Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1511 Do you still dare to stop me now?

Even though it is just a guest house-level hotel, the food is comparable to a five-star hotel.

The wine and dishes with Qingxi characteristics are all delicious in color and flavor, and everyone's mouths are full of oil.

Especially the Guan brother and sister, the two of them finished the whole roasted lamb.

After eating and drinking, Chen Xin'an took Luo Xiaoman and Master Luo out together.

After walking out of the door, Luo Xiaoman turned around and said to Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, why is that kid looking at us like that?"

He pointed to the sentry at the door.

As they walked down the stairs, the sentry kept staring at the three of them.

He still had that look in his eyes until the three of them walked out of the lobby.

He didn't say a word or stop him, he just stared at the three of them with a very sharp look, which made them feel scared.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said nothing.

Of course he knew why.

There were three people riding the sword after all.

Originally, he wanted to ask the security team to borrow a car, but Chen Xin'an probably asked for trouble if he asked, and no one would lend it to him.

I had no choice but to stand on the side of the road waiting for the taxi. As if I remembered something, I asked Luo Xiaoman, "Have you brought your equipment?"

"Equipment? It's a must!" Luo Xiaoman grinned and said with a smile: "It's upstairs!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Go get it now!"

"Now?" Luo Xiaoman looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise. Seeing that he didn't seem to be joking, he said helplessly: "Then you guys wait here!"

He turned around and walked back to the hotel, but as soon as he reached the door, the sentry blocked him with his arms and refused to let him in!

"What do you mean?" Luo Xiaoman turned dark and asked the sentry, "Why are you stopping me?"

The sentry glanced at him and said formally: "Sorry, this hotel is temporarily closed to the public. Please stay elsewhere!"

Luo Xiaoman said angrily: "Are you sick? I just came out just now! I live up here!"

The sentry looked businesslike, stood in front of him and said, "I'm sorry, outsiders are strictly prohibited from entering without permission!"

"Fuck!" Luo Xiaoman rolled up his sleeves and wanted to do something.

Chen Xin'an shouted to him: "Aman!"

The sentry is sacrosanct.

No matter what time, do not attack the sentry.

He walked up to the sentry, looked at him with narrowed eyes and said, "You won't let us in?"

The sentry shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, you can come in, but they are outsiders and can't come in!"

Just as Chen Xin'an was about to speak, the sentry looked at him and said sarcastically:

"Comrade, please don't deliberately make things difficult or hinder our work, otherwise I will apply for compulsory measures against you!"

"Hey, why is this kid turning his back on me?" Master Luo also stared at him.

Chen Xin'an waved his hand to indicate that neither of them should be angry, took out two access cards from his body, and handed one to each of Luo Xiaoman and Master Luo.

"Can they go in now?" Chen Xin'an looked at the sentry and asked.

The sentry's expression changed as soon as he saw this card. The red seal on it was no joke.

Forget about him, even the leader of the security group would not dare to stop him!

Luo Xiaoman slapped the pass card on his forehead, tilted his head and looked at the sentry and asked:

"Can I come in? Are you blocking me? Didn't you say I'm an outsider? Why am I now your wife?"

The sentry's face turned black with anger, and he simply turned his back and faced the wall to think about his fault.

Out of sight out of mind.

With such a rude look, who do you think you are?

Take a photo with your camera and stick the photo on the window to ward off evil spirits!

Luo Xiaoman was like a proud rooster, striding squarely and swaggering in from the sentry.

A few minutes later, he walked out again.

This time the sentry learned the lesson and turned his back on him when he saw him from a distance.

Luo Xiaoman walked back and forth at the door several times, and even Chen Xin'an and Master Luo looked like they had kicked him.

The sentry kept his back turned to him, without even looking at him.

Angry Luo Xiaoman yelled: "How do you treat my wife!"

The corners of the sentry's mouth twitched, and he simply closed his eyes and ignored the attack.

Luo Xiaoman felt bored and walked out angrily, carrying a bag behind him.

Chen Xin'an and Master Luo looked at him sideways and cursed in unison: "Bitch!"

After standing at the door for a while, Chen Xin'an also understood that outside vehicles were prohibited from parking near the hotel, so there were no taxis coming at all.

The three of them had no choice but to walk forward on foot. There was a car at the intersection ahead.

As Chen Xin'an walked, she asked Luo Xiaoman: "Aman, if I let you play this at night, would you dare?"

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips, touched his nose with his thumb, looked at Chen Xin'an and said:

"Old Chen, don't you know that the time I jumped from the Junhao Building was in the middle of the night?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him and asked, "How high does it need to be for you to play without danger?"

"That's what I said!" Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said with a smile: "No matter how high it is, it is dangerous! This thing is meant to be life-threatening.

But that’s why it’s so exciting!

But don’t worry, Old Chen, I can’t say I’m the best in the country at this game, but I’m also a master among masters in the industry, and I have quite a lot of experience!

I’ll take you to play, and it doesn’t take long. After two or three times, you’ll be addicted…”

"Pull him down!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said, "I have a brain twitch to commit such a violent death!"

Luo Xiaoman said angrily: "Then let me take this thing out and fuck it! I thought you wanted to play with me!"

Chen Xin'an looked around and said to him: "I want you to play once. Master Luo, where is the tallest building in Daliang City?"

Master Luo thought for a while, frowned and said, "It should be the Jingzhu Building in the East City, fifty-eight floors, more than a hundred meters!"

Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Xiaoman and asked, "Can you jump at this height?"

Luo Xiaoman nodded and said, "I can jump! It's basically no pain. It's just that it's troublesome to shovel it up, and it's hard to use a forklift."

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes and scolded him: "Seriously, I need you to dance once tonight!"

Seeing that he was not joking, Luo Xiaoman shrugged and said, "At least tell me what to do and let me choose the method. Is he more professional than you?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Do you know why the sentry targeted you like that just now?

Because I told their group leader that there were loopholes in their security work.

I'm going to drop another green item to replace them. "

Luo Xiaoman scolded: "You are calling me cheap, you are the real one!

Aren't you ruining other people's jobs?

No one can swallow this breath! "

Master Luo nodded with deep sympathy. When he saw Chen Xin'an looking at him sideways, he nodded and said, "Yes, there is indeed a loophole and it should be replaced!"

Chen Xin'an ignored him and said to Luo Xiaoman: "So I want you to dance once tonight, enter the Red Star Hotel from the roof, and put some things into each floor."

Luo Xiaoman nodded in realization.

The Red Star Hotel will definitely be heavily guarded tonight, especially those on the second floor, and they will definitely not be able to move around casually.

But this kind of defense is loose on the inside and tight on the outside. After all, except for the second floor, no one lives on the other floors.

So just control the elevators and stairs.

But once someone enters on the roof of the building, with agility, they will be able to do it without anyone noticing.

Luo Xiaoman has the second level of inner strength and is able to fly in this kind of wing suit. He will definitely succeed in doing it.

The problem now is that there is no tall building for him to land on!

The highest level is only over 50 floors and over 100 meters high. Just like Luo Xiaoman said, you have to use a forklift to lift it up.

Master Luo suddenly turned around and said: "I remember there was an advertising company in Daliang City. They had a hot air balloon. Can I rent this?

But that boss is a very interesting person. Let me introduce you to him. "

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up at the same time, it works!


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