Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1579 I asked you not to have anyone come to worship you

In the hospital morgue, gray-haired Meng Aihong stood beside the morgue, reaching out and touching the body lying on it.

A group of people stood behind her. One of them, a middle-aged man, frowned and said to Meng Aihong:

"Principal Meng, I don't care what others tell you.

But Qingxi's opinion is not to mourn or deal with it.

Or Principal Meng can also choose to let your son enter the Daliang City Cemetery.

Censorship will not be as stringent.

If Principal Meng agrees, I will immediately contact the funeral home and ask them to arrange the cremation as soon as possible. "

Meng Aihong stroked Feng Congjun's cold forehead, shook her head and said, "Thank you, Leader Han, for your kindness. I want to take my son back!"

The middle-aged man frowned, looked at Meng Aihong and said, "Principal Meng, you are making it difficult for me to do this.

In fact, Feng Congjun still has many issues that have not been investigated clearly, and I have been pressing this matter.

If you keep him local, we can make an example out of him.

If we take him away, wouldn't it be a slap in our face? "

Feng Congjun has been undercover in Qingxi for at least five years, but he has never contacted the local city government, police or security department, and has not provided any information to them.

After the Vallerona Energy Company incident, the Zhongding Group collapsed in Qingxi.

The black and white parties in Qingxi were shaken like an earthquake, implicating many people.

This is tantamount to a big slap in the face of the local city government, police and security departments!

They were completely unaware of such a big case and such a big turmoil in advance!

If Feng Congjun was buried in Qingxi, it would be okay, at least it could explain that he was an undercover agent sent by them, and they should take credit for this case.

But once Feng Congjun was brought back to Kyoto, the whole matter had nothing to do with them.

From beginning to end, they were bystanders.

There are even people like Niu Chengcheng and Wei Shuping. They will not only become the laughing stock, but also become the focus of public opinion!

Sun Galo came over with red eyes and said to the middle-aged man: "Leader Han, please speak clearly!

What issues does Comrade Feng Congjun have that need to be investigated?

He was a good policeman who dedicated his life to completing his mission!

Why do you still question him? "

Leader Han frowned, glanced at him and cursed: "What do you want here?

Who are you to speak to me in such a tone?

Is there any problem with Feng Congjun that I need to report to you?

He is dead. If he is still alive now, I will control him first!

Do you know that at least six lives in Qingxi are related to him? "

"Han Yuanhuai! Shut up! Feng Congjun is my master, I won't allow you to slander him like this!"

Sun Galo was really anxious. He almost put his finger on the middle-aged man's nose again and cursed at him:

"My master has been undercover with King Qingxi for five years.

In order to gain his trust, it is natural to use some special means!

And among those he killed, which one was a good person? Which one is not a desperado?

In order to investigate the case, my master endured so much humiliation and pain that ordinary people cannot bear!

In the end, it even cost him his own life.

What did you do in Daliang City?

Have you ever helped him even once?

You are questioning him and slandering him here!

Why are you? ! "

Han Yuanhuai's face turned green and white, he glared at Sun Galo and cursed angrily:

"shut up!

Who do you think you are, dare to speak to me in such a tone?

Are you qualified?

Don’t weigh yourself!

Please think carefully about what I just said.

Otherwise, I'll tell you in advance, wouldn't we prepare a mourning hall for a farewell ceremony at the hospital?

If you don't accept my conditions, no one will dare to come to the mourning hall to say goodbye!

Afterwards, you should also find a way to send it to the funeral home for cremation.

If you can't make it, just wait and carry the whole body back to Kyoto! "

Sun Jialuo gritted his teeth angrily, and just when he was about to openly argue with him, Meng Aihong sighed and quietly said to everyone:

"Stop arguing and let my son and I stay quietly for a while, okay?"

Sun Gallo immediately shut his mouth.

Han Yuanhuai said to Meng Aihong with a straight face: "Principal Meng, as long as you agree to my conditions, you can stay with your son as long as you want, no problem!"

"Son of a bitch!" Sun Galuo was so angry that he wanted to punch Han Yuanhuai in the face!

The worst that can happen is that this uniform will no longer be worn, but whoever wants to insult his master and discredit this hero will not do it!

Meng Aihong grabbed him, sighed, and said softly: "Send him up!"

This is the farewell ceremony where Feng Congjun's body is to be put into the coffin and sent to the mourning hall.

After everyone pays their respects, it will be sent to the funeral home for burning.

When the time comes, Meng Aihong will leave Qingxi with her son's ashes.

Putting Feng Congjun's body into the coffin cannot be done by one person.

Of course, Meng Aihong couldn't help. Only Sun Galuo himself could hardly lift the body.

Han Yuanhuai and the group of people behind him all stood by and watched.

You can't even do this, and you still want to take the ashes back to Kyoto?

How can it be!

But at this moment, two people came over and pushed the person in front of them unceremoniously!

Han Yuanhuai's face was livid, and the people he brought dared not speak out in anger.

Because these two people are from Dragon Shield, they don't listen to them at all.

Gongsun Feiyang and Liu Yidao walked to Sun Jialuo's side, and without saying hello, the three of them tacitly put Feng Congjun's body into the coffin carefully.

But it takes at least four people to carry the coffin.

Now there are only three people, and we can't let Meng Aihong carry it!

Han Yuanhuai and the others smiled grimly again.

Now let's see what you do?

If one person is missing, who will carry the coffin?

"I'm here!" A figure appeared at the door. When Sun Jialuo saw this person, his eyes turned red.

Chen Xin'an came over, held Meng Aihong's hands, and said guiltily: "Principal Meng, I failed to protect Brother Congjun!"

Meng Aihong shook her head, closed her eyes and rested her forehead on Chen Xin'an's chest, and the suppressed sadness could finally be poured out.

But she only shed tears for a while, then she raised her head, wiped her eyes with her hands, and said to Chen Xinan:

"My father, who was in the army, was also an old policeman and died on the front line!

He has been in the army and the police for many years, and he has not brought shame to his father or the Feng family.

He left openly and honestly, with no regrets!

I am not sad, I am proud."

Chen Xinan nodded vigorously, turned and walked to the coffin, and shouted: "Get up!"

The four of them lifted the coffin with force, put it on their shoulders, and then strode out of the morgue.

The hospital prepared a temporary mourning hall, which was very simple, and there were not even a few mourning couplets and wreaths.

With Han Yuanhuai's special "care", no one from the entire Qingxi security department, including the police, dared to attend the farewell ceremony.

Some people passing by took a look at the mourning hall and curled their lips.

"Whose family died? The funeral hall is so shabby.

It's just a wreath sent by the hospital. The family members won't come?"

"It's better to just cremate it! Isn't this too embarrassing? There are not even filial sons and grandchildren inside. It's too desolate!"

"It shouldn't be so miserable if you spend some money to hire a funeral company? It's embarrassing to come to attend. No wonder no one is here!"

Han Yuanhuai, standing outside the funeral hall, looked at the desolate funeral hall with a sneer on his face.

There are a few blind people in the Municipal Bureau of Daliang City who want to go in, but they are scolded away by him!

The entire Qingxi security department has been messed up by this guy. You still have the face to pay tribute to him?

You are sick!

Seeing someone carrying a wreath coming over, Han Yuanhuai frowned and asked the people around him to stop him.

Never expected that the person sent out would be kicked down as soon as he walked in front of the other party and hadn't said a few words!


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