Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1561 I just want a promise

It is easy to tell lies, and it is not difficult to trick a woman into being happy and relieved.

But Chen Xin'an doesn't want to do that, as that will only make the woman sadder!

Luo Qianxue cried loudly and pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Chen Xin'an, you are a bastard!"

Chen Xin'an lowered his head and remained speechless.

Luo Qianxue pointed at him and cursed: "You will only let him go if he dies..."

"Shut up!" A weak cry came from the hospital bed.

Wu Yan exclaimed: "Aman is awake!"

Chen Xin'an also quickly rolled out of the bed. As soon as her feet landed on the ground, her legs became weak and she almost fell!

Fortunately, Ning Xiruo hugged him.

Fortunately, everyone's attention was on Luo Xiaoman, who had just woken up, and they didn't notice him.

The body is still extremely weak and needs at least three to five days of rest.

At this time, it would be great if his junior brother was here, he would definitely be able to recover quickly.

Looking at Ning Xiruo's concerned eyes, Chen Xin'an smiled at her, shook her head and said:

"It's okay, I just woke up and I'm still a little confused. I'll be fine if I stand for a while."

Ning Xiruo said nothing more, just helped Chen Xin'an walk to Luo Xiaoman's bedside.

Luo Xiaoman looked at Luo Qianxue weakly and cursed: "What the hell are you talking about?

Who asked you to talk to Lao Chen like this?

You should stop interfering in matters between us men!

You know nothing, bitch! "

"I..." Luo Qianxue had never been taught such a lesson before, and in front of so many people, tears of grievance flowed down her face, and she cursed angrily: "I don't care about you anymore!"

She turned around and was about to run out, but fortunately Wu Yan and Du Yunyan hugged her together.

Chen Xin'an scolded Luo Xiaoman with a straight face: "Shut up! Lie down and let me check!"

Luo Xiaoman wanted to say something else, but Chen Xin'an slapped him on the face gently, so he had to shut his mouth.

After carefully examining Luo Xiaoman's whole body, Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief and said to him:

“These three days are critical. Whether you can fully recover depends on your recovery in these three days.

I have asked the hospital to prepare the necessary herbs. Don't think about anything and just rest in peace! "

Ning Xiruo leaned close to Chen Xin'an's ear and whispered: "Let the young couple talk, and let's go out."

Chen Xin'an nodded, frowned and said to Luo Xiaoman: "Don't fuss at Qianxue, she has been worried about you all night!

She is a pregnant woman and cannot be so emotional. Please comfort her! "

Ning Xiruo said to the sisters around her: "Stay with Qianxue and come out later!"

She was really afraid that Luo Xiaoman, a big boss who didn't know how to coax girls, would make Luo Qianxue angry.

When Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo left, Luo Xiaoman weakly shouted: "Xue'er..."

"Don't call me!" Luo Qianxue cursed bitterly: "I'm just a girl with long hair and short knowledge. Why are you talking to me?"

Just as Luo Xiaoman was about to speak, his throat felt itchy and he coughed violently.

This cough involved wounds all over his body, and the pain and discomfort were really excruciating.

"Don't worry, I'm here!" Luo Qianxue burst into tears of distress when she saw Luo Xiaoman's painful look.

He hurried to his bedside and held his hand.

Wu Yan said to Luo Xiaoman: "Aman, do you want to call a doctor?"

Luo Xiaoman shook his head.

Luo Qianxue cried and said: "Why do you think you are working so hard? It's not your business!

You were so seriously injured, what is your good brother Chen Xin'an doing?

Aren't you fast asleep here? "

Konoha said with a straight face: "Qianxue, if you say that, then I won't be able to listen anymore!

Xin'an was not idle last night either!

I just came back from the meeting and went to find Aman. He didn't even eat dinner! "

"Did Aman just eat?" Luo Qianxue cried angrily: "He almost... would never have to eat again!"

Konoha really opened her mouth, wanting to say something.

Luo Qianxue cried and said: "I just want a promise from him, why doesn't he give it?

Even if you are lying to me, it’s okay! "

I know that you men are loyal and live and die together.

So you will help him with his affairs, and he will not stand by and watch your affairs.

But when you are so sincere, have you ever thought about how we women feel?

We don’t care about our family, country or world, we just want our men to live well!

Is this also wrong?

You've made yourself half dead, but to others, they only feel sorry for you for two seconds. Is it worth it? "

Luo Xiaoman took a deep breath, looked at Luo Qianxue and said, "Did you see how Lao Chen went out just now?"

Luo Qianxue was stunned. He is not my man. What should I see him doing?

Luo Xiaoman sighed and said, "Didn't you realize that Lao Chen was helped out?

I was in a coma last night, but I could still feel my consciousness.

Lao Chen performed an all-night operation on me, all by himself!

You are not a martial artist, so you don't know what the concept of reorganization of meridians and rebirth of Qi sea is.

It is equivalent to breaking a person into pieces and reassembling him while still alive!

Can you imagine how difficult this project is?

Can you estimate how much effort it will take?

What's more, Lao Chen did more than just that.

Give me an example you can understand.

Just like my previous meridians were like 2g lines, Lao Chen directly widened and strengthened them, turning them into 4g or even 5g!

Not to mention the difficulty of the project, but it was also successfully completed.

I have been enjoying the benefits of high-speed transmission all my life. Do you know the benefits of this, right? "

Luo Qianxue was stunned.

She didn't quite understand it, but she could imagine it.

Konoha really said to Luo Qianxue with a stern face: "Something happened to Aman, so you are anxious.

Do you think you won't be anxious if you feel at ease?

Did you scold him as soon as he came back yesterday?

So do you know what he did before he came back?

There was a gunfight on the road to Bishui Tianchi!

Only the chief executive and the driver were left on behalf of Xinlun. The bodyguards and guards all died on the road!

You were not at the scene and had no idea of ​​the dangers of that battle! "

Du Yunyan also said quietly: "I have read the police's internal information.

There was a gas station on that road, and explosives and oil tankers were set up.

Once an explosion occurs, a radius of five miles will be razed to the ground!

If the boss had hesitated any longer, he wouldn't have been able to come back last night! "

Luo Qianxue was stunned. Thinking of her attitude towards Chen Xin'an last night, she finally felt that she had gone too far!

Luo Xiaoman covered Luo Qianxue's hand and said, "Do you think I'm helping Lao Chen?

In fact, Lao Chen is helping us in many places!

Without him, the Luo family would have been finished!

If it weren't for his introduction, the Luo family's company would have been in trouble long ago.

Have you forgotten how Lao Chen gave Ye Zhen advice to steal the precious medicinal materials of Dragon Shield in order to restore your appearance?

He performed acupuncture on you for a full forty days. He is not a friend and does not want money. Who has such patience?

Even if I didn’t know Lao Chen, why would I have been less injured?

In order to help me and us, Lao Chen has never been in danger or injured?

We are brothers. If you ask him to promise that I will not be hurt again, there is only one way.

Just sever all ties with me and deny me as your brother!

That way we won't mind each other's business.

Otherwise, as a big living person like me, Lao Chen can’t control what I want to do.

Things are out of anyone's control. Lao Chen can't predict any accidents. How could he promise you? "

Luo Qianxue blushed, lowered her head and said, "I...I know I went too far, but I'm afraid!

I don't know why I become so concerned about gains and losses.

I often dream that you fall in love with another vixen and don’t want me!

Dream about you being hacked to death by others!

I don’t want the child to be without a father as soon as he is born!

I'm very worried about you! "

Luo Xiaoman said with a dark face, "Thank you!"


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