Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1589 Climbing the mountain in the middle of the night

The car drove silently on the road out of the city. Chen Xinan sat in the back seat, closing her eyes and relaxing.

Guishou looked at Chen Xin'an carefully through the rearview mirror and said: "Mr. Chen, let me tell you the general situation.

The person I am looking for is called Lao Zhi. He is the most familiar with this line and is also a relatively famous snakehead in the Western Region.

There are nine people this time, including you, exactly ten.

The fee is 38,000 per person, and you will be given a job after you arrive.

But if you want to get a new identity, you have to pay 50,000 yuan.

He and I live on the same street, but our relationship is very ordinary.

So there is no way to get a discount for Mr. Chen..."

"No need!" Chen Xin'an opened his eyes and waved his hands and said, "As long as you can take me out!"

Ghost Hand nodded.

Chen Xin'an said to him: "You can also join forces with them to make a plan outside. Anyway, it is outside China. If I can die outside, you will be rewarded..."

"Mr. Chen!" Gui Shou interrupted him and said, "Although I came out to fool around, I did have some issues with you.

But when you buy your life with money, you do it as I wish, and I won’t have any resentment.

There are always rules to follow when you go out to hang out.

This time my godfather is dead. If you go out to do things, you are also avenging my godfather.

I, Guishou, am not an ignorant person.

Whether Mr. Chen believes it or not, I have no resentment towards you, only gratitude!

If it weren't for you, I would have died in the hands of King Qingxi, and I wouldn't be able to have everything I have now! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and nodded.

Guishou turned around, looked at him and said, "It's not easy to get Mr. Chen's phone number. I cherish it very much!"

Only when he becomes Chen Xin'an's friend will he give him his phone number.

Chen Xin'an looked at the ghost hand and said, "Believe me that I didn't give it to the wrong person!"

The ghost hand reached into a bag on the passenger seat, took out a gray vest and handed it to Chen Xin'an.

"Mr. Chen, put this dress on, but don't show it!"

Chen Xin'an took it and weighed it. It was actually very heavy, heavier than a body armor!

"What is this? What's in it?" Chen Xin'an asked a little strangely.

Guishou smiled and said: "Money! It's all cash, a total of one hundred thousand! Mr. Chen should be able to use it!"

It was as if someone gave me a pillow as soon as I dozed off.

Chen Xin'an took out the card from his body, handed it to Guishou and said, "It just so happens that there is also 100,000 yuan in it. Since I have cash, I'll give you the card!"

"Mr. Chen, there's no need to be like this..." Guishou still wanted to be polite.

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said:

“It’s unnecessary for me to hold it, because there may not be anywhere to swipe the card there.

I am also asking for your help, and there is no reason to take advantage of you! "

Having said this, Guishou stopped being polite and put the card away.

The car stopped at the foot of Silun Mountain.

The ghost finger pointed to a pavilion with a lantern hanging on the mountainside and said: "Mr. Chen, that is the horse-tying platform.

I'll put the car away and go up with you! "

"No need!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said to him: "Since we have already agreed, I can just go up by myself. You can go back!

Remember what I said, if you need money or manpower, you call me.

Someone will answer and meet your requirements!

On the Qingxi side, you can be the Qingxi King, but don’t be the former Qingxi King.

As long as you don't break the law, no one dares to touch you! "

"I understand, Mr. Chen, don't worry!" Guishou nodded vigorously and waved goodbye to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an turned around and started going up the mountain.

Soon we arrived near the horse-tying platform and saw several people sitting in the pavilion from a distance.

Seeing Chen Xin'an coming, everyone looked at him warily.

When he walked in, everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the clothes on his body.

It was obvious that everyone wanted to go out just like them, so no one paid attention to him.

There were eight people in the pavilion, including Chen Xin'an sitting on the stone outside, a total of nine.

There is one more person who hasn't come, and Old Lee hasn't arrived either, so it looks like we have to wait a while.

Chen Xin'an glanced at the people in the pavilion and didn't look much.

There were six men and two women among the eight people.

The men are all between twenty and forty years old.

Two women, one in her twenties, dressed coquettishly.

One was close to forty and dressed simply.

A seductively dressed woman sat next to a bald man, cracking melon seeds and listening to him speak loudly.

"You can ask at Qingxi Yetan now who I, Wu Kuizi, am!

Who the hell dares to try to mess with me?

I can't kill him!

Just the day before yesterday, a kid glared at me while eating.

I went up with the wine bottle and shoved it directly into his eye socket!

If it weren't for these few lives on my body, you think I would be willing to go to that miserable place over there!

Anyway, I went to avoid the limelight. When I come back in two months, I will continue to enjoy the good food and drink in Yetan!

Sister, come to Yetan to find Brother Wukui when the time comes.

Goth is protecting you, no one dares to mess with you! "

The charming woman hugged the bald man's neck, kissed him on the face and said, "Thank you, Brother Wukui!

Then it's settled, if I don't make a fortune there, I'll come back to you.

Brother Wu Kui must protect me when the time comes! "

"This is nothing!" The bald man waved his hand carelessly, hugged the charming woman, and touched her body with his hands.

The people next to him all lowered their heads.

The charming woman struggled to get up, gently pinched the bald man's arm, and scolded: "You hate it so much, so many people are watching!"

The bald man laughed loudly and said with disdain: "Who is watching? Ask them if they dare to watch?

With each bottle of wine, I poked their eyes out! "

Everyone lowered their heads.

The bald man kicked the man next to him, raised his chin and asked, "Hey, what's your name? What were you doing there?"

That man was probably the oldest one here, with a wrinkled face and an honest look. He glanced at the bald man tremblingly and didn't dare to speak.

The bald man kicked him in the leg and cursed: "I'm asking you a question!"

The man stood up in fright and said in a trembling voice: "Jin, Jin Manshan, go and look for someone over there!"

"Who are you looking for?" Seeing his submissive look, the bald man became even more contemptuous and curled his lips and said:

"You are so virtuous, do you still have relatives over there? It seems like you have never seen a native dog on the market!"

Jin Manshan lowered his head and said: "Someone borrowed money and refused to pay it back, so he ran over there. I went to him to ask for money..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the bald man kicked him to the ground and cursed:

“People like you are the most annoying! If you don’t have money, don’t borrow it, and if you do, don’t rush me!

When people have money, they will naturally return it to you.

If not, just wait a few more days.

Urging, urging, urging, like a devil urging someone to kill someone, making noisy people without peace!

If you want to pay back the money I borrowed, you can pay it back. If you don't, you will be kicked out.

Never push.

Who the hell doesn’t have a problem yet?

It's so bad for you, people have already run out, and you still chase them out!

How mean! "

Jin Manshan opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but when he saw the fierce look on the bald man's face, he shrank and closed his mouth.

The bald man kicked him again, cursed a few times, turned to the person opposite and asked, "What about you, what's your name?"

Under this guy's questioning, everyone in the pavilion reported their names one by one.

Ma Qiubai, Zeng Hai, Hu Jinyong, and Zang Dechang were introduced to work by others.

Wu Xinyuan wanted to seek refuge with his relatives.

Peng Ying went to find her husband.

There is also the dazzling woman Zou Ying hanging on the bald man. She is actually a young lady.

"Hey, kid, what's your name?" Wukuizi asked as his eyes fell on Chen Xin'an who was sitting on the stone outside.

Chen Xin'an ignored him at all.

Wukuizi was furious, and just as he was about to stand up and teach him a lesson, two flashlights came over his head.

Someone shouted from above: "Is everything ready? Come up quickly!"


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