Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1550 Don’t question my brother

On a rainy night, Luo Xiaoman and others ran forward along the corner of the warehouse.

Two security guards suddenly stepped out from around the corner, and they faced each other.

"Here..." A security guard opened his mouth and shouted, but before he could finish speaking, a cold light passed under his neck!

Another security guard turned around and wanted to run away, but Liu Yidao spun his body, jerked his right hand, and stabbed the bloody knife into the security guard's chest.

At the same time, Gongsun Feiyang had covered the security guard's mouth.

The security guard didn't make a sound until he died. His body collapsed and fell next to the body of his companion.

Liu Yidao covered his mouth with his left hand, coughed, and asked Sun Galuo: "How much is left in that package?"

Sun Gallo wiped his forehead, regardless of whether it was rain or sweat, and panted and said:

"There is still a small half, we can't use it anymore, otherwise there will be no evidence!"

Gongsun Feiyang nodded and said: "Such a high-purity contraband can never only have this!

Too bad I didn't have time to find out more.

As long as he can be brought out alive, the police can be involved, and then all the secrets of this Valerona company will be revealed! "

Sungalo nodded.

That being said, is it really possible to get out alive?

The factory was heavily guarded and the entire site was even cordoned off in an attempt to catch them.

Sun Gallo's own strength was quite good, and he was considered a strong member of the Kyoto Criminal Police Team.

But compared with the four people in front of him, he realized that he was really too weak.

No matter in terms of skill or physical strength, his strength is not enough!

But what moved him was that all four of them secretly protected him.

Let him hold even the most important things.

It was clear that I was telling him something.

We will not abandon you.

If only one person can get out, we will do our best to get you out of here!

"We have to run west!" Luo Xiaoman said to everyone: "That's the high wall of the factory area. If you use a ladder, you can get out!"

Gongsun Feiyang shook his head and said: "No! There is a power grid on the high wall, and we can't climb over it.

Moreover, there is a grassy beach outside the west wall without any shelter. It was too conspicuous after we went out! "

Liu Yidao shook his head and said to Gongsun Feiyang: "Listen to Brother Xiaoman, let's go to the Western Wall!

In this case, they will not energize the grid.

Heavy rain can easily cause short circuits.

There is a barren grassland outside the west wall, and the other party has no way of driving a vehicle to chase us!

So as long as we cross the grassy beach and run into the city, the other party won't dare to pursue us openly! "

Gongsun Feiyang thought about it and realized that it was indeed the case. He nodded and said, "Okay, then let's run west!"

What are you... doing? "

The three of them were about to leave, but saw Luo Xiaoman and Dao Lei still standing where they were.

Gongsun Feiyang asked strangely: "You won't come with me?"

Dao Lei shook his head and said: "We will go there with you, the goal is too big!

We have to lure them away so that you have a greater chance of escaping! "

"No! It's too dangerous!" Gongsun Feiyang shook his head, looked at Luo Xiaoman and Dao Lei and said, "You go out, I'll stay to distract those people!"

Sun Galuo put his hand into his arms and said to Luo Xiaoman: "Mr. Luo, among us, you are the most skilled!

So you have the best chance of escaping!

Take this thing out and hand him over to the police.

This is the most important. "

"Okay, don't argue anymore, we don't have much time!" Luo Xiaoman waved his hand and said to everyone:

"If I stay, I can free my hands and hold those people off longer!

And I just need to wait for Lao Chen to come over and I can get out of trouble.

If it were you, you wouldn't be able to support it!

Daleizi, you also go with them, I am enough here! "

Sun Galuo said anxiously: "Chen Xin'an will not come!

Either they didn’t receive the message, or they didn’t care about the lives and deaths of us people at all!

If he wanted to come, he would have come last night!

But now a day and a night have passed, and he has not appeared!

If we hadn't been alert enough, we would have turned into several corpses long ago! "

Dao Lei's face darkened and he shouted at him: "The boss is not this kind of person!"

Luo Xiaomanhe looked at Sun Galuo with a straight face and said, "Officer Sun, I'm not familiar with you.

But you are all friends of Lao Chen, so you are also my friends, Luo Xiaoman!

Now that I have encountered it, I will not sit idly by and watch.

Otherwise, even if I meet Lao Chen, he will blame me!

But there is one thing you must remember.

You can scold Lao Chen, but you can never say that he refused to save him!

As long as he treats you as a friend and brother, even if you fall into a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, he will come to save you! "

Gongsun Feiyang also nodded, Chen Xin'an was indeed such a person.

Sun Galuo had an expression of shame on his face and said to Luo Xiaoman: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to doubt Mr. Chen, I just..."

Luo Xiaoman waved his hands and said, "No need to say anything else, let's go out first!

Dalei, you go with them.

You know my strength. Only when there is no one around can I completely let go! "

Dao Lei's face was solemn, he punched Luo Xiaoman on the shoulder and said to him: "I'll wait for you outside!"

Luo Xiaoman nodded, turned around and said, "When you hear the noise and make sure it's safe, you run to the west wall!"

Seeing Luo Xiaoman rushing into the rain curtain, everyone was hiding in the dark, and their hearts tightened.

Soon, several gunshots were heard not far away, and someone shouted: "I saw someone! Run forward!"

Following a burst of noise and dog barking, a group of security guards ran eastward!

Just as Gongsun Feiyang was about to leave, Liu Yidao held him down and said to everyone, "Wait a minute!"

Sure enough, two minutes later, another group of people dressed in black and practicing kung fu rushed over.

A big dog ran straight towards the place where everyone was hiding.

Just as he was about to spot everyone, a man in the crowd wearing a ragged felt hat whistled.

The big dog turned his head and turned away, chasing after Luo Xiaoman in the direction where he disappeared.

The group of men in black also followed.

Gongsun Feiyang and everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Just as he was about to leave, several more people appeared in the corner.

Two men in black clothes each held a big umbrella, and walking in the middle was a slender old man.

He stood in the corner and glanced at the place where everyone was hiding.

Although they knew that he could not see it, everyone felt that they were glared at by him, and their hearts trembled.

At this moment, gunshots and the screams of dogs were heard from the east.

The slender old man then turned around and walked in that direction.

It wasn't until he couldn't be seen anymore that everyone heaved a long sigh of relief!

Liu Yidao wiped his forehead and said to everyone: "Let's go!"

In the factory, Zhong Yue grabbed Luo Miou's hair, forced her to raise her head, put his left hand into her clothes, and squeezed hard.

Because of the pain, Romigull let out a cry of pain, but its body stood straight and its eyes were closed as if it had accepted its fate!

Ignoring the blood on his face, Luo Zhen got up and tried to knock Zhong Yue away with his body, but was kicked to the ground by the man in black next to him.

He struggled to sit up and begged Zhong Yue: "Let her go! Don't bully her! Our Luo family is willing to compensate!"

Zhong Yue kicked him in the face and cursed with a cruel smile: "I care about your compensation?

Aren’t you, Luomiou, a big star?

Didn’t you reject me over and over again?

Now I am playing with you in front of so many people and stripping you naked!

Let’s see what else you have that’s valuable! "

Luo Miou had no expression on his face and said coldly: "You can play if you want!

The grandson of the majestic King Qingxi has this ability to tie up women and bully them!

I'll treat it as if I've been bitten by a dog, so hurry up and get it over with! "


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