Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1559 I just want to borrow your operating room

He looked at Fei Lexian with his eyes wide open, looking like he couldn't believe it.

Master Luo nodded, indicating that Qi Huaifeng was right.

Fei Lexian felt that he should be called "Lung Qi Explosion"!

After doing this for a long time, you are a fake medical fairy!

It's a shame that I still treat you with such admiration, but I didn't expect you to be a charlatan!

No wonder he looks so young!

Fei Lexian said angrily: "What kind of hospital is this that allows you to act like this?

This man is hopeless, carry him away quickly!

Xiao Yao, there's no need to prepare for the operating room. Just go and rest when it's time.

Do you really think you can jump in line just by grabbing a broken sign? "

"To you, the Bronze Master Medal is just a bad brand?" A voice came from outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xin'an walked in and glanced at Fei Lexian and Qi Huaifeng.

Master Luo and Xiao Zhang breathed a long sigh of relief and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, you are finally here!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, took the bronze master's medal from Master Luo, raised it in front of Fei Lexian and said, "You said this is a broken medal, right?"

"I..." Fei Lexian opened his mouth, not knowing how to speak.

If this brand is real, of course he would not dare to say such a thing.

The Medical Immortal is known as the contemporary ancestor of all medical workers.

To dare to despise him is to despise the entire industry.

Even those who study modern medical skills and look down on ancient medical skills only have high respect for the medical immortal Yao Zhifeng, not the person.

Qi Huaifeng snorted coldly and said: "Who knows whether it is true or false?

A charlatan who set up a fortune-telling stall took it and came to our hospital to pretend to be powerful. How can we believe it?

Whether it's true or false, it doesn't matter.

Our hospital has limited conditions and cannot treat this injured person.

So hurry up and send him to the provincial capital hospital! "

"Yes!" Fei Lexian nodded vigorously and said to Chen Xin'an, "We can't cure it here!"

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, looked at the two of them expressionlessly and said, "I didn't intend to let you treat me in the first place.

Just lend me the space and equipment!

I will perform the surgery on him myself! "

"Haha, are you telling a joke?" Qi Huaifeng looked at Chen Xin'an with a sneer and said:

"Don't you know how serious his injuries are?

Is this an operation that can be done by just one person?

You still need our help after all.

When people die on the operating table, won't our central hospital bear this responsibility?

No matter who you are, stop playing this game!

We are all adults, and who can’t see that you are so naive..."


Chen Xin'an slapped a hand on the table next to her and shouted to the two of them: "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you two here!

My brother is dying now and I need to save him!

Here is five million, I will rent your operating room!

You just need to help me get the tools I need, and I'll do the rest myself! "

Chen Xin'an moved his hand away, and a black card appeared on the table.

Fei Lexian stared at the card, laughed dryly, curled his lips and said, "Who knows if it's true or false? I..."


Chen Xin'an slapped another card on the table, glared at him and said, "Add another five million!

I just need to borrow your operating room!

If you don’t believe it, just use these two cards to swipe it!

Don't waste any more time! "

Fei Lexian was stunned.

Ten million just to rent an operating room?

This is enough to buy my own operating room.

He turned his head and glanced at Qi Huaifeng, who was also stunned.

If someone gives me 10 million, it’s not just for pity, right?

Qi Huaifeng had never seen such a arrogant person, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Xiao Zhang and Master Luo's expressions became gloomy. They looked at Chen Xin'an and wanted to pay again, and grabbed his hand at the same time.

Having said all that, you still treat people like fools, so there’s no need to be polite anymore!

Fortunately, Fei Lexian was not too ignorant. He immediately said to the nurse beside him: "Xiao Yao, notify the operating room to get ready!"

Qi Huaifeng looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "You can do the surgery yourself, and it's okay to lend you the operating room.

But you must agree to one condition.

The dean and I watched the whole process and videotaped it.

If something goes wrong, we must have evidence! "

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an was too lazy to care about these trivial matters and said to Master Luo and Xiao Zhang: "Push Aman into the operating room!"

All preparations were made, and Chen Xin'an also changed into sterile surgical clothes.

The hospital did not sit idly by and arranged three quick and experienced nurses to help Chen Xin'an.

Fei Lexian and Qi Huaifeng were standing nearby, each holding a mobile phone and filming.

As long as they stayed out of the way, Chen Xin'an ignored them at all.

Master Luo and Xiao Zhang carefully placed Luo Xiaoman on the operating bed.

When they left, Qi Huaifeng stood at the door and said to them: "You'd better notify the morgue and let the attendant wait.

In less than half an hour, this person will be sent there..."

Before he could finish speaking, Master Luo and Xiao Zhang cursed him in unison: "Fuck you!"

Qi Huaifeng: "..."

I am kindly informing you, it is not a curse, but to tell the truth, why are you still scolding me!

How uneducated!

He turned around and walked to the operating bed. When he saw the wounded man lying on it, his legs went weak and he almost knelt down!

what's up?

In less than a minute, so many silver needles were inserted into the wounded body?

How did you plug it in?

"Dean? What's going on..." Qi Huaifeng asked in a low voice.

Fei Lexian scolded: "Stop talking! Look! The legendary rain-splashing acupuncture technique!

Someone actually knows how to use it!


What an eye-opener! "

Chen Xin'an grabbed a handful of silver needles in each hand and hovered over Luo Xiaoman's body.

After taking a deep breath, Chen Xin'an's hands began to roam the meridians of Luo Xiaoman's body with dazzling movements.

Silver needles were pierced into Luo Xiaoman's body one after another, and they were still trembling.

While Chen Xin'an was injecting the needle, she said in a deep voice: "Aman, I know you can hear me.

I want to reorganize your meridians and create a new sea of ​​qi for you.

No matter what, you must hold back the purest breath of energy in your body!

I know you can.

Brothers, think about the child in Qianxue’s belly and your upcoming wedding.

You can't let that air out!

Once you let it out, I won’t be able to pull you back! "

Now Fei Lexian and Qi Huaifeng finally understood why this man had to perform the surgery himself.

According to their thinking, the first thing the wounded man should do is to reattach his limbs.

This process is very painful even with anesthesia.

The wounded person cannot hold on and will definitely die on the operating table.

But the young man in front of him didn't even pay attention to the broken limbs. Instead, he wanted to help him reorganize his meridians and open up a new sea of ​​qi.

They can't do these mysterious and mysterious treatments.

But they could see that this young man was definitely not talking nonsense!

But they didn't know that what Chen Xin'an was going to do now would be ten times, or even a hundred times more painful for Luo Xiaoman than reconnecting his limbs!

For a martial artist, especially an ancient martial arts master who has developed Qi strength.

The pain of reorganizing the meridians and rebuilding the sea of ​​qi is like a whole body cleansing of the meridians and marrow.

It's like boiling all the blood in the blood vessels throughout the body!

That kind of pain is simply incomprehensible to ordinary people!

After the injection, Chen Xin'an breathed a long sigh of relief, finally picked up the scalpel and said to Luo Xiaoman:

“Actually, it’s just a joke!

I, Chen Xin'an, am standing here. It's hard for you to die even if you want to!

Hell's devil, with a bull's head and a horse's face, want to take you away in my hands?

Then stand in front of me and try it! "


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