Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1510 We have recorded what you just said

Of course this is impossible!

This is not something that one person has the final say on.

Involving the two countries of Inca and Xinlun, the time can be changed wherever it is said to be, and the place can be changed if it is said to be changed.

Zhao Zhiguo also knew that this opinion was just a word of his own, and it was impossible to implement it.

What everyone can do is to try to predict risks in advance, eliminate risks, and ensure that negotiations proceed as scheduled and smoothly.

It only worked if Li Niandong and Hu Zhenrui said it.

As a personal guard, what qualifications do you have to use such a tone to order me, the leader of the city bureau?

According to Li Niandong's phone introduction in the morning, Zhao Zhiguo and Wang Shoucheng knew very little about Chen Xin'an.

It's limited to his name, he's relatively rich, he's good at kung fu, and he came to Qingxi this time as Mr. Li's personal bodyguard.

I don't know anything else.

After coming back just now, Mr. Li asked him and Mr. Wang to tell Chen Xin'an the situation. The two of them didn't think much and told him simply.

Originally, I just thought that if Chen Xin'an heard about it, I would just give it a briefing.

Unexpectedly, he refused directly, which made Zhao Zhiguo a little unhappy.

He said to Chen Xin'an calmly: "Mr. Chen, the considerations of the city bureau and the security group are based on ensuring the safety of Mr. Li and the smooth progress of negotiations.

We will discuss this matter with Miss Niandong and Mr. Hu.

We will inform Mr. Chen if there are any new plans at that time..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said impatiently: "There is no need to discuss it with them, I will decide this matter!"

You decide? who do you think You Are?

Zhao Zhiguo and Wang Shoucheng looked at each other and curled their lips.

Today's young people are so blind and arrogant that they don't know how much they weigh, and have they forgotten who they are?

Didn’t you understand what you just said?

One is Mr. Li's granddaughter, and the other is Mr. Li's chief of guard. These are the people who are truly qualified to talk to us.

You are just a personal guard, a bodyguard, who do you think you are?

If it weren't for Mr. Li, you wouldn't even be qualified to stand in front of the two of us and speak!

Zhao Zhiguo didn't even bother to pay attention to such an imprudent young man.

He turned around and said to Li Niandong: "Miss Niandong, Mr. Hu, let's talk about the next security work..."

"Ahem, Leader Zhao!" Li Niandong interrupted Zhao Zhiguo with a red face and said to him: "Mr. Chen is fully responsible for these matters, and we all obey his orders!"

Hu Zhenrui on the side also nodded.

Zhao Zhiguo and Wang Shoucheng both stared at Chen Xin'an in disbelief with their eyes widened.

Isn't it? What is the identity of this young man?

Isn't he just a bodyguard?

Chen Xin'an looked at Zhao Zhiguo and said: "Leader Zhao, I need the police to conduct a large-scale investigation of all hotels, guesthouses, B\u0026Bs and other business establishments in Daliang City within two days.

Search suspicious persons and conduct surveillance.

There are also information on Kangrui Company and Valerona Company. Please compile a copy and send it to me as soon as possible.

Leader Wang, are the people in charge of security at the hotel from your security group? "

Wang Shoucheng nodded and said, "Yes! Our security regiment has performed many security missions and is very experienced.

If there's anything you want us to collaborate on, just tell me, you're welcome! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, if that's the case, then I won't be polite to you.

I want 006 to come over. Does Leader Wang have any objection? "

Zhao Zhiguo next to him didn't understand, but Wang Shoucheng's expression changed.

He glared at Chen Xin'an and said in a deep voice: "What do you mean, Mr. Chen?

Can’t you trust our security team?

Do you think we are with that group of people? "

"No!" Chen Xin'an shook his head, looked at Wang Shoucheng calmly and said, "There is no issue of trust.

If I didn't trust him, I wouldn't agree to Mr. Li living here.

Mainly because I feel more relieved when they come.

There are many things they can do that you can’t! "

Wang Shoucheng turned his head, looked at Mr. Li and said, "Chief, you heard me.

Mr. Chen humiliated our security team like this. Please forgive Wang Shoucheng for being rude.

In our security group, our heads can be cut off but our blood can be left behind.

But we don't accept such humiliation! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to Wang Shoucheng: "Leader Wang, I know that talking like this may make you uncomfortable.

But for Lao Li's safety, I have to do this.

I know you have experience with this, but it's not enough.

This kind of thing must be left to the top teams to complete.

No matter how prepared you are, you can't do everything. "

Wang Shoucheng glared at Chen Xin'an, turned to Mr. Li and said: "I implore the chief to believe that our guard regiment can successfully complete this mission.

No need to ask 006 to come forward!

Our security team is committed to protecting the safety of the leader! "

Chen Xin'an said to Wang Shoucheng calmly: "There is no need for Mr. Li to give orders.

I just called 006, it should arrive tomorrow morning! "

"You?" Wang Shoucheng looked at Chen Xin'an questioningly, curled his lips and sneered:

"Mr. Chen, are you joking?

Can 006 be transferred at will?

Who do you think you are, that you can call someone over with just one phone call? "

This guy is just Lao Li's personal bodyguard, but he really treats himself like a dish?

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, nodded and said to him: "They will arrive tomorrow morning.

You can just leave the personal security work to them.

Those foreigners are coming tomorrow, and you will have to worry more about them then, so I won’t delay your work now. "

Zhao Zhiguo and Wang Shoucheng looked gloomy, turned around and saluted Mr. Li, and then said goodbye to Li Niandong and Hu Zhenrui.

Without even looking at Chen Xin'an, he turned around and left.

At the door, Wang Shoucheng stopped and said without looking back: "Chen Xin'an, I have written down your arrangements for our security group today!

I can responsibly say that this hotel has been completely protected by our security team.

But it's not worth mentioning in your eyes. I don't know what those brothers will think after they find out!

During this time, the Qingxi International Cultural Festival was held in the provincial capital Ningzhou.

There are also many outsiders coming to play in Daliang City.

Mr. Chen speaks so straightforwardly, so be careful not to go out, let alone be alone.

Otherwise, if you offend someone, our security team will not be able to protect you! "


The door is closed.

Boss Li said helplessly to Chen Xin'an: "You kid, you offended people just after you came here!

Did you really call 006? "

Chen Xin'an nodded, and there was nothing to hide from Mr. Li.

"You already said hello in advance, I just told them to come over!"

Mr. Li frowned and asked: "I was just in case, I didn't expect to actually use them!

Since you have decided and it is necessary, then I have no objection! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "When they come, I will go out for a few rounds and feel the environment.

If there is no special matter, Mr. Li should not go out.

When those foreigners come over, let's sign the guarantee and return to Kyoto safely! "

Mr. Li laughed and nodded.

Knowing that the boy was joking, he didn't blame him.

Is this guarantee so easy to sign?

Simply negotiating conditions that satisfy all three parties requires a lot of energy and cannot be completed in a day or two.

At that time, those foreigners will also come to stay at the Red Star Hotel.

But we don't meet each other usually, we only meet during negotiations.

This is to prevent people on both sides from getting impatient and taking action in private, which would be lively!

After Chen Xin'an left, Li Niandong asked Mr. Li in a low voice: "Grandpa, is the 006 you are talking about the Getan Wolf Special Forces?"

Old Li nodded.

Li Niandong's expression changed and he said in disbelief: "Chen Xin'an can actually mobilize the Getan Wolf Special Team? Does he have the qualifications?"

Hu Zhenrui's eyes widened as well, with a look of shock on his face.

Mr. Li snorted coldly and said, "He is the chief instructor of the entire army, how come he is not qualified?"


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