Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1527: Their bones are cheap and they don’t feel pain unless they are beaten

If they were in a more open area, these guards wouldn't be knocked down so quickly.

But the corridor is narrow, and only three or four people can rush up and take action.

The Incas, who were tall and large, were greatly restricted in size and could not use their weapons widely.

They also haven't learned the two-man attack tactic.

More importantly, the Incas and Xinlun people were at odds with each other and could not work together.

Even if they feel they are in the way, they will attack the other party without hesitation!

So at the end of the fight, all twenty guards fell to the ground, curled up with their heads in their hands, wailing in pain.

Lupu sat up with his face in his hands, trying to hide the marks of being slapped wildly.

His expression was angry, but his eyes were frightened.

Looking at Gong Jun and Yu Fei, he shouted: "It's just a discussion, why do you want to be so harsh?"

Vias gritted his teeth and cursed: "The damn Xinlun people are in the way. If we Incas do it ourselves, you will be the ones who fall!"

Chen Xin'an raised the corners of her mouth and said with a disdainful look: "You need to understand two things.

First of all, in China, sentries are sacrosanct!

Guns are the life of a soldier.

So if you dare to grab the sentry's gun, we will be merciful if we don't kill you! "

Lupu's eyes almost popped out of his head.

Wasn't it you, bastard, who asked us to touch the gun?

Now you tell me this?

You cheater!

Chen Xin'an looked at Vyas with sarcastic eyes and said, "Secondly, being big doesn't mean you can really fight!

I don’t know where you Incas got your confidence. You’ve never won a fight with anyone, but you’ve never been timid.

You Incas, even if your body is rotten after death, there is still one place that is hard! "

Vyas's face was gloomy. He wanted to refute Chen Xin'an loudly, but he was stunned when he heard the last sentence. He frowned and asked, "Where is the hardness? Are you praising us for being manly?"

He made a hip thrusting motion and laughed to himself.

Chen Xin'an looked at him as if he were an idiot.

How did this idiot become the chief of security?

"This is nonsense!" Boss Li walked out with a face on his face and cursed at Gong Jun and Yu Fei:

"These are our guests, how could they do such a heavy hand?

When we spar in the future, you can't do it together. Isn't this bullying?

Just think of the previous one and that’s it! "

Flosz and Ricardo were already livid and in a bad mood.

I originally wanted to see the excitement in China, but I didn't expect that even twenty people couldn't beat two of them. It was so embarrassing!

Now when I heard Old Li's words, I almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Is this really human language?

Two against twenty is still considered bullying?

Next time?

Want to be more interested?

Why don't you die?

Do you really think that our guards are made of dough?

Can you show me some basic respect?

Do you think these guards are our real strength?

If these two people behind me stand up, they will kill you Chinese people in minutes!

But no matter how shameless the two of them are, they can't be stubborn anymore. After all, they are on other people's territory and asking for help!

Chen Xin'an didn't care how ugly the faces of the two leaders were, and said to Vyas and Lupu:

"Do you understand now whether our sentries are weak and whether there are loopholes in the sentries?

So accept our arrangements honestly and do whatever we ask you to do!

All personnel who disobey the command, no matter who you are, will be treated as suspects who threaten the leader.

Then you won’t be as light-hearted as you are now!

If you want to participate in regular guard duty, you can.

The patrol post outside the hotel will be arranged for you. You can decide who will be who during the day and who will be at night!

For the rest, you don’t need to interfere, just stay on your own floor! "

Patrol post outside the hotel?

Isn't that just to stand guard for you?

What we want is the protection and control of the entire floor, not like a watchdog who stays outside to look after your home!

Vyas and Lupu were furious and felt extremely humiliated.

But there is no way, whoever has the strongest fist has the final say.

Twenty people have not defeated two people, and now they are not even qualified to oppose!

Waving his hand, Chen Xin'an said to Hu Zhenrui: "Call a car and take them all to the hospital for treatment. I'll pay for the medical expenses!"

"Yes!" Hu Zhenrui responded excitedly. Just as he was about to take out the phone, Lupu roared: "No need!"

So many people were beaten by two people and sent to the hospital?

Can you imagine us to be weaker?

Not as insulting as you!

Ricardo snorted gloomily and turned to leave.

A group of guards also stood up and followed dejectedly.

Going in the opposite direction, Floz did the same.

The originally dark face looked more like a layer of pot ash.

Vyas followed him tremblingly with his men and left in embarrassment.

"Smelly boy, okay!" Huo Guangqi punched Gong Jun and rubbed his head.

Gong Jun chuckled and said, "It's all taught by the boss!"

"Get lost!" Chen Xin'an laughed and scolded: "What you Getanlangs practice is double formation and three-person formation.

Then when it comes to class formation and team tactics, what does that have to do with me? "

Gong Jun smiled and said: "If the instructor hadn't helped me open the keel, I wouldn't have been able to exert such combat power!

No matter how good the training is, one can fight ten in unarmed combat. This cannot be achieved by relying on tactical formation training!

Boss, stop being so modest! "

Everyone laughed and nodded vigorously.

Wang Shoucheng looked at Mr. Li cautiously and whispered to Chen Xin'an: "Will this make those people resentful..."

Chen Xin'an sneered disdainfully: "So what? If you dare to play dirty tricks with me, I will let them take the body back!"

Wang Shoucheng's heart skipped a beat and he wanted to cover Chen Xin'an's mouth!

Ancestor! You are in front of Mr. Li, how dare you say anything!

Unexpectedly, Mr. Li didn't mind at all. He even nodded, patted Chen Xin'an on the shoulder and said:

“It’s useless to reason with these barbarians.

Because their bones are so cheap, they have to be hit with fists to know the pain!

As long as we are reasonable, then there is no need to be polite, we can clean up what needs to be done!

As long as nothing big happens, I'll take care of it! "

"Yes!" everyone shouted in unison.

Wang Shoucheng was dumbfounded.

Why did Mr. Li say that?

Only then did he remember that among the chiefs, Mr. Li had always been the one with a tough attitude!

The restaurant on the first floor has prepared a reception banquet.

With the lesson learned just now, no one acted like a fool during this meal, and they all became much more honest.

Now they all know that China will not tolerate them this time.

If it goes too far, the other party will really do it!

After the reception banquet was over, everyone went back to their own floors.

After a night's rest, we will go to Bishui Tianchi Sanatorium tomorrow afternoon.

Back in the room, a group of women were still discussing taking wedding photos in the bedroom.

The brother and sister Guan Fei and Guan Du were in the living room, occupying two sofas.

It was rare that he didn't eat. Guan Fei occupied a TV by himself and watched it with gusto.

Next to him, Guandu was holding a mobile phone, as if chatting.

After typing a few words, I covered my mouth and snickered, which was quite hilarious.

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang came in and said to Chen Xin'an: "Luo Zhen invites you to dinner at Jiweixuan in Daliang City. Can we go together?"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded, waved and said, "I'll ask Feiyang and Brother Duan to come over too!"

Half an hour later, at the entrance of Jiweixuan in Daliang City.

Luo Zhen smiled and looked at Chen Xin'an who got out of the taxi. Just as he was about to say hello, a dozen more cars stopped behind him.

More than thirty people walked over with Chen Xin'an.

Luo Zhen's legs went weak and he almost fell down!


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