Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1545 King Qingxi comes to Daliang City

When I woke up, it was raining in Daliang City!

The little cantaloupe in her arms has not yet woken up, curling up in Chen Xin'an's arms like a docile kitten.

She doesn't have the perverted physical strength of Chen Xin'an.

I was exhausted from all the hard work last night and had a rare sleep.

Chen Xin'an wanted to get out of bed and go to the first floor to prepare breakfast, but Ning Xiruo hugged her tightly and refused to let him move.

There was no other way, so Chen Xin'an had no choice but to lean on the head of the bed, let her rest on his stomach, and then picked up the phone and turned it on.

There was a missed call from Doro Xiaoman at three in the morning.

What is this guy doing on the phone at this time?

But if nothing happened, Luo Xiaoman would not call Chen Xin'an based on his style and habits.

Chen Xin'an started to do it, kissed her daughter-in-law on the face, and said softly: "I'm going to call Aman."

Only then did Ning Xiruo let go of him.

Chen Xin'an got out of bed, walked to the bathroom, and dialed Luo Xiaoman's phone number, but what came over there was a busy signal.

I called Dao Lei right away, but couldn't get through either.

Chen Xin'an frowned, and the bad premonition from last night came to mind again.

Walking out of the bathroom, Ning Xiruo had already gotten up.

Seeing Chen Xin'an's frown, Ning Xiruo asked worriedly: "Husband, what's wrong?"

Chen Xin'an didn't hide anything from her, shook her phone and said: "At three o'clock in the morning, Aman called me once, but now I can't get through to him.

He was with Dalei Zi, and now the two of them can't get through on the phone. Something might have happened! "

Ning Xiruo said to him: "Husband, don't worry, it may be due to payment arrears or poor signal!

You go and wash up first, I'll call everyone over and ask them! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and turned back to the bathroom to wash up.

When he came out, his friends had already come over.

The strange thing is that except Chen Xin'an, no one else received a call last night!

"Xi Ruo, feel at ease, Aman..." Luo Qianxue's face was a little pale, her eyes looking at Chen Xin'an were full of fear, and her voice was trembling when she spoke.

Ning Xiruo hugged her and said, "Qianxue, don't think so wildly.

Just because the phone call is not getting through, it doesn't mean something is wrong!

It may be that they arrived at a place with poor signal, or it may be that their mobile phones happened to be out of battery! "

Xiao Zhang said to Chen Xin'an: "Let me go out for a spin!"

He is a taxi driver and has his own way of knowing the sources of information.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay!"

At this moment, Luo Qianxue's cell phone suddenly rang, and everyone was excited.

But when I took it out and looked at it, I saw on the caller ID that it was Sister Hua calling.

After a while, Luo Qianxue came back from the window and said to everyone: "Sister Hua said that it is not convenient to shoot on rainy days and asked about today's shooting plan.

I told her it was cancelled! "

Ning Xiruo also nodded.

Indeed, today is indeed not a good day for shooting.

Chen Xin'an called for breakfast and everyone ate together.

Just halfway through eating, Xiao Zhang came back in a hurry and said to Chen Xin'an:

“No news from Aman.

But there was a murder in the square last night.

I heard that two or three died.

The square is now cordoned off. Please ask the police for the details! "

Chen Xin'an dialed a number without saying anything.

When the call was connected, Chen Xin'an asked: "Leader Zhao, I want to ask something! Was there a case in the square last night?"

Zhao Zhiguo said angrily: "Tianshui Square, right? I'm here now!

All four lives were hacked to death with random swords!

Such a thing happened during the negotiation, how should I explain it to Mr. Li!

These damn bastards are just causing trouble for me!

How could there be such a huge hatred among just a few night market vendors? ! "

Chen Xin'an felt moved and asked Zhao Zhiguo: "What's the name of the owner of the night market stall?"

"The investigation hasn't been completed yet, so it's difficult to disclose it now. But there is a guy, others call him Lao Zhu!" Zhao Zhiguo said with some irritability.

It’s no wonder that the Daliang City Bureau has been in a state of flux recently.

On the one hand, we are conducting self-examination, and on the other hand, we are dealing with the negotiations between the three countries.

Now that such a vicious case has occurred, it's no wonder he doesn't have a headache!

Chen Xin'an didn't waste any more time and hung up the phone.

After thinking about it, he picked up his cell phone and dialed a number. Guishou couldn't reach him either!

Chen Xin'an put down the phone and walked to the sofa to sit down.

Seeing everyone's gazes, he frowned and said in a deep voice, "King Qingxi has arrived in Daliang City!"

This was said to Master Luo and Xiao Zhang. Only they understood the meaning of this name.

Both nodded.

Xiao Zhang said to Chen Xin'an, "How about I go out and inquire again?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "From now on, everyone should try to stay in the hotel.

I will find a way to go to the lobby to hear Aman's news. I will wait until I come back from the nursing home! "

Everyone didn't speak, just nodded together.

After lunch, Chen Xin'an followed Mr. Li to Bishui Tianchi Nursing Home again.

This time he did not ride in a car, but wore civilian clothes and rode a sword.

The route from the hotel to the nursing home is fixed, with police on duty and military vehicles clearing the way.

Arriving at Bishui Tianchi, Chen Xinan was about to enter the meeting room when Huo Guangqi stopped him and said softly, "Boss, there was a tail when we came here, something is wrong!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said, "The police car following behind, right?

I have already told Chief Hu, he will check it out!"

Gong Jun smiled and said to Huo Guangqi, "Instructor, what did I say? What we can notice, the boss has already noticed, we don't need to worry about it!"

Chen Xinan kicked him and said with a stern face, "Don't say such nonsense in the future, and don't have such thoughts!

I am not a god, I can't do everything.

If everything depends on me, then why did I ask you to come!"

Gong Jun said with a bitter face, "I know, boss!"

With the lesson of yesterday, the representatives of both sides were much more honest this time, and the negotiations became much smoother.

Chen Xinan pouted.

These guys are more bullying than the other.

Blindly tolerating will only make them push their feet.

Like leeches, they suck your blood greedily and won't let go until their stomachs are swollen and their heads are round.

But once you are cruel to them and let them know that they are afraid, they will be honest.

But if you think that they are afraid and dare not play tricks on you anymore, you are wrong!

As long as you are a little careless, they will take advantage of you, and then they will take advantage of you in various ways.

Chen Xinan will never tolerate them once, and directly confront them to doubt their lives. They dare not open their mouths to make demands and sign the proposal obediently.

After the negotiation, everyone prepared to return to the hotel and go home tomorrow.

This negotiation was unexpectedly fast for all three parties. They originally thought that it would take a week, but they didn't expect it to be resolved in two days.

Even Li Lao joked to Chen Xinan: "If it weren't for you, this negotiation would never be so smooth!"

Chen Xinan was a little confused.

I didn't do anything. These people don't want to stay here for a minute. It has nothing to do with me!

Li Niandong came out of the bathroom and caught up with Li Lao and Chen Xin'an, frowning, as if he wanted to say something but stopped.

Li Lao looked at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Niandong glanced behind him and whispered, "The Xinlun guard seemed to be asking about the negotiation situation.

He didn't seem to have much respect for the Xinlun leader.

Anyway... it's very strange!"

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