Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1560 Sorry I can’t

The operation lasted for six hours. When Chen Xin'an finished the last stitch, he collapsed directly on the operating table!

In all my life, I have never been so exhausted, and I have never been so mentally exhausted.

It created the longest and most complex operation among Chen Xin'an's surgeries!

But even though she was exhausted and paralyzed, Chen Xin'an still had a happy smile on her face.

Because the hard work was not in vain, Luo Xiaoman was finally dragged back from the hands of the Lord of Hell!

Not to mention Luo Xiaoman's limb injuries, the broken bones in his chest had penetrated into his internal organs.

Chen Xin'an needs to concentrate on cleaning out the bone residue bit by bit, and then repair the broken bones.

And the stab wounds on his body were almost fatal!

Because of this, the central hospital is not willing to accept it.

Dean Fei Lexian and surgical director Qi Huaifeng said that there was a reason why Luo Xiaoman could not survive for half an hour on the operating table.

But now, Chen Xin'an's operation has completely subverted their medical knowledge.

It turns out surgery can do this!

This is how wounds can be repaired!

The bleeding can be stopped like this!

This is how people can be saved!

It’s unimaginable that such a complicated and difficult operation could be completed by one person!

They were just watching, they were so tired that they could hardly lift their phones.

But the man on the operating table was still busy and nervous.

But they don't want to miss every minute, because this operation can be called a classic tutorial in the history of medicine!

Every shot is precious enough for them to study for a long time and use it for a lifetime.

When Chen Xin'an was tired from doing it, they couldn't hold it any longer and all sat on the ground.

Even the three nurses who were just passing the surgical tools were too tired to move. Imagine how terrible the intensity of this operation was!

The seven people rested in place for half an hour before standing up.

Chen Xin'an asked the nurses to wipe Luo Xiaoman's body clean, put on a hospital gown for him with her own hands, held his shoulders and said:

"Aman, don't think about anything else, just relax yourself!

Experience the feeling of being on the edge of life and death.

Try to control the energy in your body.

This feeling will benefit you for life! "

Luo Xiaoman, who was in a coma, didn't know if he heard it, but his originally tense body slowly relaxed at this moment.

Carefully carry Luo Xiaoman onto the stretcher bed and ask the nurse to push him out.

Chen Xin'an stepped off the operating table, and as soon as she took a step, her body staggered.

Fei Lexian and Qi Huaifeng rushed over and supported him on the left and right.

"Mr. Chen, I wonder what the relationship between Master Medical Immortal and you is?"

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and waved her hand to indicate that they didn't need to support her.

He shook his head to keep his mind clear and said calmly: "That's my master!"

Fei Lexian and Qi Huaifeng walked quickly to Chen Xin'an and bowed deeply to him.

"What are you doing?" Chen Xin'an frowned.

Fei Lexian looked excited and said respectfully: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen! We were blind and offended you last night!"

Qi Huaifeng's eyes widened and he praised repeatedly: "What a miraculous skill! What an eye-opener!

Surgical ceiling!

surgical! Internal Medicine! Brain department! orthopedics! Anesthesiology department! Neurology! dermatology!

Etc., etc!

This operation is simply a textbook for diagnosis and treatment in all departments!

This is not an operation that can be performed by humans!

you are not human! "

Chen Xin'an's face darkened and she spoke nicely, so why did she scold her?

Qi Huaifeng said excitedly: "You are a god! The god of medicine in this world!"

Chen Xin'an shook her head, patted Qi Huaifeng's shoulder with a straight face and said, "Don't stop, praise people more harshly!"

Qi Huaifeng: "..."

Fei Lexian respectfully handed the two bank cards to Chen Xin'an, lowered his head and said, "Mr. Chen, please take it back!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to him: "It's natural for me to spend money on renting your operating room."

Fei Lexian quickly held the card with both hands, lowered his head and said: "Then you don't need so many!

And Mr. Chen has already paid the bill.

These two video recordings are already priceless!

If I continue to charge this fee without conscience, I, as the dean, will be done with it!

Mr. Chen, please take it back! "

Since he doesn't want it, Chen Xin'an won't force it and take back the two cards.

Fei Lexian asked with a flattering look on his face: "Mr. Chen, do you mind if we release these two videos?

Let colleagues from the whole city and even the province come to observe this operation?

This will greatly advance the medical level of Qingxi as a whole!

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Check it for yourselves. As long as you cut out the shot of my frontal face, there will be no problem.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome for you if it reaches the market! "

His privacy is protected by a dragon shield.

It will not make him a public figure who appears in a lot of photos.

That's why when filming "Sunshine Paradise", his face was treated with makeup.

So Ning Xiruo became popular overseas, but his reputation remained unknown.

Acting is of course one aspect, but whether it succeeds or not is the film's downfall.

But it's easy to overlook.

Furthermore, the appearance is mediocre and blurred, and it belongs to the type that is easily forgotten.

This made Chen Xin'an feel resentful for a long time.

Although Fei Lexian and Qi Huaifeng didn't understand why Chen Xin'an had such a request.

But the disciples of the Medical Immortal are the biggest, whatever they say is what they say, and they just do it.

A bunch of brothers are waiting outside.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Chen Xin'an walking out with a pale face!

Xiao Zhang and Dao Lei rushed over, helped Chen Xin'an, and sent him to the special care ward prepared for Luo Xiaoman.

"I just need to rest for a while!" Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "How is Liu Yidao?"

Gongsun Feiyang said quickly: "The wound has been taken care of. The skin injury is not serious! I live in the general ward next door."

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Xiao Zhang whispered to him: "The boss lady and Qian Xue don't know this place yet. I will inform them later. You need to sleep first!"

Chen Xin'an didn't even have the energy to nod, so she responded, "Okay!" She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took, but there were sounds of crying and talking around me.

Chen Xin'an opened her eyes and sat up. There were several women standing next to her, including her daughter-in-law and Luo Qianxue.

Seeing Chen Xin'an wake up, Ning Xiruo walked over to him with concern and asked him, "Are you awake? Are you hungry?"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and held her hand. Just when he was about to speak, Luo Qianxue came over, stretched out her hand and slapped him hard in the face!

"Qianxue, what are you doing!" Ning Xiruo became anxious and turned around to stop in front of Chen Xin'an.

Konoha said angrily: "Are you crazy? Xin'an got your man back, and you still attack him?"

Wu Yan and Du Yunyan grabbed Luo Qianxue from left to right and said to her: "Qianxue, calm down and don't be angry! If you have anything to say, talk to her!"

"Yes, sister Xue'er, don't be impulsive! Be careful of the child in your belly!"

Luo Qianxue pointed at Chen Xin'an and cried, "Why are you sleeping? Can you still sleep?

I stayed up all night because I was afraid something would happen to him!

I'm afraid of the phone ringing, and I'm looking forward to it.

Sure enough, as soon as he received the call, he turned into what I feared the most!

Chen Xin'an, is this the consequence of being your brother?

Is there only a dead end?

Do you want me to become a widow without getting married?

My child has no father before he is born? "

Chen Xin'an looked ashamed, lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry!"

"I don't want your apology!" Luo Qianxue waved her hands angrily and said to Chen Xin'an with tears in her eyes:

"I just need a promise from you! Don't let this happen again! Can you do it?"

Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Qianxue and finally shook her head, sighing and saying, "I'm sorry, I can't!"


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