Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1509 Who agrees? Who objects?

Li Niandong, who had been pampered since she was a child and was born with a golden key in her mouth, no one was willing to even say a harsh word to her, let alone being beaten.

But now, this bastard dared to hit her!

Still showing no mercy in front of so many people!

How could Li Niandong not feel aggrieved?

But she didn't dare to hate this bastard, or even say a word of complaint.

Thinking of the thrill she had just experienced, she was also scared!

Chen Xin'an pointed at her nose and cursed: "You're crying like shit, shut up!

Do you think that since Mr. Li is your grandfather, you can do whatever you want?

Believe it or not, if I ask you to go back to Kyoto now, Mr. Li will not refuse?

Have you read the discipline and plan I passed on to you last night?

Lift your head and tell me, have you seen it? "

Li Niandong was so frightened that he trembled all over, suppressed his crying, and said aggrievedly: "I've seen it!"

Chen Xin'an scolded: "How dare you call after seeing this? Do you know what the situation is like in Qingxi?

In the past three days, my people found that more than 3,000 people entered Qingxi!

Do you know what they do?

You are not allowed to make phone calls, and you try to keep a low profile. Before you even get off the plane, you have directly leaked your whereabouts!

How do you know if there is anyone locally monitoring the phone calls of key targets?

Do you know that when we come back here, there are actually surveillance of unknown vehicles outside?

Do you know how much danger your phone call increases?

Stupid woman, she only knows how to be petty and seek revenge and ostracism, she doesn't understand anything.

If it weren't for your relationship with Mr. Li, I would have suspected that you were a spy sent by the hostile elements! "

"I'm not! I really didn't expect this. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry!" Li Niandong burst into tears and sat on the ground covering his face, not daring to get up.

Chen Xin'an ignored her, turned to look at Hu Zhenrui, raised her foot and kicked him in the chest!

In front of ten guards, Hu Zhenrui's body flew high, hit the wall with a bang, and then fell to the ground!

Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't even wipe it away.

He stood up from the ground as quickly as possible, stood upright in front of Chen Xin'an, pursed his lips, and said nothing!

As soon as Chen Xin'an raised his arms, the guards standing in two rows beside him snapped and knelt down on one knee in unison.

He lowered his head and said in unison to Chen Xin'an: "Chief, please let the guard go!"

Chen Xin'an shook his collar with his hand, looked at Hu Zhenrui and said, "As a person in green clothing, disobeying orders is a serious crime!"

Hu Zhenrui's face was pale, but his body was straight, his lips were pressed tightly, and he remained silent.

You have to admit when you are wrong, and you have to stand upright when you are beaten. This is the attitude.

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a gloomy face and said coldly: "If something happens, you can't take responsibility!

If you dare to disobey orders and make private opinions again, you will be killed without mercy!

I, Chen Xin'an, do what I say! "

"Xiao Chen, forget it!" Old Li sighed from inside the room.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone with a straight face: "From now on, whatever I say will be whatever I say, and you have no right to refute.

I had already agreed before coming here that I alone have the final say in security matters.

Just do it!

Now who of you agrees? Who objects? "

Hu Zhenrui and ten guards shouted in unison: "Yes!"

"You haven't eaten? Are you still dissatisfied? Do you have any objections to me?"

Chen Xin'an squinted at everyone and said with a sneer:

"It doesn't matter, just do it if you don't accept it! I'll let you all do it together!"

Li Niandong also stood up from the ground, followed Hu Zhenrui and ten guards, stood upright, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Yes!"

Chen Xin'an then took out his ears and turned back to the room where he was assigned.

The Red Star Hotel is actually a military guest house with better conditions.

Belongs to the property of the local security corps.

However, it will not be open to the public while Mr. Li is staying here.

There are six floors in total. Everyone lives on the second floor. The other floors are all empty and no one will be accommodated there.

Of course, the conditions are not as good as a five-star hotel, but the advantage is that it is safe. It is located near the military camp and the protection measures are quite comprehensive.

And the environment is good. When you open the window, you can see the famous Xilun Mountain in Qingxi.

Lake Figar is located at the foot of Siren Mountain.

Seeing Chen Xin'an come in, Luo Xiaoman frowned and said, "Old Chen, who the hell are those guys?

Why are you so bold?

Do you even dare to hit police cars and military vehicles?

I was still thinking of taking photos with Lao Xiao and the others in the afternoon. If things get so messy, I will change my plan! "

"You have a stupid plan!" Chen Xin'an glared at him with disgust and said:

“The situation is unclear now, so don’t move around randomly.

Yunyan, please contact Feiyang and Liu Yidao to see when they will arrive.

Everyone has a rest this afternoon. Aman and I went out to explore the situation and make sure there is no danger. We will then implement the original plan. "

Last night, Ning Xiruo, Luo Qianxue, and Wu Yan made travel plans for several hours, and contacted seven or eight wedding photography companies alone.

The photos alone on this trip were probably worth a million dollars.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo didn't take wedding photos when they got married, and they promised their daughter-in-law to make up for it this time.

Master Luo held up his bun and said to Chen Xin'an, "I'll go too! I'm familiar with Daliang City!"

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman glanced at each other and nodded.

Konoha looked at Chen Xin'an with some confusion and said, "Can't we find a hotel by ourselves?

Why do you have to live with Mr. Li?

We live by ourselves and are just ordinary tourists, so there is no trouble! "

Others nodded.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "I have thought about this too, but I dare not underestimate the enemy.

I'm just afraid that if they can find out about you, you will be in danger.

Living here is at least safe, and you don’t have to worry about accidents happening while you’re asleep!

Konoha gave him a blank look, curled her lips and said, "Suspicious! What a fuss.

Although this is the city closest to the western border, it is China's territory after all.

It's not as messy as you said. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "You're right, you can think about it this way.

But I can't. Whenever there is a slight hint, I will take it into consideration.

And it must be the safest.

What happened when I came out of the airport today made me realize that Qingxi is more dangerous than we thought.

Except for the people we know, everyone around here will be my imaginary enemy! "

After hearing what he said, Konoha remained silent.

She can understand the pressure that her eldest nephew, as a leader, must face to protect so many people.

The phone in the room rang, Chen Xin'an went to answer it, and then said to everyone: "Mr. Li asked me to come over, and those people from the city bureau are here.

You guys should eat first, and don’t go out until I’m back! "

After knocking on Mr. Li's door, the leaders of the city bureau and the security group had already arrived.

Looking at their serious looks, Chen Xin'an knew that things were not optimistic.

"Mr. Chen, I am Wang Shoucheng from the Guard Corps, and this is Zhao Zhiguo, the leader of the Municipal Bureau. You have already met."

This Zhao Zhiguo was the man sitting in the back of the police car leading the way.

It was also him who made a prompt decision and asked the driver to back up to block the dump truck from hitting him.

It looked like he was injured by what happened just now and had a bandage on his head.

Zhao Zhiguo took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, those people are from Kangrui Company, and their boss is the director of Valerona Energy Company.

Their goal is to prevent negotiations between the heads of the three parties.

Although we strictly controlled the situation, we still let them in without thinking.

And they are very well-informed, and the harm is beyond our expectation!

Therefore, now that the chief minister is in danger, we suggest changing the negotiation time and location! "

Chen Xin'an refused directly: "No!"


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