Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1574 Qingxi will be yours from now on

The police car has a positioning system, so Chen Xin'an drove the police car and the police could find it no matter where he went.

After returning the car to the police, Chen Xin'an got into a BMW and Guishou drove the car himself.

This car has been modified with a baffle behind the driver that can be lowered to separate the cabin into two spaces.

Guishou said sadly to Chen Xin'an in the back seat: "This is your godfather's special car. He used to sit where you are now..."

"Put down the baffle!" Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice.

The ghost hand said honestly and pressed the button.

The baffle slowly lowers, cutting off the space between the driver and co-pilot.

Chen Xinan asked Ning Xiruo to lie on his lap and began to examine her body.

In the military car behind, Huo Guangqi said to the other four people: "In the future, you must remember that when the boss has murderous intentions, never get close!"

Everyone looked serious and nodded.

Gong Jun asked him carefully: "Instructor, the boss was in the state he was in just now. Can the five of us work together to control him?"

Even if he was the boss, if he had just ignored him and took action, the five of them would have risked their lives to restrain him at all costs.

There is no other way. From a personal emotional point of view, they are of the same mind as Chen Xin'an and will support him no matter what he does.

But wearing these green uniforms, they were warriors of China, and they had no choice but to use force against the boss as long as the supreme leader present, Mr. Li, gave an order.

Of course, they will only subdue the other person and will never hurt him.

"Uniforms?" Huo Guangqi sneered, shook his head and said, "Don't even think about it!

Let me tell you, the boss in that state just now can only deal with the five of us working together with one move!

After one move, we die and he lives! "

The four of them were horrified.

Of course they wouldn't doubt what Instructor Huo said, but they just didn't expect that the boss's strength was so terrifying!

In the Longqi car in the middle of the motorcade, Wan Zhenwei smiled bitterly and said to Li Ruoshan beside him:

"Old Li, this Mr. Chen is really not a fuel-efficient lamp!

I haven’t even broken out in cold sweat yet!

If you hadn't used such a trick to retreat in order to advance, today's matter would have been in big trouble! "

Li Ruoshan shook his head and sighed: "I really want him to do what he wants to do!"

Wan Zhenwei's eyes widened and he looked at Li Ruoshan in disbelief: "Old Li, this is a big trick!"

Li Ruoshan shook his head and said: "It's just me retiring early or starting a fight.

Either way, it’s just what I want!

Anyway, I owe him! "

I checked it carefully, but fortunately there were no internal injuries.

Just looking at his wife's red and swollen forehead and tongue, Chen Xin'an still felt distressed.

He turned Ning Xiruo over, made her lie on his lap, and then slapped her twice on the buttocks.

This was not flirting, it was really hard, and the beating made Ning Xiruo ouch twice and bring tears to her eyes.

Chen Xinan scolded angrily: "You women don't sleep well at night, why are you running around!

Even if you want to go to the hospital, why don't you ask us to follow you?

There has been a turmoil in Daliang City these days, are you stupid?

Dare you go out alone?

Even if you don't want to wake me up, there are so many policemen and green suits in the hotel.

Just ask two of you to follow, and nothing like this will happen!

Why do you like to do stupid things when your head gets hot?

Don’t you know what the consequences will be if I leave a little late today? "

After getting married, this was the first time Ning Xiruo saw Chen Xin'an being so angry with her!

But she wasn't angry or aggrieved. Although it hurt after being beaten, she knew that her man was really worried to the core of his body.

She stood up and sat next to Chen Xin'an, hugged his neck with both hands, shook her head and said:


Qianxue made fish soup for Aman, and I wanted to accompany her to the hospital.

You all worked all night and stayed up all night. You are so exhausted when you come back. How can I bear to call you?

Although there are many police officers and green-clad policemen in the hotel, their duty is to protect Mr. Li and the big bosses.

They are not our personal bodyguards, so I can't ask them for help.

I originally thought it wasn't very far and we were taking the main roads, so nothing would happen.

I didn’t expect those people to be so bold and dare to kidnap people directly on the street..."

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "Then I designed the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle for you, why didn't you use it immediately when you encountered danger?"

Ning Xiruo pouted and said: "Iveco's space is small, the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle is not a pistol, you can hit wherever you point.

As soon as it was launched, it was a big piece. I couldn't find a suitable opportunity and didn't dare to use it!

I'm afraid of hurting my sisters, and most of all I'm afraid of hurting Qianxue.

She is pregnant with a child..."

Chen Xinan stopped talking and hugged Ning Xiruo tightly.

After all, the one who should bear the most responsibility is himself!

If it hadn't been for his negligence, his first child with his wife would not have been aborted.

Ning Xiruo will not be allowed to regard having children as an obsession now.

It seems that he has decided that he is no longer able to give birth, so he has an almost pathological envy and protective desire for pregnant women!

Stretching out his hands, Chen Xin'an held Ning Xiruo in his arms and said to her:

"I'm sorry, it's my fault that I couldn't protect you!

From now on, I will do my best to never let something like this happen again! "

Ning Xiruo kissed his chin and said, "Hubby, I should say I'm sorry!

Every time it's my fault that drags you down!

I will consider every detail when doing things in the future, and I can no longer take it for granted.

Since I got married to you, I have only caused you trouble and made you bear so much ridicule and humiliation from others.

But when you really run into trouble, I can never help you!

Obviously I want to reduce your pressure and not make you work so hard.

But every time it causes you more trouble!

Husband, am I stupid? "

Chen Xin'an stroked her hair lovingly, shook her head and said, "We are husband and wife, there is no such thing as anyone causing trouble to the other.

If something happens, we will face it together and solve it together!

This is when husband and wife are of the same mind, and its power breaks through gold! "

The car stopped, and Guishou said in front: "Mr. Chen, the Central Hospital is here!"

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo got out of the car and said to her: "Go and ask Ye Zhen where they are now? I'll have a word with Guishou!"

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo nodded, turned around and approached the outpatient clinic building.

Chen Xin'an walked to Guishou, waited for him to put down the car window, then leaned on the car window and whispered: "Are you familiar with Daliang City?"

Guishou was stunned for a moment, then smiled at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, this is the place where I was born!

Even King Qingxi is not as familiar with this place as I am! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Open the passenger door and go in to chat!"

Five minutes later, Chen Xin'an opened the door and got out of the car, and said to Ghost Shou:

"Okay! Guishou, it's up to you how much Qingxi can take in the future!

Just tell me what you're missing.

But one thing is, you must not engage in contraband!

I don't care if you take advantage of others, but if it's illegal and the police arrest you, don't mention my name.

If you dare to do things that harm China, I will deal with you the same way I dealt with King Qingxi! "

Guishou broke out in a cold sweat and said to Chen Xin'an: "Don't worry, Mr. Chen, I will never let that happen!

I will never be the second Qingxi King!

I am different from him, I am a true Chinese! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, turned and walked towards the outpatient clinic building.

After taking two steps, he stopped, turned around and said to Guishou: "Remember, keep it secret!"


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