Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1525 What kind of VIPs are you?

Longdun's people have arrived and called Chen Xin'an.

Unexpectedly, Sun Gallo also followed.

It is said that it is a case of tracking down food contraband all over the world.

It happened that the missions of Long Dun and the two of them overlapped, so they came together.

I originally wanted to live with Chen Xin'an, but I didn't expect to be arranged to the Qingcao Hotel, on the same floor as Duan Changkong and the others.

Chen Xin'an asked them to investigate Kangrui Company and protect Duan Changkong and the others.

Luo Zhen also came with the film crew and moved directly into the location.

Wen Renqian also came, and Director Niu also came with him.

Zhou Zhi called Ning Xiruo to discuss a 3D martial arts masterpiece with two directors and two cameras.

Unexpectedly, the relationship between Master Luo and his son was so bad.

It's as if the other person doesn't have a relative, and he doesn't care about the other person's life or death at all.

Xiao Zhang asked Master Luo privately why he didn't want to mention his precious son.

Master Luo's answer also left people speechless.

Luo Zheng's mother, who has been doing this for a long time, is not the wife that Master Luo is marrying.

After a one-night romance when he was young, he accidentally gave birth to his son Luo Zheng.

Later, Master Luo pinched his nose and recognized it.

But little discipline.

After Luo Zheng's mother passed away, Master Luo brought Luo Zheng into Luo.

But he was asked to go out to study and then work on his own, and basically rarely interfered in his affairs.

Even though Luo Zheng always says that he is Master Luo's son in front of others, only he himself knows what feelings he has in his heart for this father!

Representatives from both countries also came.

In the morning, a representative from Xinlun came over, and in the afternoon, a representative from Inca came.

What everyone didn't expect was that the people on both sides were a little over the top.

Nearly thirty people came from Xinlun Kingdom.

The Inca representative was even more exaggerated. There were fifty bodyguards alone!

Coupled with other relatives and entourage, there was a mighty team of eighty people.

This puts a lot of pressure on the hotel.

Of course it can be arranged for everyone to live here.

But the third and fifth floors, which were originally used as isolation areas, no longer functioned.

Inca and Xinlun have always disliked each other and have been in constant conflict.

At that time, the Red Star Hotel will be regarded as a battlefield, and if the two sides start fighting, it will be troublesome!

In the lobby on the first floor, an Inca waved his arm and threw everything on the main platform to the ground, even the signs were smashed.

"Is this your reception?

Do you want us to sleep on the street?

Didn’t you say that it has been arranged?

Why are we not allowed to check in when there are available rooms?

Do you think we can't afford it?

Even if it’s a hotel that’s a hundred times more upscale than yours, I’ll stay there on a monthly basis!

I knew that China was poor and backward, but it did not disappoint me.

If it weren't for official business, I would never come to this shabby place in my life! "

The platoon leader on duty came over and explained to these Incas in Inca: "Sorry everyone, we are coordinating with nearby hotels.

We will give you a satisfactory answer soon, please wait! "

The Inca snorted and looked at him and said: "Why do you want to arrange a nearby hotel?

We're not going to live there.

There are obviously empty rooms here, why can't we live with Dashou?

Do you want to take this opportunity to harm our leader? "

Some high-level official positions in Inca and Xinlun are the same, and the chief is the representative sent by both parties.

It's higher than Chen Xin'an's gold star epaulette, and it's about the same level as Mr. Li.

The platoon leader on duty said helplessly: "I'm sorry, there is nothing we can do about this.

Your actual attendance is far higher than the number of people who reported.

For safety reasons, we can only arrange for extra people to go to other hotels.

Please cooperate! "

A young man with a gold ring who looked like an Inca prince snorted coldly and said:

"I am an Inca noble, how can I live in an ordinary hotel with those untouchables?

Call your person in charge over. I don’t care about the others. Ask him to arrange a separate room for me, with the same specifications as the chief’s room.

Don’t worry, I will give you money, no matter how much you want for one night! "

Just as the platoon leader on duty was about to explain, the Inca man pointed at him and said unceremoniously: "I don't want to talk nonsense to you!

Your level is not high enough to talk to me.

You'd better ask your superior to talk to me, I'm waiting for his arrangement! "

"What are you arguing about?" Chen Xin'an and Wang Shoucheng came back from outside and frowned when they saw the messy hall.

The platoon leader on duty quickly ran over, saluted the two of them, and reported the situation to them.

Wang Shoucheng said to the platoon leader on duty: "Ask the receptionist to open the door to the fifth floor and let them move in!

We will arrange the issue of door sealing and sentry posts later. "

Turning his head, Wang Shoucheng said to Chen Xin'an, "Is this okay?"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to the platoon leader on duty: "Did you bring the list?"

"Bring it!" The platoon leader on duty quickly took out a piece of paper.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "Come, read it loudly to them!"

The platoon leader on duty didn't understand what Chen Xin'an meant, but he obeyed the order, walked up to the group of Incas, took the list and read the names on it loudly.

After he finished reading, Chen Xin'an took out his ears and muttered: "What a bad name for Inca, it burns your mouth just listening to it!"

A group of Incas snorted and glared at him.

Chen Xin'an was happy, you understand, right?

That would save trouble.

He tilted his head and squinted at the group of Incas in front of him, pointed at the list in the hands of the platoon leader on duty, and said expressionlessly:

“The person whose name was read just now, stay!

What remains, are two options.

Or stay at the hotel we help contact.

Or find a hotel to stay at.

I'll give you three minutes to pack your luggage, and the police will send you to the hotel door later! "

A group of Incas immediately went into a rage, pointing at Chen Xin'an and shouting curses.

Wang Shoucheng also asked worriedly: "Mr. Chen, will it seem too rude?"

Chen Xin'an laughed angrily, looked at him and said, "Leader Wang, why do you always like to review yourself first?

As a green suit, it is not a good thing to lack the toughness you should have! "

The Inca who just accused the hotel of poor hospitality pointed at Chen Xinan and cursed:

"You have to take responsibility for what you said!

We are your distinguished guests from China, and your treating us so rudely is an insult to the entire Inca!

May I have your name?

Does what you say represent China’s attitude?

If so, then wait for our official Inca protest! "

"Shut up, please?" Chen Xin'an looked at him impatiently and cursed:

"Where are the distinguished guests? What have you brought to China?

You are just here to ask China to help you solve your troubles. You are here to ask for help.

You are just a guest at best, yet you call yourself a VIP? Do you want face?

What are you staring at?

Are you being shameless and unconvinced?

You said you went out and brought your family and a bunch of people with you.

Twenty people were reported, which was actually four times more.

What do you mean?

I heard that we entertained you for free, so everyone came to eat and drink?

If you like to take advantage so much, how can you accuse us of disrespecting you?

Listen clearly, you are not even guests, you are just people who come here to join in the fun.

The guests have already checked in upstairs. In order to ensure their safety, we must work strictly according to the pre-specified plan.

You guys, if you don’t want to go to the hotel arranged by us, just find a place to stay on your own!

Remember, you must abide by our rules here.

Otherwise, we will arrest you as foreign gangsters, but don’t blame us for being rude. "

He waved to the police waiting outside to come in and watched these people pack their bags.

Then without any explanation, he helped them carry their luggage and drove out of the hotel.


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