Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1512: Stop trying to get close to me

There are two Luoning stores in Daliang City. When they were doing publicity, they cooperated with advertising companies.

So the three of them quickly found the advertising company named Yongjia.

The girls who were working at the computer next to them just wanted to stand up and say hello, but when they saw Master Luo, they sat down again with disgust on their faces.

"It's this guy again! It's really annoying to spend three days just for two hundred yuan!"

"I told him last time that we won't do any advertising for Luo Ning from now on. We have to work hard even if we can't make any money!"

"I'm really annoyed by him. He's just pretending to be cool and pretentious just to take advantage of others!"

Master Luo didn't care what the people next to him said, and shouted to the inside: "Sister Bai, come to life!"

It seems the boss here is a woman.

But after a while, a tall man who was less than forty years old came out from inside.

He has a thick beard and a tall and powerful figure. He looks like a very rough and bold old man.

As soon as Master Luo saw him, he grinned and said, "Sister Bai, do you miss me?"


Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman almost laughed out loud.

Master Luo is not honest. You call such a big and thick man a girl?

It would be strange if people don't be impatient with you!

Unexpectedly, the big man just rolled his eyes, snorted and said:

"You old ghost Luo, why are you here again?

You didn't take advantage of others enough last time, right?

Do you still want to bully others today? "

Can you imagine a big man with a beard holding an orchid and rolling his eyes?

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman both had goosebumps all over their bodies and wanted to run away!

Now the two of them finally understood what Master Luo meant when he said something interesting before!

I don’t know if this guy is called Bai Ge or Brother Bai, but everyone calls him that anyway.

Although she looks like a man, she can no longer be a man, but underneath the skin is a woman.

The way she talks, the way she looks, the way she looks, the way she rolls her eyes, she looks more like a woman than a woman!

Master Luo laughed loudly and said to Brother Bai: "Didn't I let you publicize it for two more days last time? With our friendship, is this a big deal?

Why don't you think that my brother is here to offer you business today? I want to use your..."

Before he could finish his words, there was a loud bang at the door, and a jeep directly smashed into the glass door and got half of the car in.

Everyone inside was shocked. Brother Bai screamed louder than the three girls!

At first I thought it was a traffic accident, but when four tattooed young men carrying sticks jumped out of the jeep and walked in aggressively, everyone could see that these people did it on purpose!

"What are you doing!" Brother Bai walked over angrily.

He was half a head taller than the tallest boy in the gang, and his figure was even stronger. He looked very difficult to mess with.

But when he walked in front of that group of people, he twisted his hips, pinched his waist with his hands, and cursed angrily:

“It’s endless, right?

You said you wouldn’t buy it yesterday, but you’re still here today?

Bullying, right?

I called the police! "

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman were both embarrassed.

This pinch at the waist shows no momentum at all!

A young man with a gold chain around his neck held a stick in his right hand and gently hit the heart of his left hand. He looked at Brother Bai with disgust and cursed:

"You are such a sissy, you don't even buy Master Kun's talisman, are you so disrespectful?

In the whole street, anyone who doesn’t buy a talisman will not be able to open the door again. This is what Mr. Kun said!

Let me ask you one last time, do you want to buy it or not? "

Brother Bai pinched his waist and said: "One talisman costs 20,000 yuan, and you have to buy three in one go.

I still have to buy it every year.

You are collecting protection money in disguise!

I don't buy it!

If you dare to mess around, I'll call the police! "

Gold Necklace sneered coldly, looked at Brother Bai sideways and said, "Come on, fight now, it won't work if you watch over me!

Fight or not? If you don't fight, we will fight!

I have long been displeased with your masculine and feminine thing!

What the hell are you?


Look at your pretentiousness, it makes me sick just looking at you!

If you don't act like a good man, then you are pretending to be a woman.

If you think that thing is useless, I can help you and cut it up, okay? "

With a look from the gold necklace, the two boys directly picked up their sticks and smashed them against the table and computer next to them!

The three female employees were so frightened that they screamed and hugged each other.

"Shut up!" A young man raised his stick and hit the woman.

Brother Bai shouted: "What are you doing? Don't hit anyone! Don't bully my sisters!"

He directly stretched out his arms and stopped in front of the little brother.

The stick raised by the younger brother fell down and hit Brother Bai squarely on the forehead.

Blood flowed from Brother Bai's head and soon stained his face red.

Brother Bai shook his body, but did not walk away. He still stretched out his hands to protect the three women behind him, and cried and cursed at the group of people: "You bastards! Bullying!"

A young man walked up to Chen Xin'an and the others with a stick, grinned and cursed:

"Are you so blind?

What are you still doing here?

Get out now, this place will not be open anymore!

Can't you hear what I'm talking to?

What are you staring at?

Do you think you are awesome if you wear braids?

I hate sissies the most..."


Before he could finish speaking, Master Luo raised his leg and kicked him out!

The boy who was gesticulating in front of Brother Bai turned his head, glanced at his companions who fell on the ground, then looked at Chen Xin'an and the other three, turned around and cursed: "Who did this?"

"Me!" Master Luo walked up to him calmly with his hands behind his back, and said coldly:

“I hate men who beat women the most in my life!

Even if you are a gangster, you should still be a thief.

Women, the elderly, and children cannot be bullied.

Otherwise, people and gods will be angry, and they will perish! "

"Lao Luo, you are so handsome!"

"Wow, I can't believe that Lao Luo knows Kung Fu! It's really amazing!"

"Come on, Lao Luo! Defeat these bad guys!"

The three girls who were disgusted with Master Luo just now all looked at Master Luo with stars in their eyes at this moment.

Seeing Master Luo's pretentious look, Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman both twitched at the corners of their mouths.

But I don’t care, these little scoundrels really deserve to be beaten. Now that they have encountered them, they will not just sit idly by.

The golden necklace stared at Master Luo, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Old man, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business!

We are from Lord Kun of Daliang City.

If you offend Master Kun, you won't be able to stay in Daliang City.

It wouldn't be worth it if you lost your life because of meddling in other people's business, wouldn't you say? "

Master Luo looked at him with his hands behind his back, narrowed his eyes and said, "I don't know Mr. Kun.

But roaring when we see injustice on the road is a mark engraved in our bones as martial arts practitioners!

What's more, Boss Bai here is my friend..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Brother Bai became anxious and glared at Master Luo and said, "You only did a business once and you took advantage of me. Who are you friends with?"

Master Luo's face was full of embarrassment, he glared at Brother Bai and cursed: "You are a stick..."

Brother Bai rolled his eyes at him and cursed: "Don't get too close to me!"

He wiped the blood from his forehead and cursed at the gold necklace: "I don't know these three of them.

Go back and tell Xikun that even if he smashes my shop and beats me to death, I won’t buy his talisman! "

"Old Chen?" Luo Xiaoman turned his head and asked Chen Xin'an in a low voice.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Master Luo: "Do it!"

In an instant, before Jin Necklace and the other boy understood what was happening, they were knocked to the ground by Master Luo with three punches and two kicks!

"You are looking for death..." Gold Necklace fell to the ground and cursed.

But Luo Xiaoman took a running start and kicked the front of the car with a bang.

Then he kicked him three times, forcing the jeep that had the handbrake on to exit the store!

Everyone in the room was stunned.

Is this guy still a human?


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