Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1531 I want to be a man for the first time

Knowing Chen Xin'an's temper, even if Li Niandong was brave enough, he wouldn't dare to confront him.

But seeing his grandfather in pain, Li Niandong felt aggrieved and said angrily:

"Do you see how much grandpa has been tortured by him? If you are really injured because of this, don't you know how big the delay will be?"

Chen Xin'an scolded her impatiently: "I don't care about you! Who dares to hurt my apprentice, I will make you suffer!"

You don't understand anything and you are here looking at a child with a fierce look. Are you an old witch?

Stand aside and let me see! "

Li Niandong was scolded all over his face, but he didn't dare to talk back because he would definitely not be able to scold him.

Tears of grievance flowed down, and Hu Zhenrui next to him even shrunk his neck, not even having the courage to say a word of advice.

Chen Xin'an squatted next to Mr. Li, rubbing his chest and pinching his pulse.

After a wave, Chen Xin'an carefully turned Mr. Li over and let him lie on the chair.

He said softly to him: "Old Li, I will ask you to breathe in later. Hold back the pain and take a deep breath!"

Chen Xin'an stood up, put his right hand on Lao Li's back and the other on his waist.

Followed by his words: "Breathe in!"

The moment Mr. Li took a big breath, Chen Xin'an pressed down with his right hand, pushed up with his left hand, and then pressed his hands on his waist.

Old Li coughed, waved his hands, stood up from the chair, walked to the side and spit out phlegm, and then came back.

He took Grasshopper's hand, held it in his arms, took out a handkerchief to wipe his tears, and scolded Li Niandong with a straight face:

"Don't curse like this indiscriminately in the future! It's not the doll's fault, it's me who deserves it!"

Grasshopper cried and held Lao Li's hand and said, "Grandpa, are you okay? I scared Grasshopper just now!"

Li Niandong also cried aggrievedly and said, "Grandpa, you looked like you couldn't even speak just now. Who wouldn't be afraid?"

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "I twisted my waist and lost my breath. I can recover even if I rest for half an hour!

Grasshopper, did you box with Mr. Li? "

Mr. Li quickly said: "I saw that this young master was good at boxing, and I wanted to learn a few moves from him.

I never thought that my brain could keep up with my old age, but my old bones couldn't keep up, so I twisted it!

No wonder, little master, it’s me who overestimates my abilities! "

After saying this, Li Niandong also blushed. It turned out that he had wrongly blamed this little guy.

She also didn’t want her master to be unkind to her.

Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "Old Li, Grasshopper practices the Hundred Beasts Dance.

This boxing is not suitable for the elderly to practice! "

Mr. Li nodded, hugged Grasshopper and said, "I know now!

This little master can do it, his physical fitness is very good, and he is a talent that can be developed.

Just like Xiaobei when he was little, he is sensible and cute!

I have grown up...

But after returning from Moshan, it became much more pleasing to the eye! "

Mr. Li pinched Grasshopper's little face and said with a smile: "So this little guy is lucky to have you as his master.

When he grows up, if I am still alive, I will recruit him to join the army and ensure that he becomes an excellent green cadre! "

Even Hu Zhenrui looked at Grasshopper with eyes full of envy.

Lao Li's words were like booking this little guy's life!

As long as he doesn't make big mistakes in the future, his achievements in this life will not be low.

He has made great achievements in the army.

This is a good thing that no one else can snatch away!

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said with a smile: "It depends on whether he is willing or not.

Let him do whatever he likes. Neither his parents nor I will force him! "

Hu Zhenrui covered Chen Xin'an's mouth with hatred!

Brother, are you trying to extrapolate the great fortune and opportunity?

But if you think about it carefully, you are right.

With such a master, Mr. Li’s so-called good fortune and chance seem to be nothing!

People have the ability to be dismissive, but others don't have it. This is the gap.

After breakfast, Chen Xin'an took his wife and his team out.

I will accompany Mr. Li to negotiate in the afternoon.

They drove the borrowed Iveco onto the street. Unexpectedly, the wedding photography studio they were looking for was diagonally opposite the Yongjia advertisement.

Letting them go in to talk, Chen Xin'an led Luo Xiaoman and Master Luo to Yongjia Advertising.

As soon as they saw him coming, everyone inside stood up enthusiastically.

Brother Bai made tea for Chen Xin'an and the others and brought it over. He raised his orchid fingers and said with a sweet smile, "Originally, I wanted to invite you guys to a restaurant to have a meal as a thank you.

But think about it, forget it, you may not like it..."

"Why forget it?" Luo Xiaoman looked confused, "Why do you say we don't like it before you even eat it?"

Brother Bai smiled and rolled his eyes at him and said, "It's not that I don't like the food, it's that I don't like me!

If you eat with someone like me, it will make people laugh at you!

Besides, with your status, how can you sit at the same table and eat with someone like me..."

The smile on Chen Xin'an's face disappeared, she put down the tea cup, and said to Luo Xiaoman and Master Luo: "Let's go!"

The three of them stood up together. Brother Bai knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he quickly stood in front of him, reached out and patted his face and said:

"Everyone, don't be angry, I have no other intentions..."

Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "Since Boss Bai doesn't treat us as friends, then let's call it a pretentious thing!"

Brother Bai's face darkened, he looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Friend? Am I worthy? Mr. Chen, I don't know who you are or what your identity is.

But I got the letter this morning. My brother, Bai Bo, who came yesterday, has been fired from his official position!

I think whether this is your instruction or not, at least it has played a role and spoken out.

To be able to influence the removal of a police officer, your status must be high!

How many lifetimes would it take for me, a monster like me, to be so lucky as to be friends with a big shot like you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "Brother Bai, if you continue to say this, you are really insulting us.

Is it okay if I don’t come to your place from now on?

We're just making friends. I'm not getting engaged to you, so why should I consider someone who is a good match?

I, Chen Xin'an, have always been able to make friends if we have similar temperaments.

If you, Boss Bai, insist on whether your status is worthy of your status, then let’s not talk about it, okay? "

Brother Bai's eyes were filled with tears, but his face was full of smiles. He looked at Chen Xin'an and patted his mouth gently and said:

"I'm wrong! Sit down and drink tea! As an apology, I will set up a table at Jiweixuan tonight!"

"Wow!" Xiaoman and the two sisters exclaimed, looked at Chen Xin'an and said:

"Mr. Chen, believe it or not, we have worked with Brother Bai for at least three years, and this is the first time we have heard him call himself brother in front of others!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "These two people around me will definitely arrive, I will try my best to come back..."

At this moment, a crashing sound suddenly came from the wedding photography store diagonally opposite, and the floor-to-ceiling window glass shattered to the ground!

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman stood up at the same time and said to Brother Bai: "Let's talk when we have time. Let's go over and take a look first! Master, let's go!"

In the photography shop, a group of people got into a quarrel.

Xiao Zhang pointed at the nose of a young man with long hair and scolded him: "Say it again!"

The long-haired man slapped Xiao Zhang in the face and cursed: "You foreigner!

Dare to make trouble in our Lady Jade?

If you dare to smash our store, I will destroy one of your hands today! "

A blond woman snorted and said: "A bunch of poor people, if you find it expensive, go elsewhere! If you dare to cause trouble in my store, I won't let any of you get out!"

Ning Xiruo looked at the blond woman with a cold face and shouted: "You are the one who raised the price randomly, and you still blame us!

If you dare to act wild and act wildly against my friend, can you try? ! "


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