Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1548 He will definitely come to save us

Back in the room, all the women were there.

Ning Xiruo stood up from Luo Qianxue and said to Chen Xinan: "Hubby, Qianxue hasn't eaten all day today!"

Chen Xinan glanced at the cold food on the table, walked up to Luo Qianxue and said: Qianxue, you..."

"Where did he go? Why didn't he send any news all day? Did he have an accident?

Or did he go back by himself and leave me in Qingxi and don't want me anymore?

Chen Xinan, where did you go today?

Isn't he your brother?

Why don't you go find him?

Do you care whether he lives or dies?"

Luo Qianxue's eyes were red and swollen, and her expression was anxious. She looked at Chen Xinan with lifeless eyes.

This look was too haggard, and it was very different from the proud and confident first beauty in Kyoto who turned everyone upside down when Chen Xinan first met her.

Chen Xinan was afraid that she would be too excited and get pregnant, so he quickly explained: "Qianxue, listen to me, I have business today..."

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense! "Luo Qianxue pushed Chen Xin'an away and shouted at him: "I just want to ask you, where did my man go?"

Mu Yezhen frowned and said: "Luo Qianxue, why do you treat Xin'an like this? Your man has legs and feet..."

Luo Qianxue waved her arms, pointed at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "Then was my man called out by him last night?"

"This..." Mu Yezhen was speechless and couldn't say anything.

Luo Qianxue looked at Chen Xin'an with tears in her eyes and said: "You brought my man back the same way you took him out!

Why did you leave him alone outside?

It rained so hard today, he didn't even bring an umbrella, where could he go?

Chen Xin'an, even if you don't go to find him yourself, then let me go out to find him myself, why don't you let me go out?

Is this how you treat your brothers?

Do you just want to use them to help you work hard and do things for you, but don't care about their life or death?

You are the richest man in Kyoto, you wear gold star epaulettes, what do your brothers have?

There has been no news from last night until now. What have you done for him? "

"Qianxue, Xin'an is not like this!" Ning Xiruo hugged Luo Qianxue's shoulders.

Chen Xin'an looked guilty and said to Luo Qianxue: "I'm sorry! I'll go find him now!"

I wanted to change my clothes, but there were still blood stains on my clothes. But now there was no time, so I turned around and walked out.

Xiao Zhang and Master Luo just came to the door. When Chen Xin'an opened the door, the three of them met face to face.

Xiao Zhang excitedly said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, there is news about Aman!

He should be with Sun Jialuo and the others!

Half an hour ago, Sun Jialuo called me.

He said that Aman and Da Leizi were with him in Beicheng Industrial Park!

But he didn't say in detail, their situation was more dangerous.

But Da Leizi asked him to tell you a message!

Zhong Hongyi is the King of Qingxi! ”

No wonder the Zhong family entered Daliang City in large numbers!

No wonder Lao Zhu and others were killed in the square last night!

It turned out that it was the revenge of the Qingxi King on Guishou and others.

It turned out that the Zhong family was the direct subordinate of the Qingxi King.

It turned out that Zhong Hongyi was the Qingxi King!

Chen Xinan took a deep breath, nodded and said: "Okay, you guys go in and eat, you've worked hard!"

Xiao Zhang grabbed his arm and said with a smile: "Boss, I want to go with you!"

"And me!" Master Luo took a step forward.

Chen Xinan frowned and said: "You guys protect everyone here, I can go there alone!"

Xiao Zhang shook his head and said: "Don't forget, Aman and Da Leizi are also my brothers!

Boss, you can't always take things on yourself.

Every time there is danger, we are left at home by you.

What do you need brothers for?"

Master Luo shrugged and said: "My son and nephew are over there, you let me sit in the hotel and wait for news? I can't be patient! "

Chen Xinan wanted to persuade them again, but Wu Yan walked to the door and said to him, "Boss, let Lao Xiao go! He can protect himself."

Chen Xinan didn't have time to hesitate, so he nodded and said to Xiao Zhang and Master Luo, "Okay, let's go!"

Looking at Wu Yan, Chen Xinan nodded vigorously.

Don't worry, I won't make the same mistake twice.

I'll take Xiao Zhang out and bring him back intact!

In a factory warehouse in Beicheng Industrial Park, armed security guards checked all the way.

After they left, several figures emerged from the darkness and gathered together.

Gongsun Feiyang touched his bald head and cursed, "If there is nothing strange about this factory, I, Gongsun Feiyang, will stand upside down and have diarrhea!

What on earth is that package?

They actually take it so seriously!

A mere security team, actually armed with guns and ammunition, just doing energy? Ghosts will believe it!"

Liu Yidao covered his stomach with his hands and said to Sun Jialuo with a gasp, "Did you call the police just now? Why haven't the police arrived yet? "

Sun Jialuo, who was holding him, shook his head and said, "I didn't report it, I called Xiao Zhang!"

"Who?" Liu Yidao frowned and said, "Aren't you wasting your opportunity? You..."

Luo Xiaoman held him down and said, "It's someone close to Lao Chen, and he's also our brother!

Let him know our news, it's more effective than telling the police!

Don't worry, Lao Chen will definitely come to save us!"

Dao Lei nodded vigorously and said: "No one can be trusted now, I only believe in the boss!"

Liu Yidao looked at Luo Xiaoman and Dao Lei, took a deep breath and said, "Thank you!"

If it hadn't been for these two people, I would have been doomed last night when I met that group of security guards!

Dao Lei waved his hand and said: "We happened to be following Zhong Jingwen and happened to meet you. We are all friends. You're welcome! How is your injury?"

"Hold on!" Liu Yidao took a deep breath.

The abdomen was grazed by a bullet. Fortunately, the internal organs were not injured, but it still affected his mobility to some extent.

Fortunately, Luo Xiaoman stopped the bleeding for him, otherwise it would have been difficult to escape from the hands of the security guards just based on the blood stains left on the ground.

Sun Galuo said to Liu Yidao with a guilty look on his face: "It's all my fault! If I hadn't held you back, you wouldn't have been hurt protecting me!"

Liu Yidao frowned and cursed: "There is no need to say such words! We are all comrades in arms, and this is what we should do!

I'm just curious, what did you see in that house?

Are you sure the things you found are contraband?

Why are these people desperate to hunt us down? "

Sun Galo said with a solemn expression: "It must be contraband!

And behind that garbage station is a door!

After following the film crew for two days, I was wondering why there was such a door in that place?

It's just a garbage transfer station, dirty and smelly.

Everything was shabby, except for the door handle, which was smooth, as if someone had opened it frequently.

I wanted to see what was behind that door, but before I could pull it, the alarm went off as soon as my hand touched it!

Then we were hunted down!

I also want to know now, what is behind the door? "

Gongsun Feiyang frowned and said in a deep voice, "I don't know if the crew will be made things difficult for us by Valero because of us!"

Liu Yidao also said with some uncertainty: "It shouldn't be possible, right? After all, it was reported to the police!"

Sun Galo said worriedly: "I now suspect that the Daliang City police have their people!

Think about it, it was only after we made the phone call that the location was revealed!

Later, they also installed a mobile phone signal detector, and now it is difficult for us to make calls! "

At this moment, several dogs barked suddenly outside.

Sun Galo's expression changed and he said to everyone: "No, they are using dogs to find us!

It seems that this time, we can't get out! "

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said: "As long as Lao Chen receives the news, he will definitely come back to save us!

So during this period, we must protect ourselves and wait for him alive! "


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