Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1530 I owe everything to Yao Ye for what I have today

There was a flurry of footsteps behind him.

There was no car in this alley, so Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang ran over.

"Where are the people?" Xiao Zhang asked breathlessly.

Chen Xin'an pointed to the wall not far away: "Climb over and run away!"

Luo Xiaoman turned to look at Chen Xin'an and circled around him.

"What are you doing!" Chen Xin'an glared at him inexplicably.

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said, "And you, Old Chen, are chasing the missing person? That's a rare thing!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and cursed: "Get out! I'm not a police dog! Let's go!"

Guishou from the alley came over with a group of brothers. When they heard that they had lost the chase, everyone looked depressed.

The ghost clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth: "I'll catch him sooner or later and chop him into pieces! Avenge my godfather!"

Xiao Zhang handed the car keys back to him.

Guishou didn't answer it, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "You can keep it. It's not a good car, but it's better than taking a taxi every time."

Chen Xin'an did not refuse and nodded to Xiao Zhang.

Guishou is not stupid. He is going against King Qingxi. With his strength, how can he be qualified?

Only with Chen Xin'an's help can we fight against King Qingxi and prevent him from being wiped out easily!

Standing in front of the Nissan, Chen Xin'an took out a card from his body, handed it to the ghost hand and said:

"That's a million!

It’s a little bit of my thoughts on Yao Ye.

If Yao Ye hadn't said anything about his death before his death, he must have returned to Haidong or something.

Then choose a feng shui grassland for him to be buried locally!

If you don’t have enough money, just ask!

Give Yaoye Fengfengfengguang a ride!

Thanks for your hard work! "

The ghost held the bank card in his hand, tears filled his eyes, his knees softened and he knelt down, crying: "I want to thank you on my father's behalf!"

Chen Xin'an patted his shoulder, shook his head, got in the car and left.

"You are quite generous!" Sitting next to Chen Xin'an, Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said, "Throwing a million away casually is not like you, Old Chen!"

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes at him and cursed: "Go away! When have I ever been stingy to my friends?"

Luo Xiaoman sneered coldly: "Are you sure that Yao Ye is your friend? Do you think I'm stupid or blind?"

Chen Xin'an was startled, looked at Luo Xiaoman, sighed and said:

"Although Yaoye is not my friend, but...

How should I put it? In fact, it is all because of Yao Ye that I, Chen Pingan, have so much money today..."

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang both stared at Chen Xin'an in disbelief with their eyes widened.

Xiao Zhang chuckled and said, "Boss, don't tell me that you know how to do business. It was this Yao Ye who taught you how to do business, right?"

"He knows how to do a shitty business!" Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and cursed with a smile: "All his money was stolen!"

Chen Xin'an's face turned dark and she cursed at him: "Fart! I'm not a robber, how have I ever robbed money?

I earned all my money with my life! "

"Huh? Is there any?" Luo Xiaoman looked shocked.

Chen Xin'an nodded solemnly and said: "When someone puts the money in my hand, I give him my life back and let him go! I hand over the money with one hand and let him go with the other, it's fair!"

Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang rolled their eyes.

It turns out that this is the result of such a sacrifice of life!

Chen Xin'an sighed and said: "The first person who bought my life with money was Yao Ye!"

Luo Xiaoman picked up the mineral water bottle and took a sip, then asked Chen Xin'an: "How much did he spend on his own life?"

Chen Xin'an raised a finger.

Xiao Zhang exclaimed: "Ten million? This old man's life is quite precious!"

Chen Xin'an showed disdain.

"Old Xiao, you are too small!" Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said, "Is Old Chen attracted by Ten Million?

I guess at least 50 million! "

Chen Xin'an poked Luo Xiaoman's forehead with a finger.

"Did your physical education teacher teach you math?

If I hold out one finger, it means fifty million. How did you calculate it? "

Luo Xiaoman covered his head and cursed: "It can't be 100 million, right? That old man isn't worth that much!"

Chen Xin'an said with disdain: "One billion! How much your life is worth, only you are qualified to estimate it!

Yaoye spent all his savings to buy his life and Guishou's life, which was considered fair and just.

It also laid the foundation for my first pot of gold after coming down the mountain!

So I am actually very grateful to Yao Ye..."

Luo Xiaoman sighed: "You got one billion from Yao Ye.

When Yao Ye dies, you give his godson one million.

If your godson is still grateful to you, he will kneel down and kowtow to thank you for your Yaoye.

I don’t know whether you are grateful to Yao Ye or not.

But if I were Yao Ye, even if I died, I would jump out of the coffin and point my finger at you and scold you! "

"Gah!" Xiao Zhang stepped on the brake just after passing the big turntable at the intersection.

Luo Xiaoman sprinkled a bottle of water on his face and cursed at Xiao Zhang: "Old Xiao, what the hell are you doing!"

Xiao Zhang's face turned pale, he swallowed hard, looked outside and said, "Look, look what's over there!"

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman turned their heads at the same time, looked out the car window, and took a breath.

There was a stretcher truck lying on the ground not far away, and a person was lying two meters away from it.

The streetlight happened to shine on his face, and it turned out to be Yao Ye who had been shot in the heart and died!

Daliang City was not very lively at night.

This is Beicheng again, and there are very few vehicles.

What does it feel like when you're driving and suddenly see a dead body covered in blood lying on the side of the road?

What's more, the three of them were still talking about this person just now!

Just as he was hesitating whether to get out of the car and take a look, an ambulance came back.

Stopping next to the stretcher truck, the person who jumped out of the car was the same white coat he had just seen!

Xiao Zhang put down the car window and cursed at the white coat: "What the hell is going on with you? Are you leaving people here?"

The white coat said with a guilty look: "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!

The rear door was not closed tightly just now and opened when we turned the corner. The stretcher cart slipped out, but we didn't pay attention.

Fortunately, I found it in time and came back to find it quickly.

Fortunately, there were no serious consequences, which can be considered a blessing! "

The three of them were sweating after hearing this.

Even the back door was thrown open. How fast were you driving?

Want to take off or something?

What's even more outrageous is that even the car and people behind it are missing. From the time you left until now, it's been a little thirty minutes before you came back to look for them.

How big is this heart?

Chen Xin'an had a dark face and said to the white coat: "Hurry up! The old man's son is coming from behind. If he sees you being so mean, I will skin you!"

The white coat could also tell that Guishou and his gang were on the street and were by no means good-tempered people.

His expression changed, and he quickly urged the two male caregivers behind him.

The three people hurriedly carried Yao Ye's body to the stretcher, then pushed it into the ambulance, closed the door, and disappeared without even daring to sound the siren.

Xiao Zhang started the car and continued moving forward.

The three of them closed their mouths in tacit agreement.

Don't talk nonsense at night. Weird things may happen. How scary!

Drive back to Red Star Hotel.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an was sitting in the car, the sentry on duty stopped making things difficult.

In any case, Chen Xin'an vented his anger for the beaten sentry in the guard regiment.

The impressions of the green-clad guardsmen on him have also changed a lot.

Back in the room, Ning Xiruo was already asleep.

Chen Xin'an took a bath and lay next to her, gently held her in his arms and fell asleep peacefully.

When he woke up, it was just dawn, and Chen Xin'an went out for a run. When he returned to the small square, people gathered around the rest chairs, as if something had happened.

Chen Xin'an's heart sank and he hurried over.

A group of guards surrounded Mr. Li, and Li Niandong knelt on the ground, pressing Mr. Li's chest with both hands.

After pressing twice, she turned around and cursed at the helpless and crying Grasshopper next to her: "If anything happens to my grandpa, I will kill you!"

Hu Zhenrui also glared at Grasshopper.

Chen Xin'an shouted with a cold face: "How dare you!" He strode up to her, glared at her and shouted: "You say that again?!"


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