Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1575 If you are impatient, go back

In fact, Du Yunyan and Wu Yan's injuries were not serious, and they have both woken up now.

They didn't need to be hospitalized, they just stayed with Konoha.

Luo Qianxue wiped the blood flowing from Konoha's nostrils over and over again, crying like a tearful person.

She was able to return to her current appearance thanks to Konoha Makoto.

So although she was usually afraid of Konoha, she was most grateful to her in her heart.

Qi Huaifeng hurried over and said to the girls: "The experts have finished their meeting and are about to operate on her now! Push her to the operating room first!"

Luo Qianxue grabbed his arm and cried, "Doctor, please, no matter what, let her survive!"

Qi Huaifeng glanced at her and hesitated to speak.

Ning Xiruo came over and asked him, "Doctor, if you have any difficulties, just ask!"

"Xi Ruo!" the girls exclaimed, all with faces full of surprise.

Luo Qianxue hugged her and cried, "I wish you were okay! It's all my fault. If I hadn't been in the way, I wouldn't have caused you to be taken away and you would have suffered!"

As soon as she saw the blood on Ning Xiruo's body, she knew that Ning Xiruo must have been tortured after being taken away!

Ning Xiruo patted her shoulder gently and said, "Don't worry, it's just a little skin injury. Xin'an saved me in time!"

What's the situation on Ye Zhen's side?

Doctor, is there anything you need to tell us? "

Seeing Chen Xin'an walking quickly from behind, Qi Huaifeng did not dare to hide anything. He quickly said hello to Chen Xin'an and then said to everyone:

“Two brain experts and neurologists have just been urgently transferred from the provincial capital.

After the initial consultation, a very bad result was obtained.

The victim suffered severe brain damage and needed surgery as soon as possible.

But please don’t be too optimistic about the results of the surgery.

Whether he can survive or not is still unknown.

And once you survive, you may be in a vegetative state and remain in a coma for the rest of your life! "

Everyone turned pale and looked at Konoha Makoto on the stretcher with sad eyes.

At the entrance of the corridor, a female doctor in her forties frowned, looked at Qi Huaifeng and asked:

"Director Qi, why don't you push it in?

We have surgery tomorrow, so we don’t want to waste too much time here! "

Qi Huaifeng quickly said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, this is Xu Liyan, a brain specialist from the provincial capital and the director of the People's Hospital of the provincial capital.

The person next to her is neurologist Bian Qinxin.

Dean Xu, Director Bian, this is Chen..."

"Okay!" Xu Liyan waved her hands impatiently and said, "I'm here for surgery, not to make friends. What they call them has nothing to do with me!

Hurry and push the patient into the operating room. The operation must be carried out immediately!

We have to rush back to the provincial capital overnight. Do you think we have so much time to chat with irrelevant people here?

If it weren't for dad... forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you all this nonsense, so hurry up and get ready! "

Qi Huaifeng looked embarrassed, nodded to her and said, "Okay, I'll push the patient in right away! Mr. Chen, how about you..."

Chen Xin'an looked at Xu Liyan expressionlessly and said, "If you are in a hurry to leave, don't do the surgery, just leave!"

"What did you say?" Xu Liyan glared at Chen Xin'an, walked over to him and said, "Say it again!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and looked at her and said, "I said, if you are in a hurry to leave, you can leave now and you don't need to undergo the operation!"

At this time, Xu Liyan and Bian Qin were furious, pointing at Chen Xin'an and scolding:

"Do you know what you're talking about?

Do you know where this is?

What qualifications do you have to say such a thing? "

"You have to take responsibility for what you say!

Once a patient has an accident, can you afford it? "

Ning Xiruo took a step forward, looked at the two doctors and said, "He is the patient's family member, so of course he can be responsible!"

Xu Liyan cursed angrily: "What about the family members? Family members can't dictate the doctor's treatment here!

If your family members have the final say on everything, then why send the patient to the hospital? "

Bian Qinxin said impatiently to Chen Xin'an: "We understand the emotions of your family members, but please keep your mouths shut.

Dean Xu's daughter-in-law gave birth at the provincial capital hospital tonight, and she was not distracted from taking care of her.

You have come all the way to Daliang City to perform this surgery on your relatives.

Not only are you not grateful, you are still here making angry remarks and driving people away. Are you still a human being?

Besides, you can decide whether to have surgery or not. Who do you think you are? "

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said: "I want you to leave, not to vent my emotions with you.

As a doctor who is about to perform major brain surgery, you must be focused and take it seriously.

If you have the mentality to finish the surgery quickly and leave quickly, then the surgery will not be successful.

Even if it succeeds by chance, it will leave many sequelae.

This is originally a big taboo for surgeons. Don’t you know it yourself? "

"You..." Xu Liyan and Bian Qinxin both blushed and were speechless.

Xu Liyan snorted and said, "We just say this, but it doesn't mean we don't do the surgery seriously!

With decades of medical qualifications, we know how to control our emotions better than you.

Once we stand on the operating table, we will naturally be focused!

I said, do you still want us to do the surgery?

If you choose to give up, you can sign the family member's waiver of treatment letter and don't waste our time! "

However, Chen Xin'an still asked her calmly: "How do you plan to repair the skull?"

"Why are you asking this?" Xu Liyan said impatiently: "Even if I tell you, do you understand?

There is no need to tell you!

After the operation is completed, I will tell you the results. Why are you worrying so much? "

Ning Xiruo snorted and said, "We have the family's right to know, right? Is there anything bad to say about this?"

Bian Qinxin glanced at her and said: "The family's right to know does not mean that the doctor should tell you everything exactly!

I said repair with artificial composite materials, do you know what it is?

Even if you know it, what's the use? "

"No!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "You can't use artificial composite materials, you can only rely on the skull itself to repair it!"

Xu Liyan was really angry and scolded Chen Xin'an: "If you don't understand, just stop talking nonsense here, okay?

The wound is so big, why not use artificial materials?

The skull is repairing itself. Do you think there is glue in the brain? It can also be repaired automatically!

Why should I explain this to a layman like you?

I even doubt your real purpose now!

You want to watch the patient die, right?

Director Qi, call the police!

Obstructing normal surgery, what on earth do you want to do! "

Bian Qinxin also cursed angrily: "Time is life now!

The sooner surgery is performed, the sooner a life is saved.

As a patient's family member, what do you want to do by messing around here and disturbing us? "

Qi Huaifeng scratched his head, coughed twice and said: "Dean Xu, Director Bian, this Mr. Chen Xin'an also knows medical skills! And he is a master of ancient medicine..."

"Inheriter of ancient medicine? No wonder he said such mindless words!" Xu Liyan looked at Chen Xin'an with disdain and said:

“You can even tell me that artificial materials are not allowed to be used for restoration!

What, do you want to use acupuncture or cupping to treat patients?

Or use your unique Qigong therapy? "

Bian Qinxin looked at Chen Xin'an with disdain and said, "You are a doctor, so don't do stupid things here!

Doctors are like parents, don’t use your tricks of harming others and yourself on your family members.

Otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life! "

Qi Huaifeng said helplessly: "Mr. Chen is not an ordinary inheritor of ancient medicine.

That video you saw was of him! "


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