Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1519 They won’t cause trouble again in the future

Knowing that he is from the city bureau, you still dare to attack him. Is this so-called Mr. Chen a lunatic?

Bai Bo covered his face and took two steps back. He gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Xin'an and cursed:

"Okay, you have the guts!

Just wait for me. If I don't get you in, my Baibo clothes will be in vain! "

He took out his cell phone and was about to make a call.

Chen Xin'an said to him coldly: "There is no need to call the duty room, otherwise I will cause other people to be beaten.

You call Zhao Zhiguo directly and ask him to come over in person!

What to see?

Don't know his phone number?

Do you want me to tell you? "

Bai Bo's expression changed. He looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise and asked, "Who are you? How do you know my leader?"

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, looked at him with disdain and said, "Are you afraid? Don't worry, your clothes will definitely be in vain and you can take them off tomorrow!

It is precisely because of people like you that Daliang City is now like this!

In fact, I’m not slapping you just because you are from the city bureau..."

Chen Xin'an grabbed Bai Bo's collar and slapped him in the face with four big mouths, beating him until his mouth vomited blood!

Then he threw him to the ground, looked at him with contempt and cursed: "You are Brother Bai's brother!

You don't help your family, but you help outsiders. You really deserve to be beaten! "

Chen Xinan was never used to eating things like this.

What happened to Ning Changgang and Ning Changming after he dealt with them?

The bones are almost rotten!

Xiaoman walked up to Bai Bo and spat at him!

"I thought you were quite handsome before, but I realized tonight that I am really blind!

What kind of man are you?

You're from the city bureau, you really don't deserve it! "

Several other employees also came over and looked at Bai Bo with anger and contempt on their faces.

"I only know how to scold Brother Bai. How did he offend you?

He treats you as a relative and doesn't dare to trouble you at ordinary times. He only dares to come to you when he is in trouble.

But not only did you not help, you also added insult to injury!

It’s really not a thing! "

"Everyone has his own way of living. If you don't like Brother Bai, you don't have to watch him. Is there any need to humiliate him?

Do you know that he doesn't care what outsiders call him?

But a word from a family member like you is like a knife cutting into his heart? "

"The last time your mother-in-law was sent to the hospital, Brother Bai came up with 80,000 yuan to help you with her injuries!

Why don't you remember Brother Bai's kindness to you at all, and you still take it for granted.

It’s not difficult to say a few nice words without asking for anything in return, right?

But every time you come here, you always sarcastically scold me, as if Brother Bai owes you!

Now you are even helping outsiders when you can't help me. Brothers like you are no better than an outsider! "

With Chen Xin'an's support, the girls were no longer afraid and criticized Bai Bo one by one.

Bai Bo's face was pale and ashamed.

At this time, he remembered how good Brother Bai was to him and the whole family.

It seems that except for his pretentious appearance, which makes the whole family unhappy, he is really impeccable in other aspects and does everything well.

But the whole family thought he was a monster and a disgrace to everyone.

He always said bad things to him and never had a good look on his face.

In fact, when my uncle and aunt were still alive, they both said that the reason why Brother Bai was like this was because he was raised as a girl when he was a child.

But later on, no one understood why he became like this.

He just scolded him and despised him, humiliating him more severely than outsiders.

Never consider his feelings.

Chen Xin'an took the three talismans from Brother Bai's hand, looked at them, and asked with a smile:

"Fifty thousand one? It's not expensive! I think one hundred thousand is more appropriate!"

Not to mention Brother Bai, even Xi Kun in the car felt a little baffled.

Who is this guy helping?

Chen Xin'an knocked on the car window.

Xikun looked at him coldly and ignored him. He just said to the boy driving the car: "Let's go!"

He didn't know Chen Xin'an, but since this guy casually mentioned Zhao Zhiguo's name, he had a certain background.

There is no need to spend time with a stranger tonight.

This guy's skills are pretty good. We don't have enough manpower right now. It won't be too late to come over when we're fully prepared.

But as soon as the car started, the window glass next to him shattered with a crash.

Chen Xin'an, who was standing next to the car, reached in, grabbed Xikun's hair, and dragged half of his body out of the car!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

This is Lord Kun of Daliang City!

Who dares to treat him like this?

A group of hooligans rushed over, howling.

Chen Xin'an grabbed Xikun's hair with one hand and kicked it out with both feet.

Kick the little hooligans who rush over to the ground one by one!

"Stop it!" Xi Kun shouted at the top of his lungs.

This guy used half of his body as a shield and had already been whipped with a steel pipe several times!

It even hit him on the chin, and now half of his face is swollen!

The group of boys stopped and looked at Chen Xin'an in horror.

This guy's kung fu is so strong that so many of them swarmed him, but they couldn't even take advantage of him!

Xikun suppressed his anger and said to Chen Xin'an: "Young man, you are seeking death!

You have no idea...ah!

Let go, you bastard! "

Chen Xin'an didn't hear him rambling here, so she directly pulled his hair and dragged him out of the car.

Then he swept his legs and made him kneel on the ground!

“In doing business, you must be honest, and you must pay once you have negotiated the price!

One piece is worth one hundred thousand, and three pieces are worth three hundred thousand.

Run away without taking the money. Are you bullying me for being from out of town?

Do you think I have nothing to do and am here to play house with you? "

Xikun is worthy of being the eldest brother in Daliang City, capable of bending and stretching.

He immediately said to Chen Xin'an:

"Okay, I'll pay!

But let me advise you, it’s not easy for me, Xikun, to make money.

I'm afraid you'll take your life, but you won't be able to spend it..."

Chen Xin'an pressed down on Xikun's head, put one foot on his right heel, and then slowly pressed down hard!

Xikun gritted his teeth at first and endured the pain, acting like that.

But as that foot kept pushing harder and harder, it seemed like there was no upper limit!

He finally couldn't help it and started screaming loudly!

A group of younger brothers turned pale and wanted to rush to save the boss, but they were afraid of him.

Chen Xin'an didn't even look at them, she just lowered her head and looked at Xikun, and said with contempt:

“I hate people saying useless nonsense to me!

So whatever I ask you to do, just do it for me and don’t do anything useless!

Don't you just want to tolerate it for the time being, pay for it obediently, and then take revenge on me when you leave here?

I'll just give you a chance.

But you have to pay obediently first! "

"Okay, I'll pay! I'll write the check!" Xikun breathed heavily.

He is really afraid of this madman now, he can even guess his thoughts!

Chen Xin'an slowly raised her feet.

Xikun didn't even look at his injured heart. He took out his checkbook and filled out one check.

“As long as it’s a working day, every Qingxi bank can cash it!

Can you let me go now? "

Chen Xin'an took the check and looked it over to make sure it was correct. Then she smiled and slapped the three talismans on his face and said:

"Take it, the three hundred thousand talisman, don't get it dirty!"

Xi Kun had a sullen face, clenched the three talismans tightly in his hands, limped into the car, and said sullenly: "Let's go!"

A group of gangsters also helped each other get into the jeep, followed the BMW, and left in embarrassment.

"Mr. Chen..." Brother Bai came over with red eyes and a grateful face.

Chen Xin'an slapped the check into his hand and said with a smile: "Brother Bai, do your business with peace of mind.

These people will definitely not cause trouble again in the future! "

He turned around and rode on a motorcycle parked not far away, followed closely by the cars that had just left, and disappeared into the night.


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