Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1543: You should use gangster methods to deal with gangsters

The main source of water for Lake Feigar comes from Xilun Mountain.

If, as Chen Xinan said, China builds a dam on Xilun Mountain, it will be equivalent to directly cutting off the source of Lake Feigar.

Perhaps within a hundred years, Lake Feigar will become a wasteland, where there will be no red salt and shrimp mud!

Even the lives of the two countries have been greatly affected, and drinking water has become extremely scarce!

The Inca representative stood up and shouted: "I protest! This is already threatening the relationship between us Inca and China!

We just want to solve this problem peacefully. If you continue to spread such dangerous remarks, this negotiation will be difficult to proceed!"

The Xinlun representative also stood up with a gloomy face and said: "Even if I know you dare not do this, I still want to condemn you, please be careful about your words.

What you say will represent China..."


Chen Xinan slapped the conference table with a slap, and the solid wood tabletop cracked!

This is the iron poplar wood of the Qingxi generation, which is very strong and used as a chopping board in the rich family.

But now it has been slapped into a spider web by Chen Xinan's slap. How strong is this hand?

If this hits a person, it will break all the bones, right?

The representatives of both sides almost cried out in fear, and looked at Chen Xinan with horror.

Chen Xinan narrowed his eyes and cursed at them: "If you dare to talk nonsense to me again, I will make you feel pain all over your body and throw you out!"

The representatives of both sides stretched their necks, swallowed their saliva, and dared not say a word.

Even the two big capitals turned pale and dared not speak.

This fucking Li Ruoshan is cheating!

No one brought bodyguards in, why are you being special?

Although this guy has a gold star shoulder strap, his skills are terrifying. Isn't he a bodyguard?

But what makes them speechless is that this guy really doesn't look like a bodyguard.

After all, which bodyguard is qualified to directly participate in the negotiations?

It seems that even Li Ruoshan will not refute his words. It is clear that in terms of status, he is also a participant who is on an equal footing with Li Ruoshan!

Froz stood up and said to Li Ruoshan with a gloomy face: "Mr. Li, if you have this attitude, then there is no need to continue this negotiation! I am now..." Chen Xinan pointed at him and cursed: "Sit down! Did I let you go? Who dares to talk nonsense to me again? I warn you, this is not your country, this is China! In my Chinese territory, all the monsters and ghosts, lie down and curl up! I will beat anyone who dares to jump out!" "Xinan, negotiation is the most important!" Li Lao reminded Chen Xinan in a low voice. He was really afraid that this scoundrel would take action directly on this occasion. For this kid, there is almost no need to consider whether this kind of thing is possible, but he will definitely dare to do it. Chen Xinan sneered and said to Li Ruoshan: "Mr. Li, can't you see it now?

They are not here to negotiate, but to take advantage of us!"

Turning his head, Chen Xinan pointed his finger at the noses of the two representatives and cursed them one by one:

"Think about it carefully, am I threatening our relationship, or are you?

Am I spreading dangerous words, or are you?

Am I destroying the negotiations, or are you?

You two sides are fighting to the death, what do we care about?

I am helping you mediate with good intentions, but you are targeting us!

Let us Give up a hundred meters of water, and let us lower tariffs.

You still have the nerve to threaten us?

Do you know what ungratefulness is?

Do you know what wolfish ambition is?

Take a look at yourself in the mirror, you have the same face!

You may not understand who I am.

Not only do I wear the gold star shoulder straps, I am also the richest man in China's capital!

What does it mean to tell you this?

That is to say, I can spend my own money to build a dam and reservoir on Xilun Mountain without going through the official name, and I will raise fish!

At that time, whether you two are dead or alive, I will be too bored to care!

Just red salt and shrimp Mud, even if China doesn't want even a pound, will we starve to death? Will we lose money? Is it important?

But I won't let you get a single drop of water into Lake Fegal, so you have to pray for rain for water, not to mention irrigation!

Who will lose more?

A bunch of clowns dare to jump in front of China, who gave you the courage?

You have been spoiled, right? "

Li Ruoshan also stood up, looked at the two parties with dignity and shouted: "We are easy to talk, but it doesn't mean we are easy to bully.

If you don't consider solving the problem from the root, but want to take advantage of China.

Then there is no need to talk. We reject all your unreasonable demands.

If you want revenge, just come.

China has stood for thousands of years. Who has it ever been afraid of?

Whatever you want to do, we will accompany you to the end.

But I remind you that you have to bear the consequences yourself.

And I can tell you responsibly that the consequences are definitely not what you want, nor are they what you can afford!

Let's end the negotiation today. Go back and think about it.

I hope you can show enough sincerity during the negotiation tomorrow! "

Both Froz and Ricardo looked uncertain.

Before coming, they all received the information of the negotiating representatives sent by China.

They also knew Li Ruoshan's character.

But they have a trump card, specifically to deal with Li Ruoshan.

This kind of soldier who came out of the gunfire, although warlike, cherishes the hard-earned happiness more.

He will not tear his face unless it is absolutely necessary.

So they have been testing Li Ruoshan's bottom line.

As for Chen Xin'an, who came with Li Ruoshan, they had never heard of this name before.

The gold star shoulder badge was not a big shot in front of them.

So before the negotiation, they didn't know much about this person, and didn't investigate much.

They didn't take it seriously at all, thinking that he was just accompanying them to make up the numbers.

But they never expected that it was this guy who was not valued by them before the negotiation, but disrupted all their preparations!

And the strong power didn't give them the opportunity to put pressure!

Completely disrupted all their deployment and rhythm!

The key is that they have to think carefully about what this guy said!

If they really dare to implement it, they can't catch any handles of Huaxia, but force themselves into a dead end!

Privately funded dams to raise fish!

He could even come up with such a bastard idea!

After hearing Li Ruoshan announce the end of today's negotiations, the representatives of both sides stood up with heavy hearts and left the meeting room one by one.

Li Niandong gave Chen Xinan a thumbs up and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, domineering!"

Li Ruoshan glared at him, then looked at Chen Xinan, shook his head with a helpless look, and said:

"You made the three-nation negotiations look like gangsters' negotiations, which is really amazing!"

Li Niandong hugged his arm and said: "I think it's great!

To deal with those gangsters, you have to use gangster tactics!

I think Mr. Hua asked Mr. Chen to come here to deal with this situation!"

Li Ruoshan was stunned for a moment, and nodded thoughtfully.

Chen Xinan frowned and pointed at Li Niandong and asked, "Is she praising me?"

Li Ruoshan smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "Just listen to it as a compliment!

Xinan, thanks to you today, otherwise I really can't handle this situation!

They will be more restrained when they meet tomorrow.

But I can see that they all hate you to death!

So you should be careful, they dare not do anything in public.

But in private, they will definitely do something to you!

You must not fall into their trap!"

Chen Xinan grinned, nodded and said, "Don't worry, I can't wait for them to provoke me now!"

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