Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1549 Things cannot be taken out

In the spacious factory building, a person sat on the Taishi chair and looked coldly at the group of men and women standing in front of him.


Luo Zhen was knocked down with a stick, holding his body with both hands and crying loudly in pain.

A young man shaved his temples, leaving only a handful of hair on the top of his head, which was dyed white.

With an evil smile on his face, he walked up to him and squatted down, looked at him and asked:

"Again, where did those people go? Who were they?"

Luo Zhen held her head and cried: "I really don't know!

They were hired as handymen on the set for two hundred yuan a day.

I really don't know where they are!

If you don’t believe it, ask them! "

The white-haired man turned his head and looked at the man in a green shirt with a slender appearance on the Grand Master's chair and said:

"Grandpa, this guy is dishonest. Otherwise..."

He put his hand under his neck and made a swiping gesture.

Luo Zhen was lying on the ground crying: "Don't kill me! I really said what I could say! We are really the filming team of Dream Media!"

You can all find out our details at the Qingxi Cultural Bureau.

Please, let us go! "

The slender man was playing with a pair of iron walnuts in his left hand. He glanced at Luo Zhen coldly and said, "Who let these people in?"

A middle-aged man in a suit walked out timidly, lowered his head and said:

"Your Majesty, they have approval from the Municipal Bureau and the Cultural Bureau, saying they want to use our factory for a photo shoot.

It only took two hours, and I saw that some big stars were begging for mercy, so..."

Before he finished speaking, the prince shook his left hand and a cold light flew out!


An iron walnut hit the middle-aged man's left knee, directly shattering his patella!

The middle-aged man screamed loudly, hugged his left leg and fell to the ground, rolling in pain!

"Send it here!" The prince sat on the Grand Master's chair and looked at him expressionlessly.

The middle-aged man endured the severe pain, crawled forward from the ground, and tremblingly picked up the iron walnut from the ground.

Then he climbed up to the prince, held the iron walnut in his trembling hands, and presented it to the prince.

The prince grabbed the iron walnut in his hand, leaned forward, squinted at the middle-aged man and said:

"Is it because I'm in Ningzhou and what I said is just a fart and you don't have to listen to it?

Since his ears are useless, what else is there for him to do? "

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the middle-aged man's left ear, and then tore it off violently!

Accompanied by a shrill howl, half of the middle-aged man's face was dripping with blood!

The prince casually threw the broken ear of his hand to the ground beside him.

A big, fierce-looking, hairless dog with fangs bared ran over.

He put the ear into his mouth, chewed it twice, and swallowed it!

The white-haired man waved his hand, walked up from behind to the two young men in Kung Fu suits, and dragged out the middle-aged man who was paralyzed on the ground, one on the left and the other on the right.

The prince raised his head, looked at the crowd, and smiled slightly: "Miss Luo, are you okay?"

Romiou, whose hands were tied behind his back, took a deep breath, put on a smile and said to him:

"Thanks to the prince for taking care of me.

If the prince hadn't opened Jinkou last time in Ningzhou, it would have been impossible for my small shop to enter Dabailey.

Not to mention there are counters! "

The white-haired man glanced at her sideways and said with a smile: "So, this is why you, Star Luo, repay kindness with hatred?

It’s okay if you don’t look down on my face, Zhong Yue.

My grandfather helped you, and you still do this to harm him? "

Luo Miou sighed, shook his head and said: "I know that the misunderstanding is deep, and no matter how I explain it, the prince will not believe it.

But those few people were indeed hired temporarily to do handyman work.

We don’t know that they will do anything detrimental to the Zhongding Group.

It is natural for the prince to take the blame.

Please impose all punishments on me, Romigull.

They are all members of the crew, all innocent, and have nothing to do with this matter.

Please, Your Majesty, have mercy and let them go! "

The white-haired man sneered and said: "Those people took away our things, and you can just say "temporary recruitment" to get rid of it?

Are these people innocent?

Why do I look like they all look like accomplices?

And all the punishment falls on you.

Luo Miou, you have seen my grandfather’s methods just now.

If it falls on you, can you bear it? "

He walked up to Luo Miou and looked at the woman in front of him with a pair of eyes.

Then he looked at Wen Renqian not far away, the greed in his eyes even more undisguised.


Such mature women are his favorite.

Although he is no longer young, he is not too old either.

It is the stage when a woman fully blooms and matures, and her whole body exudes an aura that makes men intoxicated.

He stretched out his hand, lifted Romi Ou's chin with his fingers, lowered his voice and said with a sneer:

"In Ningzhou, I spent money to treat you to a meal, but you always ignored me with a high air.

Did you not expect that it would fall into my hands so quickly?

Guess what I will do to you? "

Luo Miou suppressed the disgust in his heart, looked at him with a smile and said: "The less, I really had something wrong that time and couldn't get away.

I've already explained it, but Yue Shao didn't listen at all.

In fact, the less people think highly of me, it is an honor for me, Luo Miou.

As long as you let go of these colleagues and friends of mine and do whatever you want, I will agree to it! "

The prince seemed not to notice the actions of his grandson and the female star.

He just scanned the crew with his eyes, examining them one by one.

At this moment, a young man dressed in black and practicing Kung Fu ran over quickly, bowed and said:

"Your Majesty, there is movement over there in the warehouse, and Laojun has already chased after it!"

The prince frowned and asked, "Have you found anything missing?"

"Yes! On them!" The young man nodded and said: "They mix it with water and sprinkle it on the body to cover up the smell!"

The prince stood up from the Grand Master's chair and said solemnly: "It's best to use it all, so there is no need to leak it out.

I'm just afraid that if they take things out, then the family property will not be saved!

These people are indeed cunning, but if they really think they can escape pursuit this way, they are totally wrong!

Huanglong! "

The muscular, ferocious-looking big dog ran to the prince's side.

The mouth still stained with blood showed teeth.

But he rubbed his head back and forth on the prince's legs in an unusually docile manner.

The prince rubbed its head with his right hand and said: "Go! I haven't let you eat meat for a long time, now go and eat enough!"

The big dog turned around and ran out quietly.

The prince said expressionlessly: "Follow Huang Long and find those people, regardless of life or death.

But those things must be taken back.

Never stay outside.

If anyone sees it, deal with it on the spot! "

"Yes!" A group of black kung fu practitioners responded in unison and ran out quickly.

The prince turned his head, looked at Zhong Yue and said, "I'll leave these people to you.

Check the background of all of them. If they really have nothing to do with those people, let them go.

But before leaving, feed them something to avoid talking nonsense after you leave! "

"Don't worry, grandpa, leave it to me!" Zhong Yue was ecstatic, nodded to the prince and said:

"I know what to do!

You guys, why don’t you hurry up and get an umbrella!

Be smart and protect my grandpa. Just leave two people here!

A group of people making movies don’t need my Zhong family to mobilize troops! "

Watching respectfully as the prince walked out and disappeared, Zhong Yue turned around and looked at Luomi Ou in front of him with an evil smile.

"Aren't you noble?

Don’t you look down on me?

Now that you are in my hands, what do you think I will do to you? "

Zhong Yue had a sinister smile on his face, and he touched Luomi Ou's body with both hands regardless of being in front of so many people!


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