Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1521 The master hidden around you

Xikun and the group of brothers around him looked at each other, and then suddenly burst into laughter!

The yellow dog looked disdainfully and said to Chen Xin'an: "Are you drunk?

And beat Master Kun to death?

Who do you think you are?

Where do you think you stand now?

Come on, I tell you, stupid foreigner!

This is Daliang City in Qingxi!

Do you know whose territory Daliang City belongs to?

It belongs to Master Kun!

Don’t think that it will be great just because it lasts a few seconds!

Let you take advantage of it a little bit, and when you are asked to spit it out, you will have to spit it out even with the profit.

Well, are you really treating yourself like a green onion?

Are you talking about beating Mr. Kun to death?

Don't talk about Master Kun. I'm a small character standing in front of you. Try beating me to death!

Do you think Daliang City..."


Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an, who was already impatient, raised his arm and slapped him on the top of the head!

At this moment, Xiao Huangmao seemed to be two inches shorter!

His head with scattered yellow hair was almost retracted into his chest, and blood flowed from his nostrils and mouth!

Everyone around was dumbfounded!

I thought the two guys who were driving just now were madmen, but now I know that this Chen Xin'an is an out-and-out madman!

He actually killed someone!

And right in front of everyone!

"Yellow dog!" Xi Kun screamed, watching helplessly as the yellow dog bleeded from all its orifices, fell straight to the ground and died, and said in disbelief:

"You really dare to kill people! Are you crazy? You dare to kill my people in Xikun, what are you doing!"

After so many years on the road, Xikun has never seen ruthless people.

As for things that cost people's lives, he himself did it too!

But like this guy, he just slaps people to death if they disagree with him.

This is really the first time I’ve seen him!

It's like a human life, in this guy's eyes, is just like a fly or a mosquito, he can be killed with a slap!

"Move, do it! Don't let him go!" After all, Xikun is the eldest brother, and he is the leader of these younger brothers, so he was the first to react.

But a group of younger brothers did not obey him like they usually did!

They looked at Chen Xin'an as if they had seen a ghost. They didn't even have the courage to get closer, and they all backed away involuntarily.

No one wants to be the second yellow dog and be slapped to death by this guy!

Chen Xin'an looked at Xikun with a grin and said, "Look, killing is so simple!

Your life and the life of this little yellow hair are both the same to me, they are both insignificant. "

Chen Xin'an made a gesture and curled her lips and said: "Just like ants, I can crush you to death with just one finger!

Even if you are some kind of Master Kun from Daliang City, you have money and brothers.

But in front of me, you don't even have the chance to spend money to buy thugs.

No amount of brothers can protect you.

Because I want to kill you, so I won’t give you that chance!

Now I want to ask you something. Are you going to answer me, or do you want me to save the trouble and slap you to death? "

Xikun's face was pale, he looked at Chen Xin'an in horror and asked, "What do you want to ask?"

Chen Xin'an squinted his eyes and said, "Who told you this morning what time we arrived in Daliang City?

Why can you arrange all that in advance?

What did he ask you to do?

How many people are there on the other side?

Where are you now? "

Hearing Chen Xin'an's words, Xikun's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. He looked at Chen Xin'an in horror and said with a look of realization: "So you came with him..."

Then, he trembled and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "What are you talking about? I don't understand at all!

This morning several cars in our company had steering wheel accidents.

This has been confirmed by the traffic police! "

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, looked at Xi Kun and said, "Master Kun, I advise you to be honest!

Don't make me do anything to you.

You have to know that if I take action, you will be more comfortable dead than alive! "

He walked up to Xi Kun and suddenly stretched out his right hand to grab the other person's neck.

At the same time, he took out several silver needles with his left hand and pierced Xikun's head like lightning.

Xikun's whole body stiffened instantly and he stood motionless.

"W-what did you do to me?" Xikun looked at Chen Xin'an with a horrified look.

He found that except for his mouth, he could no longer move other parts of his body!

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "You will know in a moment!

For a disobedient person, I have a hundred ways to turn him into a good baby!

Do you believe it or not? "

At this moment, someone from a group of boys suddenly shouted: "Save Mr. Kun!"

A group of people rushed over like crazy!

Xiao Zhang and Master Luo, who had nothing to do, heheed at the same time, rubbed their hands and rushed forward!

But at this moment, there was a bang!

Chen Xin'an wanted to pull Xikun away, but it was still a step too late.

Xi Kun's body in front of him swayed, and a large red blood stain appeared on the back of his heart.

Chen Xin'an quickly lifted the silver needle from his head.

Xikun coughed twice, staggered, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth!

Chen Xin'an supported him and asked him, "Who is it? Tell me quickly!"

Xikun opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but a large amount of blood poured out of his mouth.

His eyes gradually dimmed, and he fell to the ground like mud!

Chen Xin'an raised his head, looked at the young man in the crowd, quickly put a pistol into his arms, turned around and left, quickly disappearing into the darkness of the light!

Xi Kun beside him had stopped breathing. This shot penetrated his heart directly from behind, and it was impossible for gods to save him!

Chen Xin'an chased him out with a sullen face, but the boy had disappeared without a trace!

He is a master!

The marksmanship was so accurate that one shot in the crowd hit the heart and killed him instantly!

This should be a professional killer!

The other party was hiding next to Xi Kun, pretending to be an ordinary younger brother, but in fact he was spying on Xi Kun.

Once you find that he is in danger of leaking, kill him immediately!

The person hiding behind is so thoughtful!

"Let them all go! Ask who that person is!" Chen Xin'an said to Xiao Zhang and Master Luo with a gloomy face.

Kill someone in front of him, and then escape unscathed.

This kind of thing is also the first time for Chen Xin'an.

Of course, this had a lot to do with the fact that he didn't care about Xikun's life or death, so his reaction was naturally much slower.

But this also reminded Chen Xin'an.

Never underestimate anyone.

Maybe the master is hiding next to him.

Chen Xin'an kicked a younger brother to the ground, looked into his eyes and asked, "Do you want to live or die?"

The younger brother was so frightened that he almost peed his pants and said in a trembling voice: “Don’t kill me!

I do not know anything!

Please let me go! I have an eighty-year-old mother and a son who is not yet one month old..."

Chen Xin'an slapped him on the face and cursed: "How old was your mother when she gave birth to you?"

"Huh?" The younger brother was stunned for a moment and actually counted on his fingers.

Chen Xin'an kicked him and cursed: "Don't talk to me here! Tell me who was that person just now?"

"I don't know, I don't know you!" The younger brother shook his head, and when he saw Chen Xin'an's face turned dark and raised his palm to slap him, he immediately shouted with a cry:

“Sent from Ningzhou to protect Lord Kun!

Everyone calls him Laojun, and no one else knows. "


Chen Xin'an frowned and let go of his feet.

Ask Xiao Zhang and Master Luo next to him, and they all gave the same answer, which means that this boy is not lying.

Xiao Zhang walked up to him and asked: "Boss, what should we do with these boys?"

Chen Xin'an looked around at the knocked down younger brothers, snorted and said: "Call Yao Ye and let him handle it!

I said, help him deal with Xikun.

As for whether he can control Daliang City in the future, it depends on his own abilities! "


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