,000 photos sent from welfare homes from various places have been arranged.

They are all about children's daily lives, and most of them are scenes of learning or playing games under difficult conditions.

According to Xiaojiu, everyone drank and chatted while admiring the photos.

This reminds everyone who comes here: besides our beautiful life, there are still some poor children suffering.

As soon as I get drunk and my head gets hot, I will donate money.

From a distance, he saw Ning Xiruo chatting with Lin Keer and a few unknown women. Chen Xin'an did not go over to disturb them. He walked to the dining area to get something to eat, then left after eating.

There was also a large lobster on the plate. Just as Chen Xin'an was about to pick up the tongs to get it, a hand wearing a disposable glove stretched out and grabbed the lobster.

Turning his head, he saw a skinny young man with a pigtail, holding a lobster with both hands, looking at Chen Xin'an warily.

"I saw it first, so it has to be mine! Finally, those two fat pigs didn't steal it from me. You still want it? No way!"

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to fight with this guy for food, so she ignored him and turned around to leave.

Guan Fei and Guan Du were standing not far away, each holding a rib and chewing it as they walked.

At this moment, the chef came up with a large plate filled with several sauced pig's trotters.

Guan Fei and Guan Du's eyes lit up at this moment. He threw the ribs with only bones left in the trash can and walked towards the sauced pig's trotters.

Just as they reached for it, the thin-skinned monkey rushed over from the side and grabbed a big pig's trotter.

At the same time, Guandu's hand was pressed on the same pig's trotter.

The two of them competed at the same time, both trying to grab the pig's trotters!

In a single comparison of strength, Skinny Monkey was obviously no match for Guandu.

But this kid is not stupid either. His wrist is very flexible. He pulls and turns his wrist at the same time, trying to win with his skills.

Guandu's eyes widened with a serious look on his face. He said "Hey" and held the pig's trotter with only three fingers, holding it firmly.

One force can bring down ten.

Guandu's hand was so tight that no matter how hard the skinny monkey struggled, he couldn't take away the pig's hooves.

The thin-skinned monkey became anxious, his face turned red from suppressing it, and he cursed at Guandu:

"Fat Pig Woman, you are just against me, right?

Look at how virtuous you are, you still eat it!

No pig can eat as well as you! "

Guandu rolled his eyes, grabbed the sauced pig's trotters and said, "I want you to take care of it!"

The tempers between her and Guan Fei were like this. It was okay to scold her, insult her, or even hit her a few times.

But you can't steal her food, otherwise she will fight you tooth and nail.

The thin-skinned monkey cursed angrily: "There is still something on this plate, you won't take anything else? You have to snatch this from me, right?"

I grabbed it first, give it to me! "

Guandu grabbed the pig's trotters and said, "I grabbed it first, you get the others!"

"Are you looking for trouble? Do you know who I am? Say it again, I ask you to let go, otherwise I will be rude to you!" Skinny Monkey became anxious, glared at Guandu and cursed.

Guan Du stared at the pig's trotter in his hand, without even looking at him, and said: "I saw it first, you take the other one!"

The skinny monkey cursed angrily: "You fat piggy woman are really looking for trouble!

Do you know who I am?

See clearly, my name is Luo Zheng!

My cousin is Luo Xiaoman, and he is a brother to Chen Xin'an, the boss of your Anhao Group!

How dare you provoke me, do you want to die?

Let me go! "

"Okay!" Guandu released his hand as expected.

But this skinny monkey named Luo Zheng was unprepared and directly slapped the big pig's hooves on his face.

The whole person also took a few steps back, then fell to the ground on his back!

Guan Fei, who had been nibbling pig trotters leisurely beside him, slapped his sister: "He's from the Luo family! Pull him up!"

Guandu hurriedly walked to Luo Zheng, stretched out his hand and bent down, and said to him: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were from the Luo family!"

The greasiness of this hand made Luo Zheng feel sick when he looked at it. He reached out and grabbed Guandu's clothes and cursed: "Now you know you are afraid? What the hell...ah!"

This one grabbed Guandu on the chest. After all, she was a young girl, and she immediately blushed with embarrassment!

Luo Zheng also realized that he had grabbed the wrong place, his arm trembled, and he subconsciously pulled it down, shouting: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it! What are you doing?"

Guandu's body went limp, his feet slipped, and his huge body of hundreds of kilograms fell heavily on Luo Xiang!

It's like a big mountain holding down a straw, and Luo Zheng's people can't be seen!

Guan Fei was startled, quickly threw away the pig's trotters, and ran over to pull away from his sister.

But my hands were full of oil and I couldn't exert any strength at all.

Chen Xin'an held back her laughter and walked over, and together with Guan Fei, they finally pulled Guan Du up.

Luo Zheng below was so suffocated that his face turned purple and he rolled his eyes!

Guan Fei asked with a concerned look on his face: "How do you feel?"

Luo Zheng gasped for breath and said with a cry: "I feel like an elephant is sitting on my face! It almost suffocated me to death!"


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