Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1544 I want to eat small cantaloupe tonight

Back at the hotel, Ning Xiruo and the others were already back.

Today's shooting is not even halfway through and will continue tomorrow morning.

For dinner, Mr. Li wanted to invite the leaders of the two countries to have dinner together on the first floor. Unexpectedly, he was rejected and was sent directly to their respective rooms upstairs.

It seems that today's negotiation has left them with a psychological shadow, and they don't want to see Chen Xin'an again.

Otherwise, if they disagree, something might happen!

Chen Xin'an didn't care whether they ate or not. She took her wife and friends to a large table on the first floor and invited Grandpa Li and his grandson over.

It is still an old tradition in the family. There are many people eating and it is lively. Chen Xin'an also likes this kind of scene.

After eating and drinking, and sending Mr. Li back to his room, everyone sat in Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo's room, chatting, watching TV and playing poker. This was also an old tradition for everyone.

The phone suddenly rang. Chen Xin'an glanced at it, her eyes brightened, and she walked to the balcony to answer the call. After a while, she came back and said to Luo Xiaoman, "Aman, come with me."

Luo Xiaoman stood up and shouted to Guan Fei: "Xiao Fei, come here, help me play this deck of cards, I'm sure to win!"

Guan Fei said with an embarrassed look on his face: "I don't know how to fight landlords!"

Luo Xiaoman stuffed the cards into his hand, pointed at Xiao Zhang and Master Luo and said, "They are stupider than you! Isn't it easy to beat them?"

"Damn!" Xiao Zhang and Master Luo both had dark faces.

Master Luo scolded angrily: “What I can’t tolerate the most is someone questioning my poker skills!

If you have the guts to wait for you to come back, let’s bet on something big and beat you to death! "

Luo Xiaoman ignored him at all and turned to leave.

After taking two steps, he suddenly circled around and quietly came to the back of Master Luo.

He raised his right middle finger, flicked the bangbang three times on his head, and then ran away!

"You owe me eight old men. Let's take three now. There are still five left to make up for later!"

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, everyone would have thought they were knocking on wooden fish just now.

The sound was crispy and crunchy, and it made a loud noise!

Master Luo held his head with both hands and rubbed it as hard as he could. He stood up and ran towards Luo Xiaoman, cursing:

"If I don't beat you to death, you little bastard, I will take your last name!"

Luo Xiaoman Jiejie rushed out the door with a strange smile.

Driving a Nissan car to a night market stall outside Beicheng Industrial Park, Luo Xiaoman met an acquaintance.

Dao Lei!

"Big Leizi?!" Luo Xiaoman looked at the guy in front of him with long hair and a beard longer than his hair. He looked at him with surprise and asked, "Why are you so virtuous?"

Dao Lei chuckled and tossed his long hair coquettishly.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman suddenly felt the smell of a rotten mop that had just been mopped in the toilet and had not been rinsed yet!

I was so disgusted that I almost vomited.

"How is it? Do I look beautiful now?" Dao Lei made a coquettish gesture.


Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman retched for a while, feeling so uncomfortable that they wanted to die.

Unable to look directly at the pretentious look of this big man picking at his feet, Chen Xin'an stood up, grabbed Dao Lei's head, and lifted it up directly!

The people around him exclaimed, thinking that this guy had just pulled out someone else's head!

After taking a closer look, I saw that it was just a wig.

Without hesitation at all, Chen Xin'an grabbed the handful of hair and threw it into the trash can on the roadside.

Then I picked up a bottle of mineral water and rinsed my hands several times anyway.

"Don't throw it away! I bought it for more than two hundred yuan!

My current identity is that of a poor traveler. This is the only way to avoid attracting attention! "

Luo Xiaoman scolded: "Even if you are traveling on a budget, you don't need to be such a coward, right? Do you want to scare people to death with this look?"

"You don't understand!" Dao Lei lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "It's easier to stop the car at night!

I just need to stand on the side of the road, shake my hair, or if that doesn't work, show a little of my thighs, and stop another car.

This is how I came from Ningzhou to Daliang City! "

It's unimaginable that a driver of a sports car suddenly sees a burly man with long hair and a mask on the side of the road at night.

Exposing a hairy thigh is such an eye-catching sight!

However, it is estimated that the other party will not be able to eliminate such a psychological shadow for a long time.

For quite some time, the other party may be driving at night, and when they see long hair blocking the car, they will bump into it without hesitation, or even run over it repeatedly!

What a sin!

Chen Xin'an rubbed the center of his eyebrows and said to Dao Lei, "Stretch your hand over here!"

Knowing what the boss was going to do, Dao Lei waved his hand and said, "I'm not injured, I didn't meet him at all!

I have been following secretly and observing quietly.

Boss, didn't you tell me not to do anything?

I remember it! "

Although he said this, Chen Xin'an still checked Dao Lei and confirmed that he was not injured, and then he felt relieved.

"So, you are coming to Daliang City now because Zhong Jingwen is also here?" Chen Xin'an asked Dao Lei in a deep voice.

Dao Lei nodded, glanced around, and lowered his voice and said to Chen Xin'an:

"It seems that there are quite a few people here. The Zhong family sent at least ten vehicles. They set off at noon today and arrived in Daliang City in the evening. They are all at the North Shore Hotel now!"

Chen Xin'an frowned, what is the Zhong family doing? Why come to Daliang City with such fanfare?

Did they already know that Chen Xin'an came to Daliang City?

In fact, Chen Xin'an had no intention of hiding her itinerary.

If the Zhong family didn't come to him, he would go to Ningzhou to find him after the negotiation.

The two people who broke the screws of the cable car, Lu Zhensheng and Zhong Hongyi, are on Chen Xin'an's death list.

No matter what their background is, no matter whether they were instructed by someone.

Since they did it, my parents died directly at the hands of these two people.

Then this revenge must be avenged!

Of course, killing these two people does not mean that this revenge has been avenged.

The behind-the-scenes instigators, the people involved, and all those involved in this bloody case should be killed and killed!

Chen Xinan said to Dao Lei: "Big Lei, keep an eye on these people for me.

Just stay at the North Bank Hotel here. Don't save money. I..."

He wanted to pay, but Dao Lei smiled and patted his pocket and said: "Okay, boss, I haven't spent much of the funds I was given last time. I have the money here!

Don't worry, Zhong Jingwen is always in my sight and can't run away!"

Chen Xinan nodded and told him: "I'm a little busy these two days.

If there is any trouble, contact Gongsun Feiyang.

He is also in Daliang City now. I know you have left contact information."

"Okay, no problem!" Dao Lei nodded.

The three of them ate something casually and drank a few bottles of beer. Chen Xinan took Luo Xiaoman and prepared to go back.

Just before getting in the car, Luo Xiaoman said to Chen Xinan: "Why do I feel like something is going to happen tonight?"

Chen Xinan nodded and said: "Actually, I already had this feeling when I saw Da Leizi!

How about you tonight..."

Luo Xiaoman nodded and said: "Okay, Da Leizi and I are together.

Go back and tell Xueer for me that I will rush back tomorrow morning and will definitely not delay the photo shoot!"

Chen Xinan thought about it, nodded and said: "Okay, if there is anything, contact me immediately!"

Back in the hotel room, Ning Xiruo had just finished taking a shower and was ready to rest.

Looking at his beautiful wife in a bathrobe with a rosy face, Chen Xinan licked his lips.

He said with a pig-like look: "I haven't eaten cantaloupe for a long time, I'm going to feast on it tonight!"

As he said that, he rubbed his hands and made a slurping sound of noodles in his mouth!

Ning Xiruo's face turned red, and she punched him lightly and cursed:

"You are annoying! Like a big pervert! Go take a shower, it stinks!"

He took a quick shower and was about to jump on the bed, but Ning Xiruo handed him his phone and said gloatingly: "Master Luo is looking for you!"

"What for!" Chen Xinan cursed angrily.

Master Luo was startled and asked him: "Why are you so angry? Where is that bastard Aman?"

Chen Xinan cursed angrily: "He won't be back tonight, please tell Qianxue for me.

Don't call me if you have nothing to do, and no one should interfere with me eating cantaloupe!


Hang up the phone directly, then press and hold the phone to turn it off!

Throwing the phone to the bedside, Chen Xinan rubbed his hands and said with a smirk: "Little melon, here I come!"

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