Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1562 I want to make a sure kill game

Valerona Energy Company was sealed, and all department heads and above were taken back to the police station for investigation.

Kangrui Company was also sealed, and all members of the demolition team were scrutinized.

Except for Zhongding Group’s chairman Zhong Hongyi, who is on the run, all other senior managers have been quarantined for review.

The Zhong family, like the Zhong Ding Group, fell apart overnight.

The King of Qingxi has been in Qingxi for so many years, and it suddenly became a piece of history!

This is not the most shocking thing for Qingxi people.

What really made their jaws drop was the revelation of a trade list.

It turns out that so many official personnel were bribed by King Qingxi.

Leader Wan was furious and personally set up a task force to severely punish those on the list!

In the presidential suite of Ningzhou Regent Hotel, Mohad picked up a bottle, hit the person in front of him on the head, and cursed at him:

"Useless trash!

Everything is ready, you just need to drive by there, and your family can pay off all the debt and get a lot of money.

Enough to send your son to the best aristocratic school!

But you idiots actually messed up the matter!

Once you find out about me, do you know what the consequences will be?

That's not what you, a guy who is lower than a dog, can afford! "

The man kneeling on the ground raised his head covered in blood, and it turned out to be the driver who drove Xinlun leader Ricardo yesterday!

He was trembling and said: "It's Chen Xin'an and those guys wearing the uniforms of the security company.

It was they who discovered the clues and ruined the entire plan.

Lupu and the others are all dead, and there's nothing I can do about it! "

Anji said to Mohad: "Master, what we have to do now is to report this matter to the headquarters as soon as possible and receive the next instructions.

I think the first thing to do is to return to Daliang City.

Otherwise, our alibi will not only be useless, but it will also become trouble for us! "

The more Mohad thought about it, the angrier he became. He kicked the driver over and cursed at him: "You're a useless piece of trash, you've made me miserable!"

The driver was obedient, kneeling on the ground and not daring to breathe.

Anji lowered his voice and said to Mohad with a smile: "Actually, we have settled the matter, this one is really miserable!

Also overnight, everything that belonged to me was gone.

Even his son was killed.

Who can be worse than him? "

Following his gaze, Mohad turned his head and glanced at the man in green shirt sitting on the sofa drinking wine, and grinned silently.

The arrogant King Qingxi, are you here today?

Thinking back when the two of them cooperated, this damn Chinese guy actually gave him a slap in the face.

Even his father scolded him for this.

Let him give this Chinese man enough respect.

Although Mohad was dissatisfied, he still had to listen.

What's more, the two of them have a joint business on the Indo-Canada border, so they have to be on the same side.

"Mr. Zhong, you turned into a rat that everyone yelled at overnight. I feel sorry for you!" Mohad raised the corner of his mouth, walked to the sofa and sat down, and said to Zhong Hongyi.

He just said he was pitiful, but the expression on his face looked like he was gloating!

Zhong Hongyi glanced at him and said calmly: "The Zhong family's property is actually all abroad, including Inca and Xinlun.

I, Zhong Hongyi, am not just that son.

Although there are not as many children as your father, there are still two children and three children after all.

When a boss dies, I feel heartbroken, but it doesn't count as death.

The Zhongding Group didn’t invest much in China, so it wouldn’t be a pity even if they copied it.

What I have done most in recent years is brokerage business and outsourcing.

There is nothing to feel sorry for if you lose it.

But you, Mohad, are the eighth young master of the Balosa family.

If you return empty-handed from China this time, your father, Abraham, may not even let you touch the fur of the Wackeer Group, right?

Maybe we can kick you out of the Balosa family!

When the time comes, will I leave the raw material factory in Kanbaha to you? Or is it better to sell it directly? "

Mohad's face darkened, he stared at Zhong Hongyi and said, "Zhong, if you want to make plans there, I guarantee you will not have a good life!"

Zhong Hongyi sneered coldly, looked at Mohad with disdain and said: "Let your dad tell me this, maybe it will be easier to manage.

Who do you think you are, that you should threaten me? "

Anji cursed angrily: “Damn Chinese people, don’t insult Master Mohad!

Do you think you are still on an equal footing with Mr. Mohad as before? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhong Hongyi suddenly jumped up and grabbed Anji's neck!

Mohan rushed over, raised his arms, and just about to take action, Zhong Hongyi stretched out his hand again, strangled Mohad's neck, and shouted to Mohan: "If you move, he will die!"

Mohan stopped, glanced at Zhong Hongyi, shook his head slightly, and signaled him not to mess around.

Zhong Hongyi's eyes were contemptuous and disdainful. He looked at the two people strangling him with his hands and said coldly:

"You are no better than ants to me!

If I hadn't given your father face, would I have let you provoke me again and again?

Listen, put away your rudeness and arrogance.

At least not in front of me.

Otherwise, even if I kill you, this idiot can't stop me. Do you believe it? "

Mohan was furious and let out a roar.

Zhong Hongyi ignored him and just looked at Mohad coldly.

The livid Mohad curled his lips, lowered his eyes, and said with a smile:

"Uncle Zhong, don't be angry, we are good partners in business!"

Zhong Hongyi snorted coldly, let go of his hands, and sat back on the sofa.

"Mohad, let me do you a favor!" Zhong Hongyi looked at Mohad expressionlessly and said.

"Haha!" Mohad smiled, looked at Zhong Hongyi and said, "Uncle Zhong wants to help me?

How can you help me?

What else can Uncle Zhong do to help me now? "

Zhong Hongyi ignored the sarcasm in his words and said to him: "I will help you get that woman!"

"Woman?" Mohad frowned.

Zhong Hongyi nodded and said: "The woman on your phone. Chen Xin'an's beautiful wife!"

Mohad's expression changed instantly. He glared at Zhong Hongyi and cursed: "You bastard, how dare you monitor my mobile phone..."

When he met the beautiful woman, he sat in the car and secretly took photos of Ning Xiruo.

In the past two days, he looked at the photos from time to time, and the more he looked at them, the more he felt itchy.

He must find a way to get this stunning woman who is like a goddess!

But he never expected that every move he made would be under the surveillance of Zhong Hongyi!

Zhong Hongyi sneered coldly, shook his head and said: "I'm not that boring, I just accidentally saw your photo album occasionally.

Mohad, let me help you bring this woman to you. "

Mohad looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Why are you doing this? What do you want to gain?"

Zhong Hongyi took a deep breath, shook his head and said: "You don't need to pay anything, it's just a matter of convenience!

Although I have several sons, even if one of them dies, there will be no one to take care of him in his old age.

But the one who died was my son after all!

Chen Xin'an killed my son and destroyed my inheritance. If I don't avenge this revenge, I, Zhong Hongyi, will never be a human being!

Over in Daliang City, I will make a killing move.

As long as Chen Xin'an takes the bait and gets involved, he will definitely die!

And if Chen Xin'an wants to take the bait, his wife is the best bait! "

Mohad suddenly understood.

He curled his lips, looked at Zhong Hongyi with disdain and asked, "Uncle Zhong, it's not that I look down on you.

Do you still have the ability to do this now?

Aren't you afraid that the police will arrest you as soon as you leave the house? "

Zhong Hongyi sneered coldly, picked up the phone, dialed a number and said, "Come over here!"


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