Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1596 Don’t point a gun at my head

The two men in front of her didn't speak, but just stared at her without blinking.

Guo Zhaodi exclaimed, clasped her hands on her chest, looked horrified, and took a step back.

"What do you want to do? Go away!"

Old Leech sneered and said, "What are you doing? Let's warm ourselves up! Let's grill together, and we'll get wet too!"

Guo Zhaodi scolded angrily: "Who is roasting with you! Get away, this is the fire my uncle lit, you want to roast yourself!"

Taishan said frivolously: "We are all in the same group, so there is no distinction between you and me! Don't you think so?"

The people around him didn't respond, but they didn't participate or stop him either.

Taishan scolded with a dark face, what a bunch of cowards!

Turning his head, he pointed at Guo Zhaodi's nose and said, "Just go in and warm yourself by the fire. Don't be too busy!"

Guo Zhaodi still stopped in front of them and said: "How dare you! Wait until my uncle comes back..."


Taishan kicked Guo Zhaodi in the stomach.

Then he stepped forward and grabbed her hair, pulled her head up forcefully, and spat in her face!

"Don't worry about your uncle, I am the boss here!

They're just a bunch of smugglers, they've only known each other for a few hours, and they treat you and your uncle like a family!

Besides his name, what else do you know?

So what if he is your biological uncle?

I can play with whoever I want, if he dares to give it a try!

Do you really think you can become a hero if you know a little bit of kung fu?

Have you ever seen a hero sneak into a foreign country?

They are a bunch of shady people, so don’t pretend to be such a bad person in front of me!

I have tolerated him for a long time. If I dare to meddle in my own business, I will kill him first. Believe it or not! "

Looking at the masculine-looking, delicate little face in front of him, as well as the exquisite figure, an evil fire kept rising in Taishan's heart.

He reached out with his big hand, inserted it from Guo Zhaodi's collar, grabbed it hard, and said with a evil smile:

"No wonder he takes such good care of you, and even after doing it for a long time, you're still a little beauty disguised as a man!

Don’t worry, I’ll give him some fun later when I’ve had enough fun, and it’ll give him face! "

Guo Zhaodi was in pain and scared, and she screamed loudly!

At the same time, Zou Ying and Peng Ying in the cave had just taken off their clothes and wanted to warm themselves up by the fire, when Old Leech broke in.

He grabbed Peng Ying's hair, slapped her face hard, and knocked her to the ground!

Then he hugged Zou Ying's body, threw her to the ground, and climbed up himself!

Zou Ying screamed loudly and struggled.

Peng Ying also rushed over, trying to push him away.

The old leech was annoyed and cursed at the entrance of the cave: "Taishan, come in first and deal with these two.

Keep that chick for that guy named Chen! "

After all, he is a kung fu master. Although Lao Zhi is not afraid of him, he doesn't want to completely fall out with him.

It's not because of Guishou's face.

But it’s not worth it for a girl.

It's not like there are no women to play with, so why bother with the guy who irritated him.

If you want to kill him, you both have to take risks!

Taishan let go of Guo Zhaodi and ran in, kicking Peng Ying away.

Then he took out his belt and slapped Peng Ying hard!

Although he was not an iron head, a blood mark instantly appeared on Peng Ying's fair skin, and he let out a scream.

Taishan seemed to be going crazy. He picked up his belt and beat Peng Ying continuously, making her curl up and scream!

Zou Ying on the other side was also resisting desperately, and was ridden by Lao Zhi, who slapped her hard several times!

"You are just a broken incense burner that you can put on for money, why are you pretending to be a chaste and martyrdom for me!"

When Zou Ying heard this, she stopped resisting and looked at Lao Zhi with tears in her eyes and said:

"Don't be so rude, let this eldest sister go, I will serve you two by myself!"

Taishan whipped her with a belt, making her tremble, and said with a evil smile:

"I can play whatever I want, can you control me?"

Turning his head, Taishan slapped Peng Ying with another belt, and scolded with a ferocious smile: "Lie down, I'm good!"

Peng Ying curled up, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Don't even think about it! Beat me to death!"

Taishan slapped her with the belt again and cursed: "You are not a young girl who has never seen a man, why are you pretending to be here with me!

Isn't it easy to die? I will let you die after I finish playing! "

"Kill me first!" Peng Ying shouted to Taishan with a ferocious expression.

Instead, Taishan was shocked.

This woman had an ordinary appearance and didn't talk to others much along the way. She looked like an ordinary housewife.

If it weren't for her fair skin, Taishan wouldn't even want to play with her.

I never expected that he would be so stubborn and would rather be beaten to death than submit.

Of course, Taishan would not really beat her to death, but it also aroused his desire to conquer even more.

Gritting his teeth, he looked at Peng Ying and cursed: "I made you stubborn!"

The belt in his hand fell on Peng Ying like raindrops!

"Son of a bitch!" At the entrance of the cave, Guo Zhaodi rushed in with a stone and hit Taishan hard on the head!

Taishan tilted his head to avoid her, and the belt wrapped around Guo Zhaodi's neck.

He grabbed the belt with both hands and pulled her back, pushing his knees against her back, restraining Guo Zhaodi in this position.

He looked at her coldly and cursed: "Another one is going to die! I will help you!"

He loosened the belt with one hand, grabbed the back of Guo Zhaodi's neck, and pushed her to the nearby ramp.

"Believe it or not, if I let go, you will fall down! Do you think you will fall to death?"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind: "If she falls, you will die too!

And you died earlier than she did.

If you don’t believe it, you can take a gamble! "

"Uncle!" As soon as she heard the voice, Guo Zhaodi knew that Chen Xin'an was back and shouted with a cry.

Chen Xin'an said coldly: "We'll talk about it later!"

The place inside is so narrow that even if you try to do something, it's hard not to hurt innocent people.

Guo Zhaodi came out, but the remaining two men and two women did not.

Lao Zhi's voice came from inside: "Chen Xin, your girl has been returned to you!

You don’t have to worry about our affairs!

It has nothing to do with you to find some fun to relieve your fatigue when you are tired, right?

Besides, one of these two women has a child, and the other is a chicken in this kind of business. Who can be allowed to play but not for fun?

You don't need to worry so much, right? "

Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "No matter what she does, she is just like you, she is a human being!

As long as she wants to, you can play whatever you want.

If she doesn't want to, you can't force her.

If you don’t treat me as a human being, I won’t treat you as a human being.

It's that simple! "

"Damn, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to him!" Taishan cursed angrily, walked out, and said:

"I've been putting up with you for a long time!

Do you think that because you are good at making mistakes, you should not take me seriously?

I've told you so many times, I have the final say here!

Now you try to talk nonsense to me again?

If you weren't worth some money, I would have killed you long ago! "

He walked out of the cave with a pistol in his hand and pointed it at Chen Xin'an's forehead!

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. They didn't expect this man to have a gun in his hand!

But it doesn’t seem strange if you think about it, how could you not have some means of self-defense if you do something like them!

Chen Xin'an watched him approach coldly and said word for word: "Don't point the gun at my head, I will die!"

"Why the hell am I just pointing fingers at you!" Taishan gritted his teeth and cursed at him: "Go to hell!"


The sound of a gunshot shocked everyone!

Guo Zhaodi was so frightened that she screamed loudly.

But the next second, she was stunned!

Like a ghost, Chen Xin'an walked around Taishan and grabbed his gun-holding hand with her right hand.

Forcibly twist the muzzle of the gun and aim it at his head!


There was another gunshot, and Taishan's head exploded into a mist of blood!


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