Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1535 Are you worthy of being a senior beautician?

There was a loud crash, Luo Xiaoman grabbed a chair and threw it into the air, smashing the chandelier to pieces again!

There was another round of yelling and cursing all around.

But this time Luo Xiaoman followed suit and first took up his clothes and covered his and Luo Qianxue's heads.

As soon as he smashed the lamp, Master Luo started to tear down the floor, and Xiao Zhang hit people with his chair!

The male clerks were about to cry.

If you smash the store, it will indeed affect the selling price.

But if you hit us, what impact will it have?

Even if we are beaten to death, the price of this store will be whatever it is, and it won’t be a penny less!

"Stop!" Yuling's whole body twitched with distress. She gritted her teeth and looked at Brother Bai, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll sell it! Two hundred thousand!"

Mrs. Jade was investigated and the proprietress was suspected of fraud and violent coercion. She was first sent to the hospital for treatment and then went to the police station for investigation.

Director Gao was also handcuffed away, and the position of director was obviously given to Xian.

Malanhua took over Madam Yu and brought the two of them along with some of the original employees who were familiar with her to form a new team.

In order to thank Chen Xin'an and others for helping her get Madam Jade, Ma Lanhua reduced the original price by half and included a photo album of the two of them.

Everyone unanimously gave it to Konoha Zhen and Du Yunyan.

The task of transitioning and renovating the store was handed over to Brother Bai.

Ma Lanhua led the team and accompanied Chen Xin'an and others to the Xilun Mountain Scenic Area.

Looking at the prairie in front of them and the clear water and blue sky not far away, the girls shouted excitedly.

The negative mood caused by the unpleasant incident at Madam Jade in the morning was wiped away at this moment.

Ma Lanhua is a capable woman under forty years old. Her photography skills have won international awards and she is also a top photographer in the industry.

She clapped her hands and said to everyone: "I will shoot one group in the morning and the second group in the afternoon.

Noya and Xingxing, you guys are going to do the shaping, try to go as fast as you can.

Mr. Chen has something else to do in the afternoon, right?

So I took a photo of you and your wife this morning!

By the way, do you have any styling clips?

I came in a hurry and I didn't bring enough. "

Luo Qianxue pointed to the commercial street in the scenic spot not far away and asked her, "Are they sold there?"

Malanhua nodded and said, "Yes!"

Konoha Zhen stretched out his hand towards Chen Xin'an: "Give me the car keys! You don't know which one you want, I'll buy it!"

The dressing room and dressing room were on top of an RV, and Ning Xiruo was already sitting next to the mirror.

Noya was braiding her hair and styling her hair, and Xingxing was doing her makeup.

Ning Xiruo said to Xingxing: "When my sister comes back from shopping, let her help me remove my makeup and put on my makeup..."

Xingxing frowned and said, "It's too late! We have to hurry up, otherwise all the morning will be wasted on this!"

She is one of the old employees left by Madam Jade.

Although she had not participated in the previous dispute, she had always seen it.

Due to preconceived reasons, she didn't have a good impression of Ning Xiruo.

Because she had a husband who was a big leader, Mrs. Yu changed her boss, which greatly affected her!

So even though she knew these people were not easy to mess with, she was still a little impatient with Ning Xiruo's attitude.

Ning Xiruo said helplessly: "Then at least take off the makeup on my face first, otherwise you..."

"Can you please stop moving?" Xingxing frowned and said, "Do you know how to put on makeup like I do?

This is what I do specifically!

You just need to sit here and teach me the rest, okay? "

Ning Xiruo opened her mouth and looked at her in the mirror without speaking.

Xingxing didn't care whether she wanted to or not, and started to apply foundation on Ning Xiruo's face, saying:

"That's just the way I am. I don't like others to dictate what I do.

If you don't like it, you can ask your boss to find another makeup artist.

By the way, the boss is no longer here either.

And there is no other makeup artist.

Don't mind if I tell the truth.

The foundation of your face shape is very poor, your eyebrows are too wide, your cheekbones are too high, and your chin is a bit big.

So it takes a long time and a lot of energy to put on makeup and rest.

You don’t want such a beautiful scenery to be paired with an ugly look, right?

You won’t be satisfied with the photos you take like that! "

"Star!" Noya reminded her in a low voice.

It is taboo in the industry to evaluate the appearance of guests.

Others nearby also shook their heads at the stars.

These customers are not easy to mess with, and the boss's family is an example.

Ning Xiruo smiled slightly and said to Xingxing, "Are you saying I'm ugly?"

Xingxing shook his head and said: "No, the guest is not ugly.


For makeup artists, it is quite a test of their skills!

But don't worry, leave it to us.

All beauties are made up of makeup. In one hour at most, I can make you look like a different person! "

"Are you transformed into a living person?" A girl next to her who was styling Luo Qianxue's hair asked with a smile.

Xingxing rolled his eyes at her and scolded with a smile: "Dead Bailing, it's not like you don't know my abilities. It's not surprising that I can transform into a living person!"


Luo Qianxue patted the chair and shouted to everyone with a cold face: "Did I say you guys went a little too far?

Why are you here so unscrupulously mocking the guest's appearance? "

Bai Ling quickly said to her: "I'm sorry, guest, don't be angry.

We are not mocking anyone's looks.

Just a joke between colleagues. "

The girl next to her smiled and said to her: "We are just objectively evaluating a makeup recipient.

Because not everyone can be like you, with delicate facial features, easy to put on makeup, and beautiful no matter what kind of dress up.

Some people have a poor innate foundation, so they have to spend more energy and thought to conceive makeup.

Try to show the few advantages and cover up the shortcomings as much as possible."

Luo Qianxue became more and more angry as she listened. Just when she was about to lose her temper, Wu Yan, who was standing next to her, said to her: "Qianxue, don't get excited!"

Ning Xiruo also smiled and said: "Qianxue, it's okay, I don't care about these!"

Gugua shouted angrily: "My master's wife is beautiful! You can't even compare to her combined!"

A group of makeup artists all chuckled, Bailing nodded and said to him: "Okay, your master's wife is the most beautiful, she is prettier than all of us, okay?"

Guandu, who was standing at the window and looking outside, rolled his eyes at the makeup artists, muttering and cursing: "A group of blind women!"

Mu Yezhen drove back, threw the keys to Xiao Zhang, and said to Chen Xinan:

"It's really lively over there in Fengqing Street, the foreigners are fighting with the shop owners!

If I wasn't in a hurry to come back, I would be watching the excitement over there!

Whoever has nothing to do, go and see, it's still going on!"

Except for Chen Xinan, the rest of the men are watching the excitement and don't mind the big things.

When they heard that there was something exciting to watch, they all got on the car.

Chen Xinan was called to another car and changed into the groom's clothes.

Mu Yezhen came up to the RV with a bag. Seeing two people busying around Ning Xiruo, he was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "What are they doing?"

Ning Xiruo said helplessly: "They were putting on makeup for me. I said I would wait for you to come back, but they wouldn't let me."

Mu Yezhen put the bag aside, went to wash his hands, and said to Xingxing: "Let me do it..."

"Why are you here!

Are you a makeup artist?

Why are you meddling in this!

If the shooting is delayed, will you be responsible for the consequences?

I have a senior beautician certificate, do you have one?

With her appearance, do you know how much effort I have to waste?

Why are you here to make trouble!"

"Xingxing! What are you doing?!" Noah looked at her colleague in surprise. She also felt that there was something wrong with this girl.

Bailing whispered to Noah: "The boss just mentioned yesterday that Xingxing would be promoted to foreman and his salary would be increased by 300 yuan. What happened today ruined the plan..."

Mu Yezhen sneered, walked to Ning Xiruo's side, looked at Xingxing with a sneer on his face and said:

"You got a senior beautician certificate? Are you worthy?

You can't even tell if this person has a disguise on his face, how can he be a senior beautician?"

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