Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1533 Don’t open this kind of black shop again

Brother Bai, who had followed him when he heard the commotion, rushed in and pulled Chen Xin'an's hand away.

"Mr. Chen, calm down.

They are not easy to mess with, so don’t fight them forcefully! "

For Brother Bai's sake, Chen Xin'an let go of his hand.

Brother Bai quickly said to the man with the back of his head and the blond woman: "Oh, Director Gao, Sister Yuling, it's all a misunderstanding!

These people are all my friends.

Give me some face, let’s sit down and solve it.

Don't hurt your kindness..."

Lao Gao slapped Brother Bai hard on the face with a big mouth!

“Who the hell are you asking me to give you face?

You are a sissy who is both male and female, and you have such a shameless face!

Are these foreigners your friends?

That's just right, I'll take care of you too!

You even dare to touch me, you guys are so lawless!

Don't you want to hurt your harmony?

I'm so friendly with a bunch of foreigners! "

Sister Yuling almost poked Brother Bai's nose with her hand and scolded him: "It's none of your business, don't get involved!

Don't act like a fool all day long and take all the big and small things on yourself!

If I laugh at you normally, I am treating you like a monkey.

Don't think that I really have a good relationship with you, and you don't take a piss to look after yourself. What kind of virtue is that!

Are you worthy of asking for face from us? "

Listening to the two of them talking like this, Brother Bai looked embarrassed, covering his face, and San Sanran didn't know how to open his mouth.

Chen Xin'an smiled and shook her head at him, turned around and slapped Director Gao on the face with a big mouth, and cursed at him:

"Who gave you the courage to hit my friend?"

Dare to hit me? !

Lao Gao was furious, covered his face and shouted: "You dare to attack me?!

Do you know who I am?

Xiao Tang, Xiao Sun, what are you doing!

Beat me to death..."

There was a banging sound next to it, and it fell silent in less than three or four seconds.

Director Gao covered his face and turned around to look, his eyes were bigger than bull’s eyes!

The three people he brought were now lying on the ground.

He didn't even know how these men lay down!

Now he regrets that he brought less people with him!

When it first appeared in the past, those outsiders were immediately frightened and honestly did not dare to talk nonsense.

Now these people are so aggressive that they even dare to beat him, the director of the municipal management office!

"If you dare to touch my man, I will kill you!" The blond woman bared her teeth and pounced on Chen Xin'an.

Luo Xiaoman on the side slapped her with a big mouth, and the blond woman spun around twice, covered her face and stared at the other person, a little confused.

Luo Xiaoman looked disgusted, shook his hand vigorously, looked at the woman and cursed:

"How much powder did you put on your face? It was stained with oil from my hand!

It's so disgusting, it's like half-cooked pork head! "

For a woman who prides herself on being successful, pays special attention to her image, and feels very good about herself.

Every word this guy said was like a knife, stabbing hard into the blond woman's heart!

She screamed, spread her fingers, stamped her feet on the ground, and shouted:

"I'm going to kill you! Damn foreigner! You dare to call me a pig's head! I'll tear you to pieces!"

She cursed and rushed towards Luo Xiaoman, but Luo Xiaoman was unwilling to touch her and took a step aside.

The blonde woman did not catch up, but suddenly changed direction and pounced on Luo Qianxue!

She wanted to scratch this pregnant woman's face with the nails on her hands!

Even her wife could tell that this woman was the wife of the man who insulted her.

Injuring her would be more satisfying than tearing that man to pieces!

But before she could get close to the pregnant woman, she was kicked in the waist by the guy who was avoiding her, causing her to fall to the ground!

"How dare you touch my wife?" Luo Xiaoman looked murderous, walked up to the blonde woman, raised his foot and stomped down hard!


Two fingers of the blonde woman's left hand were trampled off, and the long nails on the other three fingers were all cut off!

The heartbreaking pain made the blonde woman scream like a pig being slaughtered.

But the next second, Luo Xiaoman raised his foot and stamped it down again, and her right hand was broken off by the stamping, and her whole body was deformed!

This time the blond woman couldn't even scream. She rolled her eyes and fainted!

Everyone in the store was shocked.

These outsiders are too cruel, right?

Several male clerks who were eager to try just now are now more honest than the last.

They even dare to beat up the director of the municipal management office and Mrs. Yu’s boss, so why should you be polite to them?

Chen Xin'an tilted her head, looked at Director Gao and said, "Are you dissatisfied?"

Director Gao covered his face, glared at Chen Xin'an and gritted his teeth and cursed: "Boy, if you dare, let me make a call!"

Chen Xin'an grinned, waved her hands and said, "Just fight!

Aman, Master, Lao Xiao, don’t be idle.

If such a black shop remains, it will harm consumers. Let us seek justice! "

The three of them laughed and naturally understood what he meant.

Luo Xiaoman took the lead and rushed out suddenly.

He stepped on the backrest of a chair with his right foot, lifted his body into the air, and volleyed an upside-down golden hook!


With a crashing sound, the luxurious-looking large chandelier above the head instantly shattered!

Glass shards rained down from the sky.

The girls screamed, holding their heads and dodging around!

Chen Xin'an lifted up her clothes, held Ning Xiruo in her arms, and covered her head with her clothes.

Luo Qianxue was hit by glass shards and yelled at Luo Xiaoman:

"You're going to die! You're all over me!"

Luo Xiaoman, who knew he was in trouble, quickly ran over and carefully removed the broken glass from her head.

After checking that there were no cuts from the glass, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's all Lao Chen's fault. I did it only after he said he would do it..."

Chen Xin'an kicked him on the butt and cursed:

"I asked you to move your hands but not your feet!

What the hell are you kicking? You're kicking someone else's chandelier!

You are so short-sighted! "

Master Luo shook his head and said with a helpless expression: "It seems you have never demolished a house before!

No need to work so hard, just look at me!

The tiger's body shook, and the effect was immediate! "

As he stamped his feet, the black marble floor under his feet cracked into a large piece!

He kicked out and a chair slid out from the floor and hit the store door hard, breaking the door glass into pieces!

Xiao Zhang turned his head and said to Wu Yan: "Cover the grasshopper's eyes!"

Wu Yan didn't say anything, she just held Grasshopper in her arms.

Xiao Zhang grabbed a chair from the side and without saying a word, he threw it at the male clerk in front of him!

If you don't take action, I will force you to take action!

Don’t you want the store to bully customers?

I'll let you bully me enough today!

Let's see who bullies whom in the end!

The police car sounded outside again, and it didn't sound like a car.

A group of people wearing city management uniforms rushed in.

Several police officers followed behind.

Seeing the reinforcements arriving, Director Gao pointed at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "Push him down and handcuff him!

I'm going to take him back to the bureau

Beat up the cadres, I will make it hard for you guys to walk around! "

A group of people from the city management office were about to take action when a police officer behind them shouted: "Stop!"

The policeman came to Chen Xin'an and asked carefully: "Mr. Chen Xin'an from the Red Star Hotel?"

Chen Xin'an grinned, nodded and said, "It's me!"

The policeman stood at attention and saluted, and said loudly to Chen Xin'an: "Lu Zhengyang, from the Public Security Department of Daliang City Bureau, has met Mr. Chen!

I participated in the mobilization meeting yesterday! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, smiled slightly, pointed at Director Gao and said, "Officer Lu, handcuff this man to me!"


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