Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1526 If I touch his gun, I will listen to you

Following Chen Xin'an upstairs, Wang Shoucheng opened his mouth several times to say something, but in the end nothing came out.

He really wanted to ask Chen Xin'an, was this a bit too direct?

It’s easy to offend people!

It doesn't matter if you deal with your own people, but when these foreigners are involved, aren't you afraid of causing unnecessary disputes if you are not careful?

But deep down, I knew that this was the right thing to do.

When we got to the second floor, the entire corridor was filled with people wearing all kinds of green clothes.

Everyone stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and they were tense.

This is the first meeting between the three negotiating parties and the only meeting before the negotiations.

The main thing is to discuss some preparations before negotiation, determine the time and route, etc.

In the corridor, Hu Zhenrui and two men in green clothes stood in a triangle and were constantly arguing.

To become a guard chief, one must know at least these three languages.

You don’t have to be very proficient, but you need to understand and be able to communicate simply.

The security chiefs of the other two countries also have the same requirements in this regard.

A green-clad member of the local security guard had an angry look on his face, and there were obvious finger marks on his left cheek. He had been slapped!

Seeing Chen Xin'an and Wang Shoucheng approaching, Hu Zhenrui breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, they want to change the defense of the whole building!"

"Change the defense of the whole building? How?" Wang Shoucheng asked with a frown.

Hu Zhenrui said with a gloomy face: "Except for the second floor, all the sentries in other places have been replaced by their own people.

Including the door and roof! "

The Xinlun green suit who had just argued with Hu Zhenrui said with an arrogant expression: "Your Chinese sentries are so rubbish!

I have never seen such sparse guards!

I even walked behind him and he didn't even notice!

If our leader is handed over to such a guard, wouldn't he be able to lose his life at any time? "

The green-dressed man with finger marks on his face said aggrievedly: "Who said I didn't notice you coming to my side?

I just wasn't prepared for you to hit someone!

If I knew you were going to do it, see if you could still hit me! "

Xinlun's green suit sneered coldly and said: "You are a sentinel, no matter who is standing next to you, you should be alert enough!

The vigilance of the Chinese green outfit is really too weak. I don’t trust you if I teach you the leader’s life!

I am Xinlun Representative Guard Chief Lupu. If you think there is something wrong with my opinions, you can complain to me! "

The Inca on the side also curled his lips and said: "Remember my name, Inca represents the Guard Chief Vias!

I'm telling you, the Chinese green outfit is simply the weakest in the world!

Short in stature and thin in body.

Any one of us who stands up will be much stronger than you!

If nothing else, your sentry posts are full of loopholes.

Such guards are just for show!

I am very worried and disappointed with your guards.

So we're going to put on our sentinels! "

Wang Shoucheng shouted with a straight face: "That's complete nonsense!

Don't insult our Chinese green outfits, otherwise don't blame us for being rude! "

With Chen Xin'an as an example, Wang Shoucheng no longer felt that tolerance came first when dealing with these foreigners as before.

What's more, the attitudes of these people have offended his inverse scale.

If you say anything else about dissatisfaction, I'll just pretend I didn't hear it.

Now you are actually saying that our Chinese green clothing is rubbish, can I still tolerate you?

But Chen Xin'an waved her hand to indicate that he didn't need to be angry, and said to Xinlun Guard Chief Lu Pu:

"Did you see the two sentries in dark clothes at the door of the office?

Don’t you think our Chinese sentinels are too vigilant?

If you can take off his gun, I will agree to your request! "

He glanced at Vyas next to him, curled his lips and said, "Which one of you can do it, it's the same!"

The two sentries standing at the door of the office are Gong Jun and Yu Fei.

Lu Pu and Vyas stared at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and asked:

"On this condition? Are you kidding me?"

"He's not kidding, he's humiliating us!"

Chen Xin'an said impatiently: "It's just such an opportunity, will it be over if you go or not?"

Lupu said angrily: "Okay, just wait! It's as simple as taking something out of your pocket!"

He strode towards the sentry at the door of the office, but when he was almost close to the target, he slowed down his steps.

It seems that they are afraid of being overtaken by the Xinlun people, and then the whole building will be controlled by the Xinlun people.

Vyas was also following closely behind. For him, taking away the sentry's gun was a snap!

Using the sentry with his back to them as a cover to block the sight of the other sentry, the two of them came behind the sentry almost at the same time, and reached for the sentry's pistol with both hands almost at the same time!

But before they could touch the holsters, Yu Fei jerked to the side as if there were eyes on his back.

One hand grabbed Lupu's wrist, the other hand grabbed his chest, threw him over his shoulder, and slammed Lupu to the ground!

At the same time, Gong Jun from the opposite side rushed over and kicked Vyas away!

Those Inca green clothes and Xinlun green clothes were all shocked, shouted angrily, and all rushed over!

"Mr. Chen, we are in big trouble now! What should we do?" Wang Shoucheng's expression changed and he said anxiously to Chen Xin'an.

Turning his head, he shouted to Hu Zhenrui: "Guard Chief Hu, why are you still standing there?

Hurry up and ask your people to stop them, I will call the people below immediately and ask them to come up..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, patted his arm and said, "Don't worry, it's okay! Don't move, just stand aside and watch the fun!"

Their own guard chief was beaten, how could these Inca and Xinlun people endure it?

A swarm of swarms rushed towards Gong Jun and Yu Fei!

The people who came to this floor were all personal guards, the same as Mr. Li's guard standard, which was ten people.

There are also two personal bodyguards, both in the office.

There were twenty people rushing over at this moment!

Gong Jun and Yu Fei each have to deal with at least ten people!

But there was no fear on the faces of the two of them, and they were intertwined, like each other's teeth.

Either facing each other, or back to back.

It spins like a top, constantly changing venues and targets right at the door of the office.

The office door was opened at some point.

The three chiefs all heard the noise outside and were already standing at the door.

Huo Guangqi, Zhuang Huaishan, and Lu Qianfan saw that their brothers were outnumbered, but they did not help. They just stood guard beside the three leaders.

The personal bodyguards behind the two chief leaders also had expressionless faces and remained motionless.

"Nonsense!" Li Laogang wanted to stop him, but the Inca leader Floz next to him said with a smile:

"It's no big deal for young people to compete with each other. Mr. Li won't be so unsure of his own people, right?"

Ricardo, the leader of Xinlun, curled his lips and said: "It's okay to have a discussion, but don't hurt anyone!

These people I brought here are not serious.

I'm afraid that I won't be able to tell which of you are fighting together, so don't be angry! "

Mr. Li looked at the two people around him, snorted and said: "Twenty people versus two people, this is the first time I have seen such a competition!

But it doesn't matter, we Chinese have always been a country of etiquette, so what if we are one against ten? "

Floz and Ricardo both blushed and snorted.

This is the fact, and neither of them can refute it.

And these words have made the two people from Huaxia invincible.

Even if we were beaten down, it was twenty of you who beat two of us. What is there to be proud of?

But the fact now is that even if twenty people beat two people, they still didn't get any advantage!

As more and more people were knocked down, the two sentries remained stationary at the door of the office.

Like a rock in the river, it remains standing!


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