Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1547 You can’t die if I don’t let you die

This outrageous operation frightened Floz so much that he almost crawled under the car seat!

The two bodyguards beside him also looked at Vyas outside the car door with alert and frightened expressions.

I'm afraid that he will follow Lupu's example and kill him suddenly!

Vyas ordered the guards to quickly use the vehicle as a cover and draw their guns on the Xinlun people.

Turning his head to look at the way the people in the car looked at him, he almost cried out of grievance.

What expressions do you all have?

Can everyone have some basic sense of trust?

I am different from these Xinlun people!

Beside Mr. Li, Hu Zhenrui and the guards were already standing in the direction where Mr. Li's car faced the Xinlun convoy.

There was no cover to rely on, but everyone formed a human shield, holding guns in both hands, blocking Old Li in the car from behind.

Lupu opened the car door and said to the driver: "Keep driving forward and pass that gas station!

Boss, I'm sorry, your performance is very disappointing to the superiors.

So you must die in China, and you must make China bear an unshirkable responsibility, so that the higher ups can recover the losses!

Don’t worry, I will accompany you..."

The moment he was about to get into the car, a motorcycle suddenly came from behind!

No one knows when this car drove here!

It glides quickly between convoys, then accelerates suddenly as it approaches its target.

Unable to dodge, Lupu was knocked away along with the car door!

At the same time, there was gunfire all around!

In fact, it was just six gunshots, and then the surrounding area became quiet!

The six Xinlun guards were all lying in a pool of blood. Without exception, they were all shot between the eyebrows and killed with one shot!

The five-person team of Getanwolves, wearing the uniforms of Anhao Security Company, quickly put away their guns and quickly entered the Xinlun convoy.

They dragged all the bodies of the guards to the roadside and laid them side by side.

Each of the Inca guards stretched their necks and swallowed.

Who are these people?

His body skills are weird and his marksmanship is amazingly accurate!

No one knows when they targeted these Xinlun guards.

Once they fire, they fire together, each hitting their own target.

Six people used six bullets, and not a single bullet was wasted!

The entire battle takes less than fifteen seconds!

If we had to deal with them instead, would it take more than twenty seconds?

Lupu, covered in blood, struggled to get up from the ground, feeling that at least three bones in his body were broken!

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Lu Pu looked at Chen Xin'an who was already standing in front of him, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn Chinese!"

The gun in his hand had been knocked away, and his right hand was still bleeding. He suddenly pulled it out from behind his waist!

But before he even took out his weapon, Chen Xin'an in front of him punched him!


The punch hit his right shoulder, deforming his entire shoulder socket.

The shoulder blades and upper arms were shattered together!

"Ah!" Lupu let out a shrill scream, with his mouth full of blood and yelled: "Damn you! Kill me! Come on!"

Chen Xin'an smiled sarcastically: "Don't worry, you won't be dead for a while! You are more useful alive than dead!"

"Go to hell!" Lupu yelled and stretched his left hand to his arms.

But before he could take it out, Chen Xin'an stabbed the knife into his left shoulder.

Then hold the handle of the tiger tooth knife and pull it down!

The blade that was inserted into the shoulder joint almost cut off the entire left arm!

The severe pain caused Lupu to fall to the ground, kicking his legs like crazy and screaming like a pig being killed!

Chen Xin'an squatted in front of him, grabbed his hair and lifted his head up, looked at him expressionlessly and said:

"Is it comfortable? If you don't want to be honest, there is something more exciting. Do you want to try it?"

"Fuck you!" Lupu's eyes widened angrily, staring at Chen Xin'an fiercely, with a ferocious smile on his face, as if he was taunting Chen Xin'an.

But in the next second, Chen Xin'an grabbed his chin, shook it left and right twice, and with a click, removed his jaw!

"Ah!" Lu Pu's eyes showed panic, as if he was completely surprised that Chen Xin'an would use such a move.

The determination and ridicule on his face disappeared instantly, leaving only deep fear.

Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly and said, "The man with the golden gloves?

I know that you are all accustomed to placing fangs in your mouth to commit suicide after failure.

I have lost count of the number of your people who have died at my hands.

Do you think I don't know your tricks?

If I don’t let you die, you can’t die! "

Lu Pu looked at Chen Xin'an in horror, unable to believe what he said.

But looking at this man's appearance, it didn't look like he was deliberately bragging.

But one thing was clear to him.

He's finished!

Everything that was carefully arranged has now been destroyed by this guy named Chen Xin'an and those in uniform.

He didn't dare to predict what results would be waiting for him in the future!

Hu Zhenrui walked to Ricardo's car, saluted and said, "Master Li, Chief Li invites you to sit in the car over there!"

Ricardo's face was pale, and he wanted to be polite, but when he turned around, he saw that all his bodyguards and guards had burped, and none of them were dead!

There was only one driver sitting alone in the front.

Even if nothing happens again along the way, it's still hard to go back in a car with a missing door.

He got out of the car obediently and followed Hu Zhenrui to Lao Li's car.

Hu Zhenrui opened the car door. Ricardo looked at Li Ruoshan who invited him and sighed: "Mr. Li, thank you!"

Chen Xin'an gave Lupu two injections, then grabbed his hair, dragged him to Xinlun Chief's car, threw him into the back seat, and walked to the driver's side.

The driver had not yet recovered from the shock, and his body was still shaking.

Chen Xin'an slapped him on the head and cursed at him: "Are you scared to death?"

Looking at the fierce man in front of him, the driver from Xinlun felt an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

Although he didn't understand what he said, the driver knew that this man meant no harm to him.

Chen Xin'an pointed to Lu Pu in the back seat and said to the driver: "Follow the convoy and take this person back to the hotel, do you understand?"

The driver glanced at the back seat and nodded to Chen Xin'an.

The police car roared over, Hu Zhenrui explained the situation to them, and then nodded to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an waved his hand, and two motorcycles, Gong Jun and Yu Fei, started off, leading the way.

The convoy kept up with us obediently.

Chen Xin'an, riding a sword, was still cruising around the convoy.

There was no more danger along the way. At 6:30 in the evening, the convoy arrived at the Red Star Hotel.

Before going upstairs, Hu Zhenrui came over and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, what should we do with this Xinlun security chief? Do we need to hand it over to the police?"

"No need!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Don't give it to anyone.

Let the hotel arrange a vacant room on the third floor and send someone to guard it.

Find a doctor to stitch up his wounds. When I come back, I will interrogate him myself! "

"Yes!" Hu Zhenrui responded and wanted to turn around and go upstairs, but turned around and looked at Chen Xin'an strangely and asked: "Why don't Mr. Chen interrogate him now to avoid long nights and dreams?"

Chen Xin'an looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "Now, I want to find my brother. This matter is the most important!"

Hu Zhenrui quickly said to him: "There are Getan wolves protecting Mr. Li. Our security team can be mobilized to help Mr. Chen..."

"No!" Chen Xin'an shook his head to stop him, took a deep breath and said:

"Protect Mr. Li well.

I will arrange the rest myself.

The people on my side can handle it! "


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