Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1541: You have a stomachache, please rest.

In a negotiation of this level, every word, word, and even expression must be carefully considered.

So even Chen Xin'an didn't expect that Mr. Li would directly use foul language.

It can be seen that Mr. Li is really angry now.

Inca Chief Froz smiled and said to Mr. Li: "Mr. Li, there is no need to be angry. Chopra just made a suggestion!"

Xinlun leader Ricardo also nodded and said: “Since we are here to find a peaceful and win-win solution, any suggestion should be taken seriously.

Jadhav’s point of view represents my point of view, and I think we can discuss this issue in negotiations..."

Without listening to what he said, Mr. Li slapped the table with both hands, stared at the people in front of him like an eagle, and said resolutely:

“The poplar trees on the shores of Lake Figar are the boundary markers of our China.

It cannot move an inch!

This matter has never been a condition for joining negotiations, so don’t discuss it anymore!

Anyone who mentions this matter again will be asked to leave the venue! "

Floz curled his lips, looked at Mr. Li and said, "Perhaps Mr. Li's attitude does not represent the thoughts of other people in China.

I think Mr. Li can ask for instructions.

Since our conflict can be easily and smoothly resolved this time, all conditions can be considered. "

When Mr. Li was about to get angry, Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I also think Mr. Li's point of view is wrong!"

Mr. Li and Li Niandong were both stunned and turned their heads to stare at him.

Mr. Li shouted in a low voice: "Chen Xin'an, don't talk nonsense. You can't make nonsense on this occasion!"

Li Niandong also said to him softly: "Mr. Chen, just sit back and listen. Leave the negotiation to me and grandpa!"

The Incas and Xinlun people were surprised. They couldn't believe that there were actually allies in the Chinese camp.

Floz smiled and said to Mr. Li: "Mr. Li, since they are all here to participate in the negotiation, they all have the right to speak, why don't you let them speak.

I think this young gentleman’s views can also represent China’s attitude.

I want to hear his opinion. "

Ricardo nodded and smiled: "Young people, their ideas are not so old-fashioned, and they are more likely to be accepted by everyone! It's okay, Mr. Chen, right? Go on!"

Chen Xin'an looked at Mr. Li, shook his head and said, "Who said the poplar tree can't be moved?

Since the dispute between the two countries can be perfectly resolved, then I think any sacrifice is acceptable! "

"Yes!" Froz and Ricardo said in unison excitedly, looking at Chen Xin'an and nodding.

China is still generous!

Regardless of this young man's weight, he is incomparable to Li Ruoshan.

As long as he speaks, it represents an attitude.

At that time, both Inca and Xinlun can make a big fuss about this matter based on this attitude.

Mr. Li's face was gloomy and he was about to get angry when he heard Chen Xin'an continue:

“Since moving the poplar tree can resolve the dispute between the Inca and Xinlun, then move it forward three to five hundred meters.

If it still doesn't work, move it a thousand meters.

If this doesn't work, there is another best way, which is to directly bring all of Lake Figar to China.

Neither the Inca nor Xinlun wanted it, so they wouldn't have to fight over it.

This is the best solution! "

It turns out that this guy had this idea!

People on both sides of Inca and Xinlun were angry and criticized Chen Xin'an!

"What nonsense are you talking about! We are telling you to move back, not move forward!"

"Can you negotiate? Do you know what you mean? Are you provoking?"

"Why would China send such unskilled people to negotiate? Are they humiliating us?"

Mr. Li shook his head helplessly and said to Chen Xin'an: "Don't talk nonsense anymore. It's like a child playing house and making others laugh!"

Li Niandong patted his grandfather's hand gently and said to him: "Perhaps Mr. Chen's attitude is the most needed attitude in negotiations.

Look at them, aren't they all talking nonsense and talking nonsense to each other? "

Mr. Li was stunned for a moment, looked at everyone, and actually felt that his granddaughter's words really made sense!

How many of these so-called representatives really want to solve this matter?

They have just exposed their purpose, which is to take advantage of China!

Chen Xin'an picked out her ears with her little finger, looked at the people on both sides impatiently and said:

"Will everyone just shut up?

Do you think it's a vegetable market?

Am I talking nonsense?

I'm helping you solve your problem, okay?

Didn't you say that moving the poplar trees can solve this contradiction?

Then let me ask you, even if China moves back a hundred meters, will you really die out?

It doesn't exist!

Due to your greed, none of you are willing to share this hundred meters equally, and you all want to take more.

So one hundred meters is definitely not enough, so two hundred meters or three hundred meters?

How about giving the entire Xilun Mountain to you?

The key is, do you have such a big belly?

Too much to eat!

So we might as well get it back once and for all and just take back Lake Figar.

This way you don’t have to fight anymore!

It’s both provocative and humiliating…”

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, looked at the people on both sides with disdain and said, "Don't forget that you asked us to mediate.

Now you are targeting us. Are you provoking and humiliating us?"

People on both sides felt a little guilty.

Inca representative Chopra said to Chen Xinan with a stern face: "We are not trying to provoke and humiliate you.

We are just making a reasonable suggestion.

Once we have this part of the waters, we can rebuild the port on the Inca side without conflicting with the Xinlun country.

Of course, it would be better if China retreated 200 meters, after all..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xinan had already walked over.

"Xinan, don't mess around!" Li Lao hurriedly called him.

The people on the Inca side also looked at him with vigilance and a bit of gloating.

You dare to do it?

That would give Inca a great reason!

Beating up the negotiating representative is an international scandal. The compensation is enough to make you, China, bleed a lot!

Chen Xinan walked up to Chopra and said: "You have a stomachache, go off the court and rest! "Ah?" Chopra was stunned. When did I have a stomachache? I didn't even know you knew it first? He just saw this guy wave his hand, and he felt a sharp pain in his head, as if he was pricked by a needle. "You did it to me..." Chopra cursed. But before he finished speaking, his face changed drastically, and he suddenly hugged his stomach with both hands. He was so painful that his face turned pale and he couldn't speak! Everyone was shocked! Is this guy a god? Everyone knew that this was Chen Xin'an's trick, but no one could see how he did it! Just waving his hand, Inca representative Chopra really had a stomachache. If he waved his hand again, wouldn't it mean that whoever died would really die? "Come, I'll help you go out and rest for a while!" Chen Xin'an helped Chopra up from his seat without saying anything. Walked to the door, opened the door and pushed it out: "Go! "

The door was slammed shut.

Turning around, Chen Xinan walked to Jadav's side with a smile.

Jadav's hair stood on end as he looked at this scary guy.

"You have a stomachache too!" Chen Xinan said with narrowed eyes.

Jadav subconsciously hugged his stomach with both hands.

Chen Xinan rolled his eyes and scolded him: "I'm talking about your stomach, why is it sagging!"

Jadav quickly raised his hands up.

Chen Xinan pointed to the door, motioning him to go out, and then smiled and said to everyone:

"Who is still entangled in the problem of the poplar tree now?"

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