Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1520 Please believe me

In the villa in the southern district of Daliang City, Xikun, who had just been helped by his younger brother to sit on the sofa, grabbed the ashtray and smashed it on the glass coffee table in front of him!

With a crashing sound, glass shards flew everywhere.

Xikun covered his face with his hands and screamed like a pig!

Xiao Huangmao on the side quickly ran over and helped him pull out the glass fragments from his face.

Maybe he used too much force, so an angry Xikun kicked him in the stomach!

Xiao Huangmao took a step back. Before he could feel anything, Xikun hugged his leg and cried out in pain again!

"That bastard! I'm going to kill him!"

Dare you do this to me?

In the entire Daliang City, no one dares to lay a finger on me, Xikun!

A mere outsider rushed to break ground on Tai Sui's head.

I won't be able to leave Daliang City if I let him live!

Yellow dog, call me right away!

Pull the people from the factory over here, stop the people over there, and concentrate on dealing with these outsiders! "

Xiao Huangmao said hesitantly: "Master Kun, are you making a fuss out of a molehill?

The construction schedule there is tight and we don’t dare to stop!

Once the construction deadline is missed, the losses will be huge! "

Xikun wanted to grab something and hit him, but there was nothing around him that could be used, so he lay on the sofa angrily and cursed at him:

"Are you stupid or blind?

Can’t you see how powerful these outsiders are?

Black Dog and the others were beaten and hospitalized, and I lost another three hundred thousand tonight!

When did I, Xikun, suffer such a loss in Daliang City?

I don’t care what these guys came to Qingxi for.

If you want to be a Dragon Crossing the River, you have to ask me, Xi Kun, if I agree!

Find me all the people and find out where those people are and what their relationship is with the leaders of the city bureau.

Let me deal with the sissies over there first and lure them out.

Then let Buddha deal with him, and you lead a group of people to raid that guy's lair!

Didn't he come with a bunch of women?

Tie up all those women and tell the brothers to play with them hard!

Remember to take photos and videos while playing.

For offending me, Xi Kun, do you really think that you can just die and be done with it?

I want you to die without being able to hold your head up, and to be a coward wearing hundreds of cuckolds.

When you are reincarnated in your next life, you will have to stay far away and kneel when you hear my name, Xikun! "

"I know Master Kun!" Huang Gou took out his mobile phone and ran to the side to make a call.

Xikun slumped down on the sofa, closed his eyes, and fell asleep without realizing it.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly there was a banging sound outside.

Xikun woke up suddenly, frowned, and cursed:

"Who is it? Is there something wrong? If you don't sleep at night, what are you doing!"

A young hooligan rushed in and said to him in a panic: "Master Kun, something serious is going to happen!"

Xikun scolded him: "Hold still! What do I usually teach you?

When something happens, stay calm and don't be surprised!

What made you panic like this?

The sky is falling? "

The little gangster quickly took a deep breath, tried to make himself as relaxed as possible, and said to Xi Kun: "Master Kun is right, I shouldn't panic!"

Xikun nodded and said, "This is right! Tell me, what's going on outside?"

The little hooligan walked up to Xikun calmly, lit a cigar for him diligently, and said lightly:

"It's nothing, just a few short-sighted boys hit our car!"

"Hit our car? What car? How did it hit us?" Xi Kun was stunned.

The little hooligan stood aside and said calmly: "It's the BMW that Master Kun parked outside the door!

The other party drove a Pousan and hit him back and forth several times!

I guess they must have done it on purpose!

Now he's getting ready to hit the door! "

"My car!" Xikun's face suddenly turned pale. He struggled to stand up and cursed angrily:

"I bought it for more than a million dollars!

Why didn't you tell me earlier, you bastard?

Go and stop him quickly!

Who dares to hit my car if they are tired of living? "

The little hooligan quickly supported him and said: "Master Kun, hold on! Stay calm, you must be calm!"

Xi Kun slapped him with a loud mouth and yelled at him:

"I'll calm you down, uncle!

They even called me at home, and they still kept calm with me!

Copy guys, kill those bastards! "

Outside the gate of the villa, a tattered Poussin kept bumping against the new BMW parked outside the gate like a wild boar against a tree.

I spent millions to buy a luxury car that I had driven for less than a year, but it was turned into a pile of scrap metal!

"Quickly stop him!

My car!

Get that madman out of the car!

I really want to see who it is that has such courage! "

A group of boys were shouting next to them, but no one dared to rush forward.

Because the driver is indeed a lunatic. If someone approaches, he will hit them directly. If no one is around, he will hit the car!

Fortunately, Xiao Huangmao was smarter and drove the jeep directly towards him.

Poussin was squeezed in front of the scrap metal of the BMW, unable to move, and then he stopped.

The crowd swarmed up and smashed the glass of Poussin's car.

Before he could see what the driver looked like inside, he was snatched out by two people who suddenly opened the door and punched and kicked them!

Xikun's eyes are red!

He yelled at the two guys at the top of his lungs: "Who the hell are you! Do you know who I am?"

After living for half a lifetime, this is the first time I have met someone more arrogant than him in Daliang City!

Not only did he crash his car, but he also beat his people!

Why is the name of Xikun in Daliang City so worthless now?

Who dares to bully him?

Xikun looked gloomy, stared at the two people and shouted: "Yellow dog, ask where the Foye gang is?

Liangzi, go get my spray gun!

Today, I will show them what a starry sky is!"

A beam of light shone over, just shining on Xikun's face.

Xikun covered his eyes with his arms and cursed: "Who the hell is taking photos there?"

A motorcycle slowly drove over and stopped five meters in front of him.

A man got off the car and stood beside the car and grinned at him.

"Uncle Kun, long time no see! I heard you were looking for me, and now I take the initiative to come to you!"

I haven't seen your uncle for a long time!

It's not more than two hours in total. You beat me at Yongjia Advertising before!

Xikun was so angry that his liver hurt. He couldn't believe how this guy named Chen Xin'an could be so arrogant!

Before he, the master of Daliang City, could come to him to settle the score, he actually dared to come to his door!

The key point is, how did he know that this was one of Xikun's homes?

He has more than one property in Daliang City.

The fact that the other party could find this place can only mean one thing, that this guy followed him all the way back when he came back just now!

Xiao Zhang and Master Luo also came over and stood on the left and right sides of Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xinan said to Xikun: "No need to wait, the group of people you called can't come anymore!"

The phone rang, Xikun took out his mobile phone, just answered it for a while, and then gritted his teeth and cursed: "Ghost Hand! Wait for this account!"

"No need to wait!" Chen Xinan squinted his eyes and smiled: "You have no future!"

Xikun looked at Chen Xinan coldly, and said sarcastically: "Mr. Chen, don't say such things, I'm scared!

I'm Xikun from Daliang City. I've been in the underworld for so many years. What kind of battles have I not seen?

What do you mean, just because of selling a talisman, you want to kill me?

Is it worth it?

Do you dare?"

Chen Xinan squinted his eyes and smiled slightly: "Xikun, I'm going to ask you something, think about it before answering.

Because if you are not honest, I will beat you to death.

Please believe me, because I'm really not kidding!"

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