Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1567: Your wealth is nothing in China

Looking at the curvaceous woman lying on the ground, Mohad felt that his heart was about to jump out!

It’s this stunner!

I had been thinking about her for two days. Almost as soon as I closed my eyes, she was the only shadow in my mind.

Now that he sees himself, the thoughts in Mohad's heart are even more intense!

He would get this woman no matter how much it cost!

She is also worthy of everything any man can give!

Squatting next to Ning Xiruo, Mohad stretched out his hand to lift her hair, revealing that peerless face that fascinated all men.

His palms greedily wanted to touch that face, but he was afraid that his rough fingers would scratch her delicate skin, so he just gently rubbed her face with his fingers.

Unable to bear the urge in his heart any longer, Mohad stretched out his hand to pick Ning Xiruo up.

Although Ning Xiruo is not fat, she is an adult after all, and her figure is just right, neither fat nor thin.

There is also one weighing eighty or ninety pounds.

Mohad hugged him, but he didn’t move!

"I'll do it!" Anji volunteered and ran over, rolled up his sleeves and said to Mohad:

"Master Mohad, let me do this rough work!"

"Get out!" Mohad scolded him unceremoniously: "If you dare to lay a finger on her, I will chop off your hand!"

Anji retracted her hands and stood aside aggrievedly.

What else are you saying that you’ve had enough fun and everyone else is having fun?

Now don't let me touch you even once!

I know everything you said is a lie!

Seeing Mohad struggling to pick up Ning Xiruo, walking to the simple bed at the back and putting her down, Zhong Hongyi had a look of disdain on his face.

A loser who can't even be held by a woman!

Even an old man like him, who was already in his sixties, felt a rare emotion when he saw Ning Xiruo's face.

No wonder this female doll has become Chen Xin'an's Achilles' heel, she is so beautiful!

It's a pity that he was not lucky enough to marry Chen Xin'an and became Zhong Hongyi's enemy.

It can be regarded as a disaster in her fate!

After gently placing Ning Xiruo on the bed, Mohad looked at the people around him and took off his coat without any taboos.

So what if I give you a performance for free?

In the Inca, women's status was low, and incidents of coercion were common.

Not to mention that this is still in a yurt, even on the bus or on the street, those crazy men dare to force women unscrupulously!

Mohad felt his hands trembling with excitement.

Shivering, she wanted to open the knot in Ning Xiruo's shirt.

Just as he stretched out his hand, Huo Wa, who was standing aside, silently pulled out the steel needles on both arms, said expressionlessly:

"Don't blame me for not warning you. This woman is covered in thorns. It was because of my carelessness that she ended up like this!"

Looking at Huo Wa's two bloody arms and the densely packed steel needles that almost penetrated into the bones, Mohad's scalp felt numb.

He quickly turned his head and cursed at Anji: "What the hell are you looking at here! Go and find me a rope!"

Anji responded, turned around and ran away.

After a while, he brought a hemp rope and ran to Ning Xiruo's side. Just as he was about to take action, Mohad shouted angrily: "Get out!"

He was so frightened that he quickly threw away the hemp rope and stood aside honestly.

Mohad picked up the hemp rope and wanted to tie up Ning Xiruo, but found that this was not something he could accomplish alone.

He had no choice but to turn his head and cursed at Anji: "I'll hold your hand while you tie the rope.

Be careful, don't hurt my beauty, and don't touch her and take advantage of her, otherwise I will chop off your claws! "

Anji said submissively: "Yes, Master Mohad!"

Mohad carefully took one of Ning Xiruo's arms, then turned her over, turned her hands over, and closed them behind her back, signaling Anji to start tying her.

But at this moment, Ning Xiruo whispered and Youyou woke up!

After taking a look under her and around her, Ning Xiruo immediately understood her situation and began to shout loudly and struggle hard!

"Hurry up!" Mohad restrained Ning Xiruo's hands with force and simply sat on her body.

Anji quickly wrapped the rope around Ning Xiruo's hands and tied them to death.

When the knot was tied, he and Mohad breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Mohad stood up, turned Ning Xiruo over, touched her face with his hand and said:

"Don't be afraid, as long as you obey me, I won't hurt you!"

"You bastards!" Ning Xiruo clenched her teeth and said, looking at the people in front of her, "My husband will come to save me, and he will punish you all!"

Mohad yelled at her with a look of jealousy: "Don't mention your good-for-nothing husband in front of me!

I said, as long as you leave him and follow me, you can have everything you want! "

Ning Xiruo looked at him with sarcastic eyes and said coldly: "Who gave you the courage to make you think you can make me abandon my man?"

Mohad sneered and said: "You don't know me yet, do you?

In fact, I am a person with a high Inca surname and a member of the Borosa family.

My family's assets, converted into your Chinese coins, would amount to nearly 10 billion!

Even if you want the moon in the sky, I can buy it for you! "

Seeing Mohad's proud and complacent look, Ning Xiruo couldn't help but laughed.

Not to mention Mohad was mesmerized by the sight of this beauty smiling heartily, even Anji, Chaozi and others next to him were a little distracted.

Mohad looked at Ning Xiruo greedily and asked, "What are you laughing at? I'm telling the truth!"

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo nodded, looked at him with a sarcastic face and said, "I want the moon, buy him!"

Mohd: "..."

Isn't this just a case of taking advantage?

I would like to buy it, but from whom? How much is the asking price?

I was just making an analogy, why did you take it seriously?

Ning Xiruo looked at him with disdain and said, "Aren't you telling the truth? Can you buy it?

Not to mention buying the moon, do you know how much a space launch vehicle costs?

With your family's little money, how many times can you see the moon up close?

Why are you Incas so arrogant?

With only tens of billions of assets, you think you can let me abandon my man?

Do you know how much my husband is worth?

The combined assets of your entire family are not as good as my husband's!

What's more, even if it's only tens of billions, it belongs to your entire family.

What can be divided into your hands, how much is left?

one tenth?

One percent?

Or not at all?

Why are you comparing me to my husband?

Still want me to give up my husband?

How come you have such a stupid face to say this! "

Ning Xiruo rarely curses, but this time she really couldn't help it!

The Incas' self-righteousness and arrogance were what she hated most.

The person in front of her looks like she's convinced, and it really makes her want to dig out her own eyes if she takes one more look!

Mohad's face turned blue and white, feeling embarrassed and angry.

But at this time, Zhong Hongyi added fuel to the fire, nodded and said to him: "What she said should be true.

Although I don't have that much money, it doesn't mean I haven't seen rich people.

With only tens of billions, he may already be one of the richest people in Inca.

In China, it really doesn’t count! "

Do I use you to prove it?

Mohad blushed and glared at Zhong Hongyi, then said to Ning Xiruo angrily:

"I don't care how much money he has!

No amount of money can protect you.

Aren't you in my hands now?

I can do whatever I want to you, and he can only wear a cuckold on his head!


I'll strip you naked later, and you can think about your man again!

I just like the way you shout your man’s name while being ravaged by me! "

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Ning Xiruo's body with a grin.


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