Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1542 You are unkind and I am unjust

Representatives from both sides were livid, but they didn’t know how to get angry.

After all, this guy wasn't violent or even disrespectful with his words.

But who is not afraid of the magic that causes pain wherever it hurts?

All of a sudden, both sides lost a general, making the two capitals very angry.

Jadhav, who had already withdrawn from the venue because of stomachache, was depressed.

He was not stupid, he could see that Chen Xin'an was using the topic to fulfill what Li Ruoshan said.

Anyone who discusses this again will be asked to leave the venue!

But the key point is, I didn’t mention it again?

Why were you kicked out?

In the conference room, the faces of representatives on both sides were somewhat gloomy.

How can this proceed if the main negotiator is gone?

Li Ruoshan nodded to his granddaughter.

Li Niandong picked up an agreement and said to everyone: "China is also paying close attention to the dispute between Inca and Xinlun regarding Lake Figar.

So we made a detailed analysis and put forward many rational suggestions.

Read this proposal for yourselves. I believe that if you read it, it will be helpful to the negotiations between the two parties!

I can explain it to you together..."

A female translator from Xinlun Kingdom said to her unceremoniously: "You are not needed.

Perhaps your translation level will affect everyone's understanding of the terms.

We can read it ourselves and translate it ourselves! "

Floz snorted and said with an arrogant look: "Janabai is the royal translator of the Inca Kingdom.

Graduated from Stangeny University in Eagle Flag Country!

Don't talk about these simple things, she can understand even the ancient eagle's flag language! "

Li Niandong was not angry, shrugged his shoulders and nodded, indicating that they could help themselves.

The conference room fell silent, leaving only the voices of translators on both sides explaining the terms of the agreement in low voices to the two leaders and representatives.

Because Eagle Flag is an international language, this proposal is also typed in Eagle Flag.

Hearing the translator's voice next to him, Li Niandong suddenly said to Janabai: "Sorry to interrupt.

It's help, not aid.

The translation of this word must be correct, as a difference of one word means a huge difference in meaning! "

Janabai wanted to defend himself, looked at the words again, blushed and said to Floz:

"I'm sorry, Chief, I made a mistake. Here is help!"

After continuing to translate a few sentences, he was interrupted by Li Niandong: "I'm wrong here too, it's punishment, not discussion.

Also, the pronunciation of this word is Painzi, not basin.

You made a few mistakes before, but they are harmless.

But you can’t go wrong with this kind of place! "

Janabhai's face was so red that he was about to bleed!

Froz's face was even more shameless. If he hadn't paid attention to his image, he almost couldn't help but slap the stupid translator in the face!

Chen Xin'an added fuel to the fire and said with a smile: "Your university in Spielny is the Inca Pheasant University, right?

What are you learning?

And a royal translator!

Can you understand the ancient eagle flag?

The Eagle Flag Country has a history of more than three hundred years in total, how ancient can it be! "

Floz almost vomited blood.

It's Stangani, you bastard!

The number one university in the world is called Inca Pheasant University, and the principal will vomit blood when he hears it!

Chen Xin'an said to Li Niandong: "Forget it, you should explain it to everyone in one go!

All of them are at the level of Plastic Foreign Language, which is similar to mine.

If there is any misunderstanding, wouldn’t all our hard work be in vain? "

Li Niandong nodded and said: "Okay, then I will explain it to you step by step. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me at any time.

Also, now you can take off the translation headphones, because the headphones use machine translation, and there will be errors in some places.

Just listen to what I say! "

So Li Niandong's solo show began.

First, the contract was read in Eagle Flag language, and then translated to the on-site representatives one by one in Chinese, Inca, and Xinlun.

Switch between the four languages ​​at will, and you can speak fluently without any hindrance!

This operation was really impressive, even Chen Xin'an was so impressed that he fell to the ground!

Janabai and the Xinlun translator both sat on their chairs with red faces.

Not to mention the level of translation, the pronunciation of the Yingqi language is exactly the same as that of the Yingqi people.

Even if they speak their own language, they are not bad at all, they are extremely proficient!

Just listening to the voice, you wouldn't believe it was said by a foreigner.

They can't do this.

If they were asked to speak Chinese, the accent would feel awkward to me!

After explaining everything one by one, representatives from both parties did not respond immediately.

They were all whispering to each other and discussing in low voices.

After a while, an Inca representative, under Floz's instruction, said to Li Ruoshan:

"Mr. Li, although this proposal is very constructive, I think the solution to the problem is not just this.

We on the Indo-Canadian side have a supplement that needs to be seriously considered by the Chinese side.

If China lowers the tariff on red salt by five points, this initiative will be considered complete! "

Representative Xinlun also nodded and said: “We have the same requirements for the shrimp paste here.

If China can agree, we will agree to sign this initiative! "

Li Niandong snorted, shook his head and said: "Reducing tariffs by five points? You really dare to mention it!

This is equivalent to how much less you will collect every year. How much advantage can you take? Have you calculated it yourself? "

The Inca representative snorted coldly and said to her: "Since it is a peaceful settlement, everyone must show sincerity!

Otherwise, you keep asking us to make concessions, but you don't show the slightest sign of it. What kind of sincerity is this! "

Representatives from both parties all nodded in agreement.

Mr. Li looked at the representatives from both parties with a sullen face and said, "You should figure one thing out first.

This negotiation is to resolve the dispute between the two of you.

And this dispute has nothing to do with us China!

We help mediate because we don’t want to see you two fighting over Lake Figar.

I believe you yourself don’t want to do that either.

So we are helping, not begging you!

Otherwise, you will fight to the death, and what has it got to do with me, China! "

“That’s not necessarily true!” the Inca representative curled his lips and said, “China is our main buyer of Inca red salt.

If the Incas and Xinlun fight over Lake Figar, both the red salt business and Xinlun's shrimp paste business will suffer serious losses.

By then, China will no longer have red salt and shrimp paste to use! "

Froz sneered and said: "Mr. Li, let me start with the ugly words.

If our requirements cannot be met, then according to the decision of the Inca market, our future export focus of red salt will shift to the Eagle Flag Country!

I think the generous Eagle Banner people will definitely pay better than the price offered by China! "

Ricardo chuckled and said: "To be honest with you, our Xinlun Shrimp Paste is already negotiating cooperation projects with other countries.

If this problem cannot be solved, we will cooperate with other countries. "

"You are simply robbers!" Luo Ruoshan slammed the table and looked at the two leaders angrily.

Floz curled his lips and said: "We are just looking for more trade opportunities. Is this wrong?"

Li Ruoshan still wanted to speak, but Chen Xin'an on the side asked him: "Mr. Li, if we build a dam on Xilun Mountain, will it improve the soil conditions in Qingxi?"

Everyone was stunned and didn't understand why this guy would ask this question at this time.

Representative Xinlun said mockingly: "These are not the intentions of the negotiation, so you'd better talk privately..."

"Shut up!" Ricardo cursed at him, turned to look at Chen Xin'an and said bitterly: "How dare you!"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him with disdain and said, "You are unkind and I am unjust! Do you think I dare?"


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