Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1566 She is the key among the keys

Master Luo and Xiao Zhang carefully carried Konoha into the ambulance, followed by the Guan family brothers and sisters.

Then he put Du Yunyan and Wu Yan in the back seat of the Nissan, Xiao Zhang drove, Grasshopper sat in the passenger seat with tears in his eyes, and Luo Qianxue sat between the two women, holding them in their arms.

Before getting into the car, Luo Qianxue cried and said to Chen Xin'an, "I'm sorry!"

A car of people came out, but she was the only one who was unscathed.

At this time, she could deeply appreciate the care and concern everyone showed for her!

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said softly: "Take care of them!" Then waved to her.

One person in a white coat and two caregivers were left standing on the roadside, helpless.

The white coat held a bank card in his hand and looked beside him.

Where is my car?

Dawei wanted to run, but Chen Xin'an stabbed his head with two needles. His whole body was paralyzed and he couldn't move even if he wanted to.

Listening to Chen Xin'an's words, Dawei sneered and said: "Are you that Chen Xin'an?

Don't scare me, I'm really scared!

Want to know where your wife was taken?

Kneel down and beg me!

Maybe I’ll tell you if I’m soft-hearted!

But what?

So what if I tell you?

By the time you meet her, you will have countless cousins!

Your wife is so beautiful, people who want to play with her have to wait in a long queue, right?

Maybe when you see her, the team will be less than half..."


Gong Jun punched Dawei in the mouth, knocking out three of his teeth. He turned to Chen Xin'an and said, "Boss, leave it to us?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "I don't have that much time! I'll do it myself!"

He grabbed Dawei's legs and dragged him to the jeep.

A minute later, even with the door closed, people around heard the chilling screams coming from the Jeep.

A policeman looked ugly and wanted to go to the jeep to persuade him.

Zhuang Huaishan pushed his chest, took out a red notebook, waved it in front of him, and said coldly: "Go away!"

After seeing the words on the red book clearly, the policeman's face showed a hint of shock. He hesitated for a moment, then plucked up the courage to say:

"No matter who you are, this is a public place after all, you have to..."

"Get out!" Huo Guangqi was too lazy to talk nonsense to him and cursed.

A city in Daliang is controlled like this by you. In public, a few men bullied women and even kidnapped a person. Hundreds of people were watching and no one came out to stop them!

Now you are telling me that this is a public place and we need to restrain ourselves?

Do you know that the person kidnapped is our boss’s wife?

Do you know that the person the boss is most nervous about is his wife?

Do you still want him to calm down now?

If he doesn't kill you on the spot, it will be considered as if he has restrained himself!

The car door opened, and Chen Xin'an stepped out of the car carrying Dawei, who was bleeding from all seven holes.

Everyone gasped.

The hostage looked very energetic just now. In this moment, he seemed to have changed into a different person, and all the energy in his body had been drained away!

Seeing the other person walking towards him, the policeman felt nervous.

This guy wouldn't really want to settle a score with him just because he said something too much, would he?

Unexpectedly, Chen Xin'an walked up to him, stretched out her right hand, and said to him: "Give me the car keys!"

"Huh?" The policeman was stunned for a moment and took a step back.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "Give me your car keys! I will tell Zhao Zhiguo directly at the police station! Come on, don't be nagging!"

Seeing his sharp eyes, the police did not dare to neglect him.

And in Daliang City, who dares to call the city bureau leader by his first name?

The identity of this person is definitely not simple!

Coupled with the red books carried by the people around him, the police did not dare to refuse and took out the keys of the police car.

Chen Xin'an took the car keys, took Dawei and opened the back door of the police car on the roadside, threw Dawei in, sat in the driver's seat, and said to the Gotan Wolf Five:

"Huo Guangqi takes my car, you guys follow me, west of the city ranch!"

The red Honda stopped in front of a yurt on the grassland, and Huo Wa got out of the car.

He opened the back door of the car, dragged out the still sleeping Ning Xiruo, and put her on his shoulders.

Chaozi swallowed and wanted to come and help.

This kind of beauty can make people ecstasy for a long time even if they touch their little hands!

But before he could touch it, Huo Wa glared at him.

Chaozi was so frightened that he retracted his hand angrily.

Among the senior brothers, he was most afraid of this boy.

I heard that this kid encountered a fire when he was a child, causing burns on 90% of his body, and he almost died.

Later, he turned into such a person who was neither human nor ghost. He wore a fire baby mask every day and loved playing with fire the most.

He is also very perverted and likes to torture women.

I heard that the fire made him less of a man, which led to his psychological deformity and his enjoyment of torturing women.

No matter how beautiful a woman is, if she falls into his hands, her life will be worse than death. She doesn't understand what it means to pity her beauty and cherish her jade.

If Master hadn't told her in advance, bring Ning Xiruo back without causing any complications.

Maybe this top beauty has been harmed by the fire baby at this moment!

The yurt looks a little dilapidated. It was originally a resting place for ranch workers when they were grazing.

Coming out of the presidential suite of the five-star hotel in Ningzhou and entering such a shabby place, Mohad was furious.

He sat on a chair and asked Zhong Hongyi, who was playing with iron walnuts at the side: "Do we have to be in this crappy place?

Even in the suburbs of the city, any hotel would have better conditions than here, right?

If there is nothing, this is no place for people to stay! "

Zhong Hongyi glanced at him and said calmly: "As long as I show up in Daliang City now, I will be targeted by the police.

This is not the main thing.

This is the grassland, no matter how you shoot, no one can hear you.

Various traps have been set up outside. If you don't know the route in advance, no one can get in.

Snipers have been arranged on the wooden tower. As long as the target appears, he will be locked!

What's more, my apprentices brought many people with them, and they would not let Chen Xin'an leave this ranch alive! "

"Awesome!" Anji smiled evilly and said to Mohad: "There are traps underground, killers on the ground, and snipers in the air.

As long as that Chen Xin'an comes here, he will definitely die! "

Mohad's expression softened, he looked at Zhong Hongyi and gave a thumbs up and said: "There is an old saying in China: Ginger is still more spicy when it is old! Uncle Zhong, it is true that the sword is not old yet!"

Zhong Hongyi glanced at Mohad with a look of disgust.

If you can't speak, don't speak.

Just after you complimented me on how old I am, I turned around and said, "The sword is not old yet." Do you really want to say that I am old or not?

Don’t expect such an Inca dude to have deep literary attainments. Zhong Hongyi waved his hand and said to him:

"Just remember what I said.

His wife is the key among the keys!

Before Chen Xin'an is dead, don't let anything happen to her! "

Mohad looked like he was about to drool, and said with a smile: "Don't worry!

I'm not willing to let anything happen to such a beauty, at least I have to wait until I've had enough fun! "

Zhong Hongyi had a look of disdain on his face.

A man who only knows how to hang around women cannot become a great man.

This eighth son of Abraham is not destined to do great things!

Someone knocked on the door of the yurt, walked in and said to Zhong Hongyi: "Your Majesty, the car is back!"

Zhong Hongyi nodded, and soon two of his apprentices came in carrying a woman on their shoulders and said to him: "Master, fortunately you have not disgraced your life! However, Dawei was captured."

Zhong Hongyi nodded and said: "Okay, you did a good job! Take a rest!"

He wasn't nervous at all about his apprentice's arrest, because it was part of the plan!


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