Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1578 You have to remember my name

Luo Xiaoman is still sleeping.

Considering his current physical condition, being able to sleep is a good thing.

Luo Qianxue curled up next to him, obviously with a big belly, but she didn't dare to occupy too much space.

Chen Xin'an walked to the bed and covered them both with quilts.

When Luo Qianxue woke up, the first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to touch Luo Xiaoman's face next to her. She put her fingers under his nose and breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did he see Chen Xin'an standing next to the bed. He was startled, but Chen Xin'an held him up, otherwise he would have fallen off the bed.

Chen Xin'an raised his finger and shook it at her, and said softly: "Let Master Luo accompany you here tonight, and you go back to the hotel to sleep!"

Luo Qianxue whispered: "No, there is a nursing bed next to it, I just..."

Chen Xin'an looked at her and said, "Qianxue, I'm not negotiating with you.

Don’t forget the baby in your belly!

If you were in the hospital, it wouldn't be very helpful in promoting Aman's recovery. "

Luo Qianxue said with tears: "But I'm worried about him!

I'm alone when I go back, and I don't think about the food and the tea.

Only by his side can I feel at ease! "

Chen Xin'an sighed.

Now the relationship between these two people is completely turned upside down!

Although she is not married yet, Luo Qianxue has mentally become a housewife.

What's even more exaggerated is that she now has pregnancy syndrome!

Worried about gains and losses, sentimental, sensitive and suspicious, self-pity...

Chen Xin'an said to her: "Xi Ruo will accompany Ye Zhen on the fifteenth floor, and Yun Yan and Sister Yan will also go there often.

If you feel lonely and bored, go find more of them and talk to Ye Zhen more. "

Luo Qianxue thought for a while and nodded.

After checking Luo Xiaoman's body, Chen Xin'an called Master Luo over and gave him a few words before leaving the ward.

The Guan brothers and sisters lived on the same floor. When they saw Chen Xin'an coming in, the two brothers and sisters didn't say anything, but they were about to kneel down with red eyes.

Chen Xin'an couldn't reach out and stop them both at the same time, so she could only scold them with a straight face:

"You can't help but kneel down. Who did you learn this bad habit from?"

The brother and sister were stunned for a moment, with red circles under their eyes. They stood obediently in front of the bed, lowering their heads and not daring to look at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an motioned for them to sit down, but the brother and sister just stood with their heads lowered, neither of them dared to sit down.

Guandu burst into tears and cried louder and louder.

Chen Xin'an was speechless, and asked her dumbfounded: "Xiaodu, do you feel wronged or in pain?"

Guandu's face was tied with gauze on both sides. He couldn't open his mouth and could only shed tears.

Guan Fei on the side wiped his eyes and said to Chen Xin'an: "Uncle, even if my sister and I die, we won't be aggrieved at all!

We just feel guilty.

My uncle and young lady are so kind to us, but they can't repay us.

If we were not like this, we would look like pigs and be stupid like pigs.

I wouldn't let the young lady be kidnapped and almost lose her life!

I won’t let sister Ye Zhen become like this! "

Chen Xin'an walked up to the brother and sister, patted their shoulders and said:

"Guan Fei, Guan Du, I killed that man with my own hands.

So I know that person’s skills, let alone you, even if Sister Qing is here, she can’t stop him!

I won't tell you nonsense.

Inviting you into the house and asking you to follow Xiruo means that you will be her bodyguards and protect her.

So if something happens to her, it's your responsibility. "

The brother and sister lowered their heads and cried softly together.

Speaking of which, they are just children who will come of age next year.

"Uncle, you punish us! But don't drive us away!" Guan Fei wiped his tears and said:

“We still want to stay with you and Miss.

It’s not because I’m greedy for anything, I just want to repay my uncle and young lady for taking care of us! "

Chen Xin'an said angrily and funny: "Who said I would drive you away?

I asked you to come back to protect Xi Ruo, not to make you a dead soldier.

You have to do your best on this matter. Even if an accident occurs, I will not blame you!

Learn to use your brain to protect the lady, not relying on kung fu or brute force.

When the enemy's strength exceeds your combined strength, then find a way to hold them back.

Then notify me or someone who can save you as soon as possible!

You did a good job this time, leaving one of each other's people behind.

This is something worthy of praise. Why do you feel so guilty! "

The brother and sister looked at each other and then relaxed.

In fact, Chen Xin'an also knew that the guy named Dawei was deliberately arranged by Zhong Hongyi to fall into his hands.

Anyway, as long as one of him, Chaozi, and Huowa stays, it will be fine.

The purpose is to lure Chen Xin'an to the ranch.

But there is no need to tell the simple-minded brother and sister about this kind of thing.

As he said just now, he didn't want the brother and sister to be Ning Xiruo's dead soldiers.

Just like Guan Qing, after getting along for a long time, we become a family.

I absolutely do not agree with the practice of exchanging one life for another.

After checking the injuries of the two brothers and sisters, Chen Xin'an felt relieved.

Even he had to admire that these two guys were so strong in resisting attacks.

The thick fat blocked most of the injuries, and any knife stabbed into their bodies would not be fatal.

Not to mention the injuries caused by those fists and kicks, there were almost no scars left!

Instructing them to rest in peace and recuperate without worrying about other things, Chen Xin'an walked out of the ward.

Gongsun Feiyang and Xiao Zhang were sitting in the corridor, while Liu Yidao was sleeping in the ward next door.

Seeing Chen Xin'an come out, Gongsun Feiyang stood up and said to him: "Here comes Principal Meng, now in the hospital morgue.

The city bureau wants to place Feng Congjun's ashes in the martyrs cemetery here.

But what Principal Meng meant was that he wanted to take the ashes back!

But once brought back, Feng Congjun probably won't be able to enter the Martyrs Cemetery.

The conditions are not met..."

Chen Xin'an's face darkened and she asked him, "Who said that?"

Gongsun Feiyang shook his head and said, "Brother Luo called and asked!"

His face darkened, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "The people in the civil affairs department are really enough.

Just last month, a cadre got into a car accident while drinking and was killed.

There was some trouble in the family, and it was changed to death in the line of duty!

Then the ashes are placed in the martyrs' cemetery, and the family becomes the family of the martyrs.

Enjoy a monthly subsidy.

Nowadays, the real heroes and martyrs are stuck and are not being fed because of insufficient materials!

What a deal! "

Chen Xin'an turned around and left: "You go to the morgue and wait for me first!"

Got on the elevator and went straight to the fifteenth floor, where Mr. Li and Mr. Wan were both there.

Seeing Chen Xin'an coming in aggressively, a group of people were startled.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Li asked quickly.

Chen Xin'an looked at Li Niandong and asked, "Do you know the leaders of the Kyoto Civil Affairs Department?"

Li Niandong was stunned for a moment, nodded and said, "I have dealt with the Ministry of Civil Affairs! What's wrong?"

Chen Xin'an asked angrily: "Call me and ask Feng Congjun why he can't enter the Kyoto Martyrs Cemetery?

Who said he was not qualified? "

Mr. Li frowned and said to Li Niandong: "Call Minister Xian and find out the situation!"

Li Niandong nodded, immediately took out his cell phone and walked out of the ward.

After a while, she stood at the door and said to Chen Xin'an: "Minister Xian said that the materials submitted by the Municipal Bureau for review were not enough, so he did not meet the qualifications to enter the Martyrs Cemetery!"

Chen Xin'an walked to the door, grabbed Li Niandong's cell phone, and said to the phone:

"Minister Xian, right?

Remember, my name is Chen Xin'an!

Did Feng Congjun's police identity be stated in the materials given to you by the city bureau?

Did you mention that he was undercover for five years?

Is there any mention of how he sacrificed his life?

Did he list the information he sent?


Then you say that because the materials are lacking, he is not qualified?

I don’t care if you said it or not, I only care about the results.

If you say he is not qualified as a martyr, then I will ask someone to check how many of the ones you have approved are enough.

Whoever is found guilty will be unlucky!

I, Chen Xin'an, do what I say! "


Chen Xin'an threw her cell phone to the ground, gritted her teeth and cursed: "What the hell, what the hell are these guys!"

Li Niandong stared blankly at the broken cell phone on the ground, wanting to cry without tears.

If you are angry, why are you throwing my phone?


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