Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1595 How could he like someone like me?

Finally entering the cave, everyone seemed to be exhausted and fell to the ground one by one.

Ma Qiubai seemed to have thought of something, suddenly stood up, looked around and said:

"Where's Ayong? Where's Dachang? They haven't followed up yet! Where have they gone?"

No one paid attention.

In the situation just now, everyone was running for their own lives, so how could they care about others!

Ma Qiubai ran to Lao Zhi and Taishan and begged them: "Two eldest brothers, please help find my two brothers. They must be still outside not far away!"

Old Lee scolded angrily: "If you want to go, you can go alone, I don't have the strength now!"

Ma Qiubai said with a sad face: "We paid the money! You have to be responsible if the person fails to follow..."

Before he could finish speaking, Taishan kicked him and knocked him to the ground!

"Why the hell do you want me to take care of everything after you pay the money? I'm not your parent, so I have to tie you to my body and carry you with me wherever I go?"

Lao Zhi sneered coldly, looked at Ma Qiubai with disdain and said, "I really care about your brother, why didn't you help him just now?

When there is danger, you just run for your life. Now that the danger has passed, why are you acting like a brother to me? "

Ma Qiubai's face turned red, and San Sanran didn't dare to look up.

Indeed, when he was running for his life just now, he really didn't think about other people.

Chen Xin'an stood up and walked around the cave. The cave hall was not small, about the size of a basketball court.

There is also a side cave next to it. It is not large and can accommodate three or four people at most.

But there is a slope going down, which is bottomless.

The cave is naturally formed and there are no traces of artificial excavation.

There was an exclamation from behind, and the cave entrance darkened, and two people came in, it was Hu Jinyong and Zang Dechang who had fallen behind before.

It's just that the two of them were really embarrassed. They were already injured, and now they were even more injured.

There was an obvious crack on Hu Jinyong's head, and the skin and flesh were rolled open, revealing the white bones.

Zang Dechang's right arm was bloody and bloody, hanging limply by his side.

After the two came in, they fell to the ground!

Ma Qiubai and Zeng Hai ran over together and helped them up.

After taking a look at their injuries, Zeng Hai shouted to Lao Zhi: "Brother, his arm is broken! Please help me..."

Lao Zhi glanced at Taishan.

Taishan cursed and took off his backpack, took out two rolls of gauze and threw it over, cursing: "What a lot of trouble!"

Zeng Hai picked up the gauze and said with a grimace, "Is this it?"

Lao Zhi glared at him and cursed: "Then what else do you want? I'm not a doctor!"

Zeng Hai and Ma Qiubai stopped talking and walked up to Hu Jinyong and Zang Dechang with gauze.

Just as he was about to wrap himself around them, someone's voice came from the side: "Get out of the way, let me take a look!"

Chen Xin'an didn't know when she came to the four of them and looked at the two wounded lying on the ground.

Ma Qiubai and Zeng Hai looked nervous, looked at each other, and then honestly stepped aside.

Chen Xin'an checked the injuries of Hu Jinyong and Zang Dechang.

Obviously, these two unfortunates were swept away by the flood.

During this process, his body was constantly hit by rocks, causing injuries all over his body.

But to be able to come back alive is considered a blessing!

They are all traumatic injuries, and usually only require two stitches.

There is no major problem with Zang Dechang's arm. Just help him recover the dislocated joint and fix the cracked bones.

The problem is, we don’t have these tools now!

No stitches, no splints and enough bandages.

Therefore, there was no way to treat the wounds, so Chen Xin'an could only help them give injections to stop the bleeding.

As for whether you will be infected, you can only leave it to fate!

The best thing is to get to Inca quickly before the injury worsens!

After helping Hu Jinyong and Zang Dechang tie up their heads and shoulders, Chen Xinan stood up.

Ma Qiubai blushed and took out a pack of cigarettes next to him.

I wanted to hand one to Chen Xin'an, but when I took it in my hand, I realized that even the cigarette case had been soaked in water.

He awkwardly said to Chen Xin'an: "Thank you..."

Chen Xin'an looked at the lighter in his hand and said, "Lend me the lighter!"

Ma Qiubai did not hesitate and handed the lighter directly to Chen Xin'an.

When we walked out of the cave, it was still raining outside.

Chen Xin'an knew where to find dry branches and leaves in such an environment.

There are always places that the rain can't reach or wash away.

After a while he picked up a lot of dry branches and carried them into the hole.

Place it in the small hole, ignite it with a lighter, and create a fire.

When he came out, he said to Zou Ying and Peng Ying: "You go in and dry your clothes."

Then he turned his head and said to Guo Zhaodi: "After they finish baking, you can go in and bake!"

Guo Zhaodi knew that he was protecting her secret and said gratefully:

"Uncle, I understand! You can go in and bake later, you are all wet..."

When the little girl spoke, her face turned red and she seemed very embarrassed.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "I'm going to find more firewood, these are not enough!"

"Brother New!" Zou Ying stood up and said to him: "You go in and have a barbecue first. How can you go out when you are soaked! We are all people who have been here before, so we don't have so many taboos!"

In fact, she didn't really mean to tease her. She was really grateful to Chen Xin'an, so she said this.

Chen Xin'an's face darkened and she said coldly, "No need!" She turned around and walked out.

After he left, Guo Zhaodi angrily scolded Zou Ying: "My uncle saved you, don't repay kindness with vengeance! You seduced my uncle at every turn, do you still want shame?"

Zou Ying looked at her with a smile and said, "What, are you jealous? The little girl is in love?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Guo Zhaodi was shocked. She didn't expect Zou Ying to see through her secret!

Zou Ying suppressed her smile and said with shame: "How could he like me, someone who sleeps on thousands of people's pillows..."

With a sigh, Zou Ying walked into the small cave.

At this moment, Guo Zhaodi found that she was a little pitiful!

Peng Ying lowered her voice and said to Guo Zhaodi: "Sister, you are soaked too, don't stand up, otherwise your secret will be exposed.

Come in with us! "

Only then did Guo Zhaodi realize that the clothes she was wearing betrayed her.

Originally, she deliberately wore looser clothes to cover up her figure.

Unexpectedly, a heavy rain and flash flood exposed everything!

She blushed and shook her head, looking at the fiery eyes of those men, and whispered:

"I have to stay outside and watch while the provincial gang rushes in!"

Peng Ying sighed and said: "But you are a little girl, it is useless even if you stay outside!"

Guo Zhaodi curled her lips proudly and said, "As long as my uncle is here, they won't dare to mess around!"

It's a pity that she still underestimated the ugliness of human nature.

And the audacity of these people.

Having just experienced life and death, everyone is now at the most relaxed time.

Looking at the mature bodies of the two women, with their soaked clothes clinging to their bodies, and their curves exposed, what man wouldn't be tempted?

Seeing two mature women approaching the cave, Lao Zhi and Taishan raised the corners of their mouths, revealing a hint of evil smile.

They helped many women smuggle across the border.

Generally speaking, as long as these women are young, they can play with whoever they want and how they want to play.

Who dares to disobey?

If I just throw you alone in this deep mountain and old forest, you will either starve to death or be devoured by wild beasts. Who wouldn't be afraid?

Seeing these two people approaching with ill intentions, Guo Zhaodi's heart trembled.

She quickly stood up, blocked the door, and said sternly: "What do you want to do?"


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