Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1540 I want to get her at all costs

Originally, Mohad wanted to leave directly and ignore what Chen Xin'an said.

But Mohan uncharacteristically held his arm, shook his head at him, and signaled him not to be forceful.

Xiao Zhang came back with two scenic spot administrators.

After taking two people to conduct an on-site inspection, the administrator proposed a compensation of 80,000 yuan.

According to Chen Xin'an's explanation of triple compensation and the rounding algorithm, Mohad was forced to pay 300,000 yuan!

The two scenic area managers took the check and left happily.

Mohad also got into the car with a sullen face, but before he started the car, he discovered that the rear wheels of all the cars coming over, including his own Land Rover, had been deflated!

This is in a scenic grassland, and the nearest repair point is five kilometers away!

Mohad was so angry that he almost had a heart attack and asked his followers to push the car behind him. He sat in the Land Rover and walked slowly outside the scenic area like a snail.

No matter how beautiful this place is, I don’t have the heart to go shopping.

A trip out would be a huge loss.

The compensation for the grassland, the compensation for the Fengqing Street store, plus the compensation for the injured person, all cost over 600,000 yuan in one morning!

In fact, losing some money is nothing, the most important thing is face!

He had been trampled on the ground by this group of people and smashed to pieces!

Putting down the window glass, Mohad shouted angrily: "Angie!"

"Master Mohad!" Anji, who was pushing the cart behind, wiped his sweat and hurried to the car window.

Mohad said to him with a gloomy face: "Find an opportunity to kidnap that woman just now.

Find a way to sneak out of the West and bring back the Incas! "

Anji was stunned for a moment, looking embarrassed.

Taking someone back to the Incas?

And that woman’s husband is still a Chinese official who can participate in negotiations!

Needless to say how difficult this is?

He rolled his eyes and said to Mohad: "Sir, the benefits of taking it back outweigh the losses, and it might offend the Kshatili family!

Why don't you bring her over and let me play with her for two days, and then when you get tired of it..."

He raised his palms and made a cutting gesture.

Mohad thought for a while and realized that his eldest wife was from the Kshatli family and was a jealous person.

If he really takes that Chinese woman back, he will definitely be madly rejected by the eldest wife.

So Angie’s suggestion is undoubtedly the most appropriate!

Mohad nodded and said in a deep voice: "These days, keep an eye on this woman.

When the time comes, take action! "

"Yes!" Angie nodded.

"Mohan!" Mohad shouted with a straight face.

The bodyguard came from behind the car and followed him with his head lowered.

Mohad took out a leather whip from the car, whipped Mohan hard on his body, and cursed at him:

"You idiot! Trash! Trash!

Why did you stop me just now?

Those damn Chinese people are obviously no match for you, why do you still make me endure it?

Do you know how insulted I was just now?

You have brought disgrace to my Balosa family! "

Mohan lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Master, I can't guarantee that I can protect you and escape safely under the circumstances!"

Mohad looked gloomy and asked Mohan: "Are those people experts? Can't even beat you?"

Mohan shook his head and said: "I am undefeated in a single fight!

But if the three of them join forces, it will be difficult for me to save the master.

I can die in battle, but the master cannot make any mistakes.

So I want to let the master go first and look for opportunities later.

The humiliation the master suffered today will be repaid twice as much by Mohan in the future even if he risked his life! "

Mohad's face softened, he nodded and said to Mohan: "It's hard for you to be so loyal.

Let’s get over today’s matters for now.

Mohan, get ready.

When the time comes, I want you to kill that Chen Xin'an.

Even if you trade one life for his, you must do it!

It doesn't matter whether other people live or die.

But this person must die!

That goddess-like beauty turned out to be this guy's wife.

I feel so angry when I think about it! "

Mohan's face showed no sadness or joy, he nodded and said: "Yes"

Mohad raised the window glass, leaned on the back seat, closed his eyes, and said with a gloomy face:

"Chen, you damn Chinese, just wait for me!"

To be honest, taking wedding photos like this is really torture.

Often an action takes a long time, and the photographer has to feel the best angle before pressing the shutter.

For Chen Xin'an, I thought that the most annoying thing was to make a movie over and over again.

I just realized today that wedding photography is the most challenging thing for people’s patience.

But when he saw his wife's excited look, she took the trouble to pull him into various poses.

Since he was smiling so happily, he still persisted until noon when the filming was finished.

Despite this, not even half of the costumes have been changed.

Fortunately, Ning Xiruo is not an unreasonable person, and these few tricks now satisfy her.

Everyone was invited to have a meal in the scenic area, and Chen Xin'an rode a sword back to the hotel.

Put on a military uniform and follow Mr. Li to the Bishui Tianchi.

The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, and the scenery is even more beautiful than that in the scenic area, but it is not open to the public.

However, Chen Xin'an thought that after the negotiation was over, she would be even happier if she brought her wife here to take pictures.

The negotiation took place in a conference room decorated with antique style.

But this is just its appearance. In fact, there is no shortage of modern conference equipment.

There were only three people serving the table on the Huaxia side.

Li Ruoshan, Chen Xin'an, Li Niandong.

On the left and right sides sat negotiators from the two countries, five on each side.

The one on the left is the Inca representative, and the one on the right is the Xinlun representative.

All guards, including personal bodyguards, can only wait outside the door and are not allowed to enter the conference room.

Before starting, each person puts on a pair of translation headphones.

This allows for simultaneous translation and avoids communication barriers.

Li Niandong presided over the negotiation process and read out the negotiation discipline and agenda in Chinese, Inca and Xinlun languages, and then started the negotiation.

It was the Inca representatives who took the lead in attacking, accusing the Xinlun Kingdom of being thieves and stealing resources that originally belonged to them.

Not to be outdone, Xinlun representatives accused the Incas of blurring the boundaries of what was originally their territory.

Representatives from both sides were quarreling and spitting, just like the quarrel between the vegetable buyers and the vegetable sellers in the vegetable market.

Li Niandong looked panicked, fearing that if they disagreed, he would just roll up his sleeves and rush to fight.

Chen Xin'an grinned with great interest, wishing they could start fucking right away.

But Mr. Li waved his hand, indicating to the two of them not to make a fuss.

It's like this every time, but it never gets into a fight.

Because once you take action, it's like starting a war.

No one wants that result, so they are just talking to each other to see who can spit more, but everyone has a certain attitude in mind.

This is no longer interesting.

Chen Xin'an yawned and lay on the table with no interest.

Mr. Li glared at him, Chen Xin'an smiled, sat up straight and cheered up.

Then Mr. Li entered mediation, which is also a negotiation process.

It's nothing more than a scene where everyone takes a step back.

But at this moment, Inca Chief Floz looked at Mr. Li and said, "Since Mr. Li said so, it's better to show some sincerity.

It's easy for us to stop arguing. We only need to move the poplar trees on the shores of Lake Figar back a hundred meters. Wouldn't it be a perfect solution? "

"I agree!" Ricardo, the leader of Xinlun, nodded and said: "A mere hundred meters is just a drop in the bucket compared to the area of ​​Lake Figar controlled by China.

But for us in Xinlun and Inca, we can perfectly avoid each other's boundaries and there will be no more disputes.

In this way, everyone is happy.

I think Mr. Li doesn’t want to see us really fighting over this matter, right? "

Mr. Li put his hands on the table with an expression on his face, stood up and said to the two leaders:

“Is this the real purpose of your request for negotiation?

I think you are just trying to make a fool of yourself! "


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