Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1534 The Internet has memory

The police were originally called to help deal with these foreigners, but now, the handcuffs were on his wrists!

Director Gao looked at Lu Zhengyang in disbelief and cursed: "Old Lu, are you crazy?

Why are you cuffing me?

Can’t you see what my store was torn down by these bastards?

If you help outsiders but don’t help me, are you drunk? "

Lu Zhengyang rushed over with a guilty conscience, kicked him in the leg, glared and cursed angrily:

"shut up!

This is a leader sent from above, and he came to our Daliang City to attend an important meeting!

If you dare to be disrespectful to the big leader, who will you handcuff if you don’t? "

Not to mention Director Gao, even Brother Bai looked shocked.

I didn’t expect that the person in front of me would have such an identity!

No wonder even the city management office doesn’t take it seriously!

The blond woman Yu Ling on the ground has woken up.

Looking at the messy shop around him that had been smashed, and the injuries on his hands that he didn't dare to look at, he cried and cursed:

"What happened to the big leader?

Can big leaders bully people and hurt people at will?

Policemen, look at my hands, look at my store!

Is this what a big leader can do?

If you policemen don't make decisions for the people, will you just try to please the big leaders and confuse right and wrong? "

Hearing what she said, Ning Xiruo and the women around her were furious.

Konoha pointed at her and cursed: "Do you have the nerve to say such a thing?

Don’t you know why it’s like this?

After the negotiated price, you sit back and raise the price, then go back on your word.

Of course we would disagree.

If you don't agree with each other, you ask people to attack pregnant women, and our people will fight back!

Don't you dare to arrest you for this kind of behavior?

And your man, as a cadre of the city management office, after being called over by you, he cuffed us indiscriminately!

I just want to ask, does the city management have the power to enforce laws?

Why can I carry handcuffs? Why can I handcuff anyone at will?

As a public official, can I open a store and do business?

And you are a woman who is unruly, willful and unreasonable.

If you want to lose our deposit, you have to attack pregnant women!

Of course you can’t stand your cruel husband and want to deal with you! "

Yuling looked at her with a vicious look and said, "You have a mouth, and you are the big leader.

You can say whatever you want, and you can frame it however you want!

We, the poor common people, have no choice but to accept the consequences! "

Du Yunyan sneered coldly and said, "Can I turn right and wrong by turning my back on what I have said?

Then did you know that I have been recording the screen?

Did you know that the Internet has records?

As long as the content we talked about online can leave traces, I can recover it?

In fact, the most fun thing is not this, but this thing. "

Du Yunyan took out her mobile phone, opened a web page, and said to Yuling:

“Your store has already reached the standard of having over a thousand negative reviews and closing the store online!

It’s just that you keep hiring professional evaluators to help you get good reviews.

But don't forget what I just said.

The Internet has memory.

No matter how you brush it, cover it up, or even delete it, it can all be recovered.

I have restored these bad reviews. You have done this kind of thing of raising prices on the ground, not once or twice.

Madam Jade of yours can be said to have done many evil deeds.

I have reported all these to the Qingxi Industrial and Commercial Department and the Consumer Rights Protection Department!

What is the result? Guess for yourself? "

Yuling's face suddenly turned pale and lost all color.

This is what scares her the most!

Because the consequences are not just as simple as closing the store, but even huge fines and jail time!

She stared at Ning Xiruo and the other girls and shouted, "Our team is the best shooting team in the entire Daliang City!

If we can't do this, no matter how much money you spend, your trip to Daliang City will be in vain!

Please be merciful, we will still cooperate according to the price negotiated at that time...

No, I can give you a 20% discount, no, a 50% discount! "

Ning Xiruo shook her head, looked at her and said, "Even if this trip is in vain, we will never cooperate with an unscrupulous black shop like you again!"

Brother Bai on the side said to Ning Xiruo: "Mrs. Chen, if you want to take high-quality wedding photos, I will help you find someone!"

Yu Ling snorted coldly and scolded Brother Bai with a look of disdain: "If you want to be a loser, you have to look at your own worth!

In Daliang City, besides Madam Yu, who else can take over their job?

Oh, I understand, you just want to take advantage of them! "

Brother Bai looked at her expressionlessly and said, "I'll ask Sister Hua to take action!"

Yu Ling turned her face aside and said in a deep voice: "Ma Lanhua? She has already quit this industry. Who do you think you are, can you still hire her?"

Brother Bai said calmly: "If there is one person in this world who can make Sister Hua, who had originally withdrawn from the world, come out again, that would be me!

Don’t forget, Sister Hua is my god sister.

At that time, Madam Jade relied on Sister Hua to become big.

But when she needed help the most, you refused.

Moreover, he even added insult to injury, crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and drove her out of Madam Jade!

I was the one who accompanied her through those days!

Now I'll call her and see if she comes! "

Brother Bai took out his mobile phone and walked to the side to make a call.

After a while, he came back and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, Sister Hua will be here soon.

I don't need to say much about her skills. The templates you see are actually made by Sister Hua!"

Yuling looked ferocious, and cursed at Brother Bai: "Even if she comes, what can she do? Does she have a team? Does she have equipment?

With nothing in her hands, what can she use to shoot?

With her mouth?"

Brother Bai curled his lips and said: "She doesn't have it, but you do!"

"Hahaha!" Yuling laughed, and cursed at Brother Bai with a sarcastic look:

"Are you stupid? Do you think I will lend her my team and equipment?"

Brother Bai calmly Said: "Not lending it to her, but selling it to her!

Including your store!

Except for you, everything else must be sold to her.

A price of 200,000, do you think it's appropriate?"

Yuling looked at Brother Bai as if he were a fool, gritting her teeth and scolding: "Are you fucking sick?

Is it crazy for me to sell my own store?

And at a discount of 200,000?

How much money did I spend on the decoration of my store? Don't you have any idea?"

Director Gao said with a gloomy face: "Five hundred thousand, the procedures can be completed today!"

"Old Gao, are you fucking crazy? This store is mine, I won't sell it!" Yuling screamed wildly.

Director Gao scolded her: "You are stupid! Do you think you can open it in the future?"

Du Yunyan shook her mobile phone and sneered: "The store has been closed online, you can check it yourself.

The next step is for the Industry and Commerce Association and the Consumer Association to come here to seal it.

The best result should be to revoke your business license!

Of course, this is just the first step!"

Yuling slumped on the ground, her face ashen.

She knew very well that only by selling the store now could she stop the loss in time.

Otherwise, the longer things were delayed, the less valuable the store would be, and in the end it would all rot in her hands, worthless!

"Six hundred thousand! Not a cent less!" Yuling trembled her lips and gritted her teeth as she spat out a sentence.

Brother Bai shook his head and said with a smile: "Two hundred thousand! This is all I have, and I will only pay this!"

Chen Xinan whispered: "Brother Bai..."

"Mr. Chen!" Brother Bai knew what he wanted to say, and smiled and said:

"I bought this for my sister, using my own money, and I don't need help from others!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said: "Okay! You think it's well decorated and valuable, right?

This is easy, just smash it!"

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