Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1590 I will help with his money

Walking up the horse-tying platform, there were two people standing next to a big stone.

When everyone came over, one person reached out and counted the number of people, frowned and cursed: "Why is there still one missing? Forget it, wait no more! You all have the money with you, right? Pay the money first!"

Everyone checked their bodies and began to pay.

Only then did Chen Xin'an realize that everyone paid different amounts of money.

Some only cost a few thousand yuan, and some cost tens of thousands.

Chen Xin'an's thirty-eight thousand is actually the highest in the entire team!

Seeing the people around him staring at him as if they were looking at Kaizi, Chen Xin'an also looked helpless.

Guishou, the bastard, even said that he and Lao Zhi were from the same street.

Obviously, this is so familiar!

But at this time, he won't care about it anymore.

Just take him out of the west and reach the Incas.

Yes, he just wanted to sneak out of the country and go to the Inca.

If I don't kill Zhong Hongyi and Mohad, I'd be sorry for my parents who died, and I'd be sorry for the sacrifice of Lao Jun.

I'm sorry for Ye Zhen and Aman who are still seriously injured and lying in the hospital.

I'm sorry for the torture and pain my wife suffered.

I'm sorry for the beatings those relatives and friends received in vain!

Let them go?

I, Chen Xin'an, don't agree!

They can't die in China?

No problem, if I let them die outside of China, no one will care about them, right?

I really thought that all the relatives and friends who had hurt me, Chen Xin'an, could just escape abroad and rest easy.

Anyone who offends my Chen Xin'an will be punished no matter how far away!

Even if you hide to the ends of the earth, I will hunt you down.

As for how difficult the process is, and whether you still have life to come back, don't worry about it!

All the money collected was put in the backpack of the big man next to Lao Zhi.

Lao Zhi waved his hand and said to everyone: "Let's go!"

Everyone followed him and turned around to go up the mountain. At this moment, someone behind them shouted: "Wait a minute!"

A thin figure ran up and panted and said to Lao Zhi: "I'm sorry, I'm late!"

This turned out to be a boy with a crew cut of fifteen or sixteen years old, still a child!

Lao Zhi scolded: "What the hell do you think it's a movie and you can enter the theater at any time you want?

It's almost forty hours. If you can't arrive before dawn, you'll have to spend another night squatting on the mountain! "

Wukuizi also scolded: "You're such a big kid, you're such a big kid, let me wait here for you for a long time!"

The young man stopped talking and just stood aside with his head lowered.

Lao Zhi said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, pay the money quickly, you are the only one left!"

The boy blushed and took out a plastic bag from his body.

After opening it, he took out a wad of money.

He left two of them and handed them to Lao Zhi.

After thinking about it, I still only left one piece, and handed the rest to Old Lee.

Lao Zhi grabbed it, frowned and cursed: "This quantity doesn't look right!"

After taking it and counting it, Lao Zhi became angry, turned to look at him and asked, "Is there still three thousand left?"

The young man blushed and said, "I can only get this. Can I give you the rest when I go over there and find my father? I can give you an IOU!"

"Should I hit you?" Lao Zhi threw the money in his hand at the young man's face and cursed at him:

"Whatever you say is how much money you have. If you don't have money, don't come with me!"

Over there, where can I find you?

Are you even issuing IOUs? Is this an IOU business?

roll! "

Old Zhili ignored him and turned around to leave.

The young man cried anxiously behind him, then he knelt on the ground and begged the old leech:

"Uncle, I beg you, let me owe you first!

My dad has been there for four years and has not sent back a penny this year.

My mother was hit by a car and died. They paid for the funeral and that's all that's left. I'll give it all to you!

I have to go home to my dad and sign it before I can bury my mom in the village grave!

Otherwise, my mother wouldn’t even have a place to rest!

I beg you, if you find my dad, I will definitely return the money to you..."

Lao Zhi scolded: "Don't tell me these useless things! It has nothing to do with me if your mother's ashes are scattered on the road!"

No matter how much you pay, you can't leave even if you lose a penny. This is the rule!


Get out now, don't waste my time!

Come back to me when you have enough money! "

The boy still wanted to speak, but the bald man cursed impatiently: "Why can't this little brat understand human language?

If people say it can’t be done, it can’t be done. If you keep delaying everyone by yourself, will I slap you? Do you believe it or not? "

Looking at the tattoos exposed on the bald man's skin, the boy took two steps back in fright, with a look of despair on his face.

He didn't pick up the money on the ground. He just walked to the big stone and muttered: "Mom, wait for me..."

Just as he was about to jump, Chen Xin'an grabbed him, frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

The boy cried loudly and said: "Let me go and let me die!

My dad has not been heard from for so long. Something must have happened and he is no longer here!

My mother is gone now, and I am all alone. What’s the point of living? "

Chen Xin'an shouted at him: "You can use the money to go abroad through normal channels to buy air tickets. Why not use normal channels?"

The young man waved his arms as hard as he could and said, "Let me go! Go through the formal channels? Buy a plane ticket?"

Do you think you can go out as long as you can afford a plane ticket?

Don't need a visa?

How much time will be wasted and how many procedures will be required?

How can I go through these procedures as a person who has never even been to a provincial capital?

This little money is not spent. It’s gone before the process is completed. Isn’t that why I can’t go as well?

Don't hold me back, let me die! "

Lao Zhi impatiently scolded Chen Xin'an: "If he wants to die, let him die. Anyway, people come here often, and someone will help him collect his body.

Why are you trying to get involved?

Are you going to leave or not? "

Chen Xin'an looked at the young man, shook his head helplessly and said, "He owes the three thousand yuan, I will help him pay it out!"

The young man was stunned and looked at Chen Xin'an strangely.

"What are you doing standing still!" Chen Xin'an pointed at the money on the ground and said to him, "Go, pick up the money, and I'll help you get the rest!"

He reached into the vest and took out a wad of money.

He took the pile of money handed over by the young man, took out five and handed them to the young man, and counted the remaining money, which was enough for seven thousand, and handed it to the old leech.

He put the remaining money back into his vest. At this moment, he felt several blazing eyes around him, but they disappeared in a flash.

"Oh, you are such a kind person!" The bald man looked at Chen Xin'an with a sneer, and said angrily: "Brother is also short of money, so lend me some!"

The charming woman Zou Ying next to him licked her lips, looked at Chen Xin'an and said:

"Boss, do you want to play? Just find a rock and stand behind it. Two hundred a time, discounted price!"

The bald man was not happy anymore. He squinted at the charming woman and cursed: "Sister, what do you mean? I'm not dead yet, and you're hooking up with me right here in front of me?"

Zou Ying giggled, rolled her eyes and said to the bald man: "Brother Wu Kui, don't be jealous!

I'm not your wife, just making extra money!

Why are you still taking care of it?

Even if I come back to protect you, it will only be after I come back.

I haven’t left yet, don’t delay my business! "

The bald man had a gloomy look on his face. He couldn't deliver goods to Zou Ying, so he could only stare at Chen Xin'an and curse:

"You can do it, kid. How dare you steal a girl from my fifth wife? How dare you try to touch her?"

Chen Xin'an didn't even look at these two people, and cursed impatiently: "Get out!"


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